By: Yahnkehy
Author's note: Hello all, nice to see you again! Hope you like the story, I've really worked hard to bring you something yummy and well thought out –even though I never think anything out more than an hour before my muse forces me to write.
So, let's do the disclaimers, the warnings, and get on with the show! XD
Disclaimer: I am Watase Yuu in disguise, shh don't tell anyone or they will put me back in that horrid little room and make me wear that terrible backwards jacket! Or, well, no, actually, no. I'm just a huge fan //blows cool air\\ haha, I mean I'm a follower of her work and like to add my own little stories to her story line. Then again, if you really needed to know that, then I ask that you make sure you know that this is fanfiction before going much further in.
Warnings: AU-ish, OOC-ish, drunken banter, male/male relations of the graphic sort, something I will warn for after the fic or else it will ruin the surprise, and lots of funny business. If you really need that one warning, please scroll down, but I warn, you will spoil yourself.
Rating: Mature
Keisuke leaned against Tamahome's left side while Tetsuya leaned against his right; all three were very, very drunk. Though, to observing eyes, Tamahome seemed stone cold sober.
Tetsuya had challenged Keisuke and Tamahome to a drinking contest just after the requisite stripper lap dance at the party celebrating their manhood with alcohol, naked dancing girls, and lots of chest puffing. Tamahome was still down after breaking up with his girlfriend of four years, and had –after much argument –agreed to go along with his two best friends for a night out 'with the boys' to 'forget the troubles women caused'.
However unenthusiastically, Tamahome had agreed if only to spend some time out of his apartment with his friends. He'd taken the break up hard, but Miaka had said she was happy; that was all Tamahome ever wanted for her, even if it didn't include him.
Now, after being tossed out of three previous bars, Tamahome, Keisuke, and Tetsuya made their way down the sidewalk. Tetsuya was so drunk that he didn't notice that one of the women in the last bar had taken his prized ray-bans and helped him empty his wallet a little faster by 'forgetting' to bring the obviously drunk man his change. Keisuke was busily singing an old American rock and roll love ballad, though his translation from English to Japanese was slightly off.
Tetsuya, who seemed less inclined to sing until that point, took up where his best friend left off. Tamahome laughed at them, his head swimming but not stumbling or slurring too badly. He held his liquor well; he'd had plenty of practice with Tasuki the last time he'd been in the book with Miaka. Hell, half the time he'd been drunk because Tasuki would dare him to drink a bottle of sake faster than him in the mornings before they'd leave and be thoroughly sloshed for the first half of the day. He'd learned quickly how to act sober after Miaka had ranted at him for being drunk at nine in the morning.
He thanked Tasuki's juvenile drinking dares now; he was drunk out of his mind but could walk a straight line if needed. "Hey, you guys up for one more bar? That one ahead looks like it's got dancers." He asked, the alcohol giving him the backbone to actually offer to go into a strip club.
Drunken nods all around made him grin and he helped his fellow drunks into the bar. They wound up at a table near the front of the stage and after a very lovely –yet not so busty –brunette came by with their first round, the stage lights lowered and over the PA system came a seductively low voice.
"Everyone put your paws together for the lusty, smoking, Crimson!"
Sitting in front of the make-up mirror, Terry sighed at the beautiful woman in the reflective glass. Hair curled yet free of spray to keep it moveable, lush, red painted lips, smoky golden brown eyes done up in deep gray shadow and lined with kohl to accentuate the seductive tilt. The woman in the mirror was everything that a stripper should look like, down to the leather mini skirt, spandex halter-top, and knee high black boots. A small beret sat at a cocky angle on perfectly styled red hair, but the pretty stripper was unhappy with the job.
"Yo, Terry, you're up. We've got a full house, so dance your sexy little ass off. You've only got the one set tonight, so give 'em hell!" Miranda tittered at the red head, then vanished from the doorway.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm comin'." Terry growled and got up. Giving the woman in the mirror a frown, Terry stepped out of the room and to the backstage area. Waiting for the cue music with black painted nails gripping the golden cloth.
The sinuous music began and Terry flung wide the curtains, stalking out with whip in hand, hips swaying to the beat. Taking a turn around the pole that was bolted to the stage, Terry shook her hips in a way that allowed her skirt to ride up and allow the golden thong to just barely be seen. She bent and pressed her ass against the pole, legs spread as she slowly trailed her fingers up her legs and to her breasts. Smoky eyes caught on a group of men at a table closest to the stage, choosing them for the next piece of her dance unconsciously.
Terry smoothly leapt from the stage and landed in a crouch, slowly standing once more and twirling towards the small group of men, hand roaming over the black leather and spandex as the fake whip twitched from side to side, slapping lightly against tanned thighs.
The kind of blurry dancing bit of orange and black was nice. Tamahome smirked to himself, his head wobbling only slightly and he smiled and gave the dancer a steady dark gaze. The alcohol was working wonders inside him. His mind didn't wander to Miaka, his friends were here and there was a very, VERY hot looking girl sashaying over to their table.
Walking around to swivel and shake behind them, seductively tracing sharp nails along the back of their necks, each in turn before climbing up on their table on her hands and knees. Back bowed, knees parted, and ass in the air, she prowled closer to her prey. First she slipped into the obviously drunk dark haired man's lap and ground her hips into his, grasping his neck and flinging her head back as she trailed her nails down his chest. Feet planted on the floor, she shoved him back and crawled into the sandy-blond haired man's lap, using similar methods to gain his attention. When she felt lips at her chest, dangerously close to the one place that these men didn't need to be, she shoved him back as well.
Spinning to sit backwards in the more sober of the trio's lap, she brushed her ass into his hips and clutched his head, pulling him close as if she were making love to him right there.
Only small indications let the fact that this seductive dance was getting to him. Tamahome's breath quickened, his eyes followed the dancer almost predatorily as she made her rounds to his drinking buddies. Finally she was with him. He licked dry lips and let his eyes slip closed, enjoying the teasing brushes and movements of her hips to his. Forgetting about the no-touching rule, he slipped his hands off the chair and ran his palms over the front of her hips, pulling her down.
"Don't tease." he purred in her ear and breathed a path from the back of the ear down her shoulder.
Terry arched back into the dark haired man, swiveling her hips and grinding down against him. "Touching is against the rules but as long as you keep them on my hips, I won't tell." Pulling his head forward, she licked his jaw to hide that she was talking to him.
Gripping his hands, she bounced playfully on his lap in time to the pulsing beat. Drawing her hands up her stomach, feeling his eyes on the movement, she gave a soft gasp as she pinched her nipples through the spandex. "Later, I'll let you touch."
Tamahome's head spun. His pulse was racing and his body was reacting to the sensual movements as she danced on him. He kept his eyes focused on her as she teased him, dark and burning with desire that his body didn't know was not for having, only for looking. His fingers tightened in her tight leather skirt, hiking it up a little higher. His smirk widened as she enticed him with an offer. If she wasn't serious, he wouldn't have known.
She stood then spun to face him, raking her nails down his chest with a soft purr before stalking back to the stage to finish up the last few pieces of the dance.
His blood was boiling for her and he nearly got up and chased after her when she left him with the tingling sensation down his chest.
Tamahome actually made to get up, but Keisuke pulled him back down to his seat. "Down Tama." He giggled through a drunken smile. "This is the las... bar we got… can' get kicked outta here too."
Tetsuya sat back in his chair, head wobbling on his neck as he tried to watch and talk at the same time. "S'not goo for b'siss for men a touch a girlz. Nooo touch, wanna watch for while."
Terry finished up her song, sliding on her knees down the stage floor with one hand cupping her groin and her head thrown back as if in extreme ecstasy. The lights went down as the last flare of the music pulsed into the room. The crowd erupted in applause and when the lights went up, she was gone.
Tamahome jumped to his feet, the movement a little impeded from the rush of alcohol that followed him at his heels, but he erupted into loud applause.
Keisuke was in stitches and trying desperately not to fall out of his seat while laughing so hard.
"That!" Tama said pointing to the darkened stage. "Is my perfect girl." he confessed to Tetsuya and slammed back his near thirtieth drink of the night. His mind was in dark places, wrapping around the body of the red head that was just straddling him. He gave himself a little smirk and licked his lips at the thought.
Shoving into the crowded dressing room, Terry tossed off the spandex shirt and padded strapless bra with a sigh of frustration. Looking in the mirror again, she looked less like a stripper and more like what she was, a dancer in a gay bar. Gently toned pecks gave the illusion of breasts, and the padded bra rounded out the image.
Tossing off the leather skirt, he pulled on a black sequined mini dress and tossed aside the beret. Time to make his rounds as a waitress. The first table he'd stop at would be the one with his impromptu dance partner.
Sashaying out to them, he smirked and settled his hip on the table. "Anything I can get you boys?" He kept his voice soft and husky, not too hard to do with as aroused as his partner had made him during the dance. Cocking his head, he made sure to cross his legs to hide the small bulge that might give him away. "I'll get you anything you want." His eyes trailed over to the sober-ish dark haired man, raking down him appreciatively.
Tamahome cast a dark, sexy gaze on the waitress that came up to them, his eyes wandering down and taking her all in. If anyone knew him -and was sober enough to catch it- that was his first intoxicated give away. Tamahome was no where near as forward or lecherous when sober and would probably smack himself for being so while drunk, but no one caught it. "You promise?" Tamahome responded in an equally deep and seductive voice, noting the way she looked at him.
He reached out a hand and took hold of the waitress' wrist, pulling her closer to him. His hand dipped into his coat pocket and produced a crisp bill. Not bothering to figure out what denomination it was -second drunk signal- he slid his fingers up the red-head's thigh and tucked it neatly in the lacy band that decorated her smooth skin. "For before." he explained.
Terry grinned, eyes never leaving the dark gaze boring into him. "I always keep my promises, handsome." Sliding closer to him, he pressed his hip into the other man's groin and felt a pulse of desire go through him at the rising erection hidden behind dark pants. Sliding the outside of his thigh up his current favorite's front, he pulled him close and licked the corner of his lips. "For later." he teased.
Tetsuya and Keisuke both watched in amusement as the dancer came on to their usually stoic friend, snickering to each other drunkenly and making bets as to how quick Tamahome might find himself another girl.
"I'm holding you to that." He breathed out, the flirting getting a little too much for his inebriated state to handle. She was definitely feeling the reaction she was giving him, her leg pressed firmly between his. He ignored the two laughing at him. "What's your name?"
He smirked, "Terry, but you can call me anything you want, sexy. And yours?" He backed away a little bit, getting a whiff of the alcohol on his breath. "Why don't you gentlemen tell me what you'd like to drink and I'll get it for you?"
Tall, dark and handsome was so coming home tonight. Maybe he was drunk enough to not mind the fact that he was male. "And you," he said, returning his gaze to his favorite. "Will hang out and wait for me? I get off work in about an hour." Smoldering golden-brown eyes pinned the dark haired man and Terry licked his lips.
Tamahome raised an eyebrow at the forthcoming girl. "I guess I don't have a choice." the smirk returned to his lips. "Tamahome and a round a jager." he said, gesturing to the rest of his gang and answering the both questions at once."
Terry leaned forward, almost close enough to kiss, and whispered. "Tamahome, it's nice to meet you." Turning to the other two men at the table, he grinned. "Another round of jager coming up, boys, don't forget about me while I'm away." He cast a seductive glance over his shoulder and slowly meandered away.
Tamahome's eyes were pinned to the delicious lips a breath away from his and nearly snapped down on his own teeth when she moved away again. His tongue licked over his lips again as he drew his head back and rested against the chair.
"That's-e spirit Tama!" Tetsuya raised an empty glass and made to drink it before realizing it was finished already and frowning.
Reaching the bar, he leaned on the smooth, shiny surface. "Mac, gimme three shots a jager for my pretties. I'm cutting out early tonight, have a hot date." He winked and set the three shots down on the small tray and carried them back to the table, scooting around grabbing hands and catcalls.
"I'm back, did you miss me?" He asked flirtatiously, taking a seat on Tamahome's knee as he doled out the shots.
Tamahome raised both brows and looked offended at her question when she came back. "'Course I did." he said in a sly whisper. The third sign of Tama's drunken state showing through in the way he shortened his words. Harkening back to the days he spent with Tasuki in a drunken mess, having the bandit's slang rub off on him.
He put his hand around her waist and kept her where she was, sitting on his knee, her soft skin barely avoiding the throbbing erection just under the jeans he wore. Gods she smelled fantastic.
Holding Tamahome's shot away from his hand, Terry tipped the shot to the dark haired man's lips. "Drink for me, baby?"
He switched his burning gaze from the smooth shoulder to her eyes as she talked to him, holding a small glass up to his lips. "If you'll drink from me later." He cooed at her, with a foxy smile playing over his lips.
The other two were a little too drunk to get the small twist on words with BIG innuendo. They were more concerned with the girl on their friend's lap and her dotting on him.
Tamahome obediently opened his mouth and let her pour the cold liquid in. The taste had long given up to numbness, but the burn still hit him as it slid down his throat.
Terry licked his lips again, pulling the last sip of the shot away to tip to his own lips. "Gladly, Tama." he answered hotly and licked the rim of the shot glass. "It would be my pleasure." Turning to face the other two, he smirked at their stares. "See something you like, boys?"
Tetsuya sat back, wiping his mouth of the small drops of alcohol that had spilled out when he'd upended the glass. "Mmhmm, s'nice. Wanna share 're T'ma? I c'n give 'er a good time when yer done." He stated boldly, leaning forward again.
Keisuke laughed and pushed Tetsuya back, "Nah, gots Yui a' home. Can't take T'ma's girl."
Tamahome smirked at the two's comments, only feeling the hint of nostalgia when Terry called him Tama. That voice saying that name sounded familiar, but the alcohol drowned a lot of it out. "Yui-chan'll beat you senseless." he told Tetsuya without taking his eyes off those bitable lips.
"Touchin's against the rules, ne? I think we might have to find somewhere else to go." he said, directing his words back to the sexy temptress on his lap and trailing one finger down her bare arm.
Terry smirked at the other two's antics, draping his arms around Tamahome's neck. "Sorry boys, but I'm already taken for the night." he squeezed Tamahome slightly and allowed his hands to trail down the firm chest in front of him.
Turning to his new friend, Terry licked dark red lips and dipped his head forward to whisper seductively in Tamahome's ear. "My place or yours? I'm about twenty minutes away, no roommates." Leaning back and putting the tip of one finger in his mouth, he grinned slyly. "Or, there's a room in the back..." he trailed off suggestively.
"You deserve something better than that." he smiled at her. Tamahome parted his lips, wanting to devour the ones in front of him, wanting to taste that flawless skin. He breathed out a sigh at the striking image of a finger in her mouth, his imagination replacing it with something else. "Mine's closer." he whispered back in a much louder voice than he intended and stood up with her. His hand sliding around to the small of her back keeping her pressed against him as he did so.
The music was low and sexy in between acts and it made him move now that he was on his feet. He walked her back in rhythm and leaned over her, forcing her back into a dip and running a finger down over her arm again.
Ooh, this guy was definitely a keeper. Terry fell smoothly into the movements, admiring his grace. One hand went to the back of Tamahome's head, scraping his nails through dark hair as he dipped backwards and exposed his throat. "Good, that means we can take our time." He whispered back breathily as he straightened. Moving slightly out of Tamahome's arms, he spun to put his back to Tamahome's front, his hips swaying seductively and 'accidentally' brushing back against the awakening erection that he knew was there.
Curling one arm over Tamahome's neck, Terry pulled him down. "Just have to get into my street clothes, but I'll be back soon." Licking his ear, he chanced brushing his lips over Tamahome's. "Wait for me? Five minutes."
Tamahome let out a small growling moan as her lips brushed his and a firm ass was pressed to his groin. He wanted her in a bad way. "Any longer and I'll die." he said to her with a grin as she left, holding on to her hips as long as he could before she was too far away for him to touch again.
When she was out of sight, he flopped back down in the chair. The room was spinning and standing up was difficult no matter how easy he made it look.
Tetsuya gave Keisuke an overstated wink and giggled.
Terry hurried to the back, stripping out of the mini dress almost before he was in the dressing room. Grabbing one of the less expensive outfits -since he'd worn jeans and a tee shirt to work that night- and slipped it on. Grabbing up and tugging on the knee length black skirt and white conservative blouse that were usually worn when doing his teacher routine, he tugged on a set of boots and grabbed his bag.
Rushing back, he smiled at his soon to be lover and took his hand. "Do you have to get these two home or should I call them a cab?"
Tamahome chuckled. "I'm seriously in no condition t'get 'em home." He must look a LOT better than his head told him he did, or the girl just had no scruples when it came to drunk driving. "Tetsuya, Keisuke!" he called as he slapped money down on the table. "I'm headin' out. Tell Miaka she's not allowed back. Even if this drunk idiot wants the apartment to himself with Yui." he said pointing at the mess in the chair in front of him.
That hurt, yeah it did still hurt, but the pain was dulled by the massive amount he had drunk and going back to the arm of the blazing beauty he'd picked up, the sting hurt even less. Tamahome gave a brief wave to his buddies and slid an arm around the waist of the pretty girl taking him home.
Terry cocked a brow at the mention of a woman's name. Was he breaking up a relationship by taking Mr. I-can't-wait-to-touch-you home? "Tama, this 'Miaka', she's not in a relationship with you now?" He asked carefully, noting the slight frown on his face when he shook his head. "Her loss, you're mine now, Tiger."
He waved to Tamahome's companions and led him through the bar, waving two fingers at the barkeep to indicate he'd be back later. "Want me to drive? I haven't been drinking. My car is in the back lot if you live too far to walk." The possessive hand at his hip felt wonderful, heat and possessiveness under a gentle grip. He took that to mean that Tamahome would be one hell of a lover.
As soon as they stepped outside, Terry pushed him against the outside wall and raised his lips to claim a kiss that he'd been wanting since he'd first planted himself in Tamahome's lap.
He had been meaning to keep himself in check. In check enough not to take the pretty redhead up against the wall on their way home. It faltered a bit when she pinned HIM and pressed a scorching kiss to his lips. He forgot himself, where he was and just about everything except the heat in his belly and the need to claim her. Tamahome pushed back, parting her lips with his natural gentleness- even in the midst of his passion- and dipping his tongue in to taste her. Forget how her scent was tickling his senses. She tasted magnificent. A breathy moan escaped him and he pulled her in by the hand around her waist, her body pressed against his erection and another groan came out. He moved his fingers up to brush against the side of her ribs. Funny how there wasn't a soft outward curve anymore.
Terry gasped into his mouth, getting his first taste of him was like nothing he'd ever experienced before -and that was saying something. The brush of his erection against Tamahome's brought him fully aware and he pulled back slowly. "Where do you live and can we get there fast?"
He gripped wandering hands and brought them up to his lips, nipping the fingers and then swirling his tongue along the tips. "You do live close by, right?"
Tamahome nodded. "Only a few blocks that way." he said breathlessly and pointed down the street.
The rest of the way went smoother than those five seconds outside of the bar. He was rushing, walking faster than he usually did in such a state, but they got back with only one more incident of groping. Tamahome had just let his hand fall down to the firm curve behind her skirt, feeling the muscles move as she walked and he was ok.
The door proved a little bit more of a problem than the walking though. He had gotten out his keys, but there were so damn many that they all looked similar. Many being five, but damn that was a lot to keep track of when one part of your brain is in your pants and the other is swimming in alcohol.
Opening the door to his small apartment, he took off his shoes and swept her up into his arms.
Terry followed him inside, laughing softly at his trouble with the keys. He had a feeling that Tamahome was expecting a hot woman, what would he do when he found his woman had been magically changed into a man? Slipping into his arms for what might be the last time, Terry pressed his lips gently to Tamahome's more firm ones, a deep sigh of enjoyment falling from his lips as they touched.
Stirred by the soft moan that escaped her lips, Tamahome walked his partner backwards and laid her back on the bed. Kissing up her exposed neck to her chin, his alcohol-glazed mind skipped over the unexpected bump his lips moved over. Pausing to unzip her boots and cast them aside, his hands feathered down her belly and smoothed up the modest skirt. Hungry lips sealed over hers and his tongue searched inside her mouth for the delicious taste he craved.
Terry moaned for him, his head arching back to give him better access. "Ooh, Tama, feels good." he whispered pulling Tamahome down over top of him when hot lips parted his own. His toes curled under the assault, mind hazing out due to the masterful kiss.
He raked his nails down Tamahome's back; bumping his hips up to brush their erections together. 'Gods, if this is all I get, I'll be sexually frustrated for life. Damn, he's so good!'
Something hard hit him from under her skirt. It brushed up against the throbbing arousal that needed taking care of, which made a soft whine escape, but there was something wrong. His hand wandered a bit further, searching for what it was. He found it. Stretching achingly at the thong panties the BOY was wearing. Tamahome's eyes shot open and his drunkenness wavered for a bit.
That was the moment Terry both dreaded and anticipated; when Tamahome found exactly what was hiding under his skirt.
"What?" he asked the person lying under him. The pretty face still made his breath stop, the dark seductive eyes still made him want to go on, but...he blinked down with a sad frown at the boy under him. Surprising how the knowledge lit up a memory inside him he didn't see before. "Tasuki?" he said with a kind of laughing shrug and shake of his head, like he had just been caught in a funny practical joke.
Simmering gold eyes peered up at him, soft red hair spilled over the white pillow, pouting parted and sensual lips asked him to keep going... but...Oh fuck it.
Was it the alcohol or the anticipation? He wasn't sure, but he clamped his mouth over the other man's and he wrapped warm fingers around the stiff surprise he had been hit with.
The name meant nothing to Terry, though it did tug at the back of his head for some reason, but it was brushed aside as hot mouth and warm fingers found him again. 'Yes!' he cried out mentally, relieved and more than a little turned on by the fact that this gorgeous man was okay with him for now. He arched up into the hand around his arousal, lips begging for more as he gripped the broad back tighter. One hand slid from Tamahome's back to his chest, tweaking the nipples under the white button down shirt. A moan escaped him and he thrust again into the warm hand surrounding his cock.
Tearing his lips free for a moment, Terry gasped in panting heaves. "Tama, have- have you done this before? With a- aah with a guy?" His fingers slid down to unbutton the shirt keeping him from his prize. Fiery red curls tumbled over the pillow, framing him in a halo of molten red, golden eyes narrowed in lust, a slight sheen on his skin, Terry arched and writhed as talented hands and hot lips drove him to distraction.
Tamahome gave the man a smile and shook his head, diving back to the hot lips he was parted from for too long to give the simple answer. He helped with the unbuttoning of his shirt, wanting the fabric off of him as soon as possible and then worked on undoing the clasps of the petite work shirt the pretty boy was wearing. It occurred to him, when he said his name, that Terry was probably just a stage name. He would have asked, but passion plus alcohol made the thought slip quickly from his mind.
The man's movements were driving him insane. He wanted him before, but he NEEDED him now.
Terry moaned into his mouth, fingers abandoning the shirt in favor of tearing free the belt and jerking open the dark pants. His hands slipped inside and wrapped around the straining arousal he found. Tearing his lips free once more, he groaned and tightened his grip. "Gods, Tama, feel so good."
Tamahome squeezed his eyes shut and panted out a moan as his arousal was gripped in firm hands. He had to rest on his elbow as his arm went weak with the touch. "Aaa Gods I need you."
He pushed away the thin cotton and nipped down to the tender pink nipples, clamping his mouth around the peaked flesh and rolling his tongue over the hardened nub.
Terry tossed his head back with a cry, the needy words and teasing tongue on his nipple went straight to his groin. "Oh fuck!" His free hand flew up to fist in Tama's hair, holding him in place.
"Want you, ooh, please. Please." He arched again; pushing his hips up into Tamahome's desperately. "Please!" He begged, draping his left leg over Tama's hips, he pulled him closer, feveredly stroking the hard erection in his hands.
Those words were the only thing Tamahome wanted to hear. Keeping his head in place, hot mouth over the erect nipple, he moved his free hand up and under the skirt again, twisting his fingers in the white cotton there and tugging them down to Terry's knees.
Something clicked on in him. Realizing a curiosity he hadn't ever been aware of. Tamahome left teasing of the pink nipple to his hand and kissed down the taut belly, brushing aside the shirt as he went. He paused at the waistband of the skirt, feeling the stiffened erection rubbing against his chin from underneath.
Lifting the dark fabric out of the way with his teeth, he exposed the sizable cock, hard to the point of throbbing. He let the image linger in his mind and his curiosity took over. What did it feel like? Taste like? He licked his lips and tried, licking up the shaft and engulfing the tip with his mouth.
Wet engulfed him and he screamed. "Aah!" Terry's hips flew up, surprised yet not about to complain about it. He lost contact with the arousal that he was playing with, but he wasn't about to bemoan the loss. "Ooh, fuck! W-where'd ya l-learn... oh gods!"
If he could have used his brain at that moment, he'd be curious as to how a man with no previous experience with another man knew how to do that - or why he even wanted to do it- but his brain was full of pleasure and the lovely mouth on his cock. Fingers clenched in dark hair, guiding him as he tried to keep from choking his lover.
The rest of the length was thrust suddenly into the back of his throat. It made his eyes water, but he actually liked the feel of warmth and solid flesh in between his lips and pressing into him. At least for the moment, he was enjoying what he was doing. Not a thought passed his mind, or at least stuck to it that he might regret anything in the morning when his mind was present again.
He hummed vibration through his mouth, moaning at the sensation and the grip of fingers in his hair. His hands slid down to his lover's hips and pulled him farther in.
Terry moaned louder, showing his appreciation as he tried desperately to keep a grip on his pleasure. Vibration around his cock cast all thought of holding back to the wind, "Gods, I-I'm gonna cum, Tama, ooh." He warned, the tingle in the lower part of his spine burning and pulsing in time with his heartbeat. "Stop, or I'm gonna cum." He gasped out, hips already rolling up into that wonderful mouth before he could stop them.
Tamahome let go of the delicious bit he held in his lips, slipping from him with a twitch. He smirked up at the man squirming on the bed. "You rather I'm fucking you when you cum, huh?" Dark eyes burned into his lover's, flashing with new confidence and a fooling look of sobriety.
Terry cried out at the loss, looking down at Tamahome's face with a look of desperate need. "W-want you inside me," he panted, cheeks flushed and skin shimmering in the low light. "Want to feel you inside me when I cum."
He scrabbled over to the edge of the bed where his bag lay and hurriedly pawed through it for the oil and a condom he always kept with him. Finding said items, he got to his knees. "Pants off and lay back, I'll take care of you." he said, pouring a small amount of the oil into his palm before slicking three fingers and moving his hand around to prepare himself.
Tamahome watched the red-head, confused as to just what he was doing in his bag, but laid down anyway, tugging down the pants he was still halfway wearing and tossing them aside. He was beyond the point of caring actually what was going on. He needed release and he needed it to come from the sexy redhead he had taken home, tension and need building inside him since the first time he set eyes on him and danced out their desire.
Terry hurriedly prepped himself, then used the last of the oil to slick Tamahome's rather impressive cock. He stroked slowly, watching the almost purple tipped erection twitch in his hand. Taking this time to calm himself enough so that he didn't cum too soon, he busied his mouth with licking and biting the stiff pink nipples bared to him.
Once he felt he was calm enough, he shifted to straddle Tamahome's hips; his lips never leaving the nipples he was teasing as he moved. He licked a fiery path up to Tamahome's lips, taking them in a molten kiss before he sat up, still stroking the erection he was eager to have within him.
Tamahome threw his head back at the slight touch, moaning and growling at the hot lips over his nipples. He arched and writhed under his lover, much like how Terry had as he had feasted on his movements. Terry sat up and Tamahome knew that this was the moment. His eyes widened in anticipation, holding his lover's gaze in fiery heat.
Terry raised himself up and pressed the straining erection to his slick entrance, easing him inside slowly. His free hand braced against Tamahome's chest as he slowly slid down. "Ooh, Tama." He breathed out slowly; caught in the dark eyes that bled with want and need.
He took in as much as he could, gasping as he was opened and filled. He wriggled to ease the last of the burning stretching and slowly rolled his hips as if he were dancing.
Tamahome's breath caught in his throat as tight heat engulfed him and drew him in. His hands gripped at Terry's hips, wanting more, needing more of it. He was so incredibly tight and it wrapped around him and sucked at him. "Hnn - mmm Gods you're so tight."
A tremor ran through him as beautiful lips moaned his name. It was hard not to cum right there. He was riding the edge already; too much teasing, too much touching, and Terry felt so fucking amazing that if he died right here he'd die happy.
The pace was slow and tantalizing, like a tango. It made waves of pleasure build and break on him. A red-haired god was the center of his world again.
Terry bit back a moan as Tamahome's words sunk into him and ran straight for his cock. He rolled and dipped his hips, dancing as seductively as he had on stage but in a much more fun situation. He was trying to distract Tamahome from coming too soon, and it felt like it might be working. The cock buried in him wasn't twitching nearly as much as it had been.
"Slow, Tama. I wanna make this last all night." He whispered, allowing himself to lean forward and kiss those beautiful lips. A devilish smirk curved his mouth and he slammed his hips down all at once. A pleasured growl slipped past his lips as he once more returned to sitting up. He was determined to drive Tamahome insane with pleasure.
A breathless moan ripped from his lip as he was taken in completely in on swift motion. His toes curled and his eyes rolled up. A look of almost pain etched itself in his delicate features. "AA - Oh gods yes... mmm... Feels so good." His hands pawed at the hips riding him, urging them faster. Eyes half dazed with pleasure and booze.
Terry groaned as his hips rolled slightly faster but not allowing any significant friction. It was torture, really, to keep them both locked in un-sated arousal but Tamahome felt so good inside him that he didn't want it to end.
Deciding that he needed to cum more than he needed to bask in the pleasure of holding Tamahome's cock captive, he leaned down and kissed him again. "Want more?" he asked teasingly before removing himself from Tamahome completely. He turned and dropped to his knees, his shoulders pressing onto the bed as he teased his cock with two fingers. "Come and get it."
The slow, mesmerizing movements stopped, replaced by an invitation and an offer. Tamahome, now operating on animal instinct more than brainpower, practically jumped at the chance.
He wound his arm around Terry's hips and pulled him to cradle against his thighs. He grabbed hold of both of their cocks, stroking his lover's as he pressed the head of his own to the puckered opening. Tamahome ran his tongue from the base of Terry's spine to his shoulder as he pushed in slowly. If he went too fast, he would loose it, but once he was in, he couldn't hold back.
The sensual heat surrounding his aching erection begged for release. "Mmm …good, so fucking tight. Ahh gods you're hot." He purred in Terry's ear as he pounded into him.
Terry moaned, hips arching into the pounding thrusts. "Aah, ooh gods, Tama, so good." He panted, spreading his legs a bit further so that he could push back into the thrusts. Tamahome was wild, fucking him hard and fast and all he could do was beg for more.
"H-harder, more! Tama, gods, fuck me!" He demanded, raising up on his hands and adjusting his hips so that Tama would find his prostate. Lightning shot down his spine as Tamahome's last thrust brushed directly over his pleasure spot. "Oh my god! Tamahome! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!"
He was driven faster than he thought he was capable of, harder than he thought possible by the begging whimpers coming from his lover. His own end closer on the heels of each thrust. He grit his teeth. He could feel himself letting go, a familiar tingling rose to his forehead as he plowed on toward the rising orgasm. "Aa- Gods… cu- I'm... Hnn, mmm. Cum with me. FUCK, gods yes, TASUKI!"
Terry's eyes clenched closed as orgasm rolled over him, the almost painful pleasure of being fucked hard and fast coupled with the begging and broken sounds of his partner's cresting passion flung him into the heavens where he burst apart. "T-Tama! Y-yeah, ooh gods!" he cried out as he spilled himself over Tamahome's fingers and on to the bed.
Tamahome threw back his head and let himself go as the slick wetness of his partner shot out over his fingers.
The feeling of hot wetness filling him brought both joy and comprehension that pulled him out of the post orgasm haze rather quickly. He panted and opened his eyes to find the condom he'd forgotten about laying on the bed at his side.
He doubled over his lover and was nuzzling his back when realized Terry was not so enamored. "What's the matter?" he asked, blinking in confusion. Had something gone wrong?
Terry shook his head slowly, but stopped. "The condom, we didn't use it." He said, his breath still coming in gasping pants. "Who's Tasuki?" Looking over his shoulder, he tried to guess but decided to wait and see if Tamahome would answer.
That was confusing. He'd admitted to never having been with a man before and yet here he was, screaming another man's name as he came. He was usually all for casual sex; no attachments, no commitments, safe sex, have a good time. But, somehow, this was different.
Tamahome's eyes shot open and a big chunk of his happy drunken stupor, if one can call how he rolls when drunk a 'stupor', fell from him. "I'm clean," he said in answer to the condom concern. "You? " It was confusing that this guy was asking about Tasuki. How did he even know the name? But the timing was terrible.
At least the concern of pregnancy wasn't an issue, but disease was something he hardly ever though of. Coming form a world where AIDS didn't exist and only being with Miaka ever before. He was in the clear for both counts, but now the fear gripped at him despite the hazy details and swimming brain.
Terry sat up, "Haven't had sex in five months. Never without a condom." He felt better knowing his partner was clean, but it still felt strange to have something hot and decidedly wet inside him after never having felt it before.
He raised his eyes, a smile on his lips. "So, is Tasuki the one you're in love with? You called me that after you realized I wasn't a woman and then screamed out his name when you came, that's why I ask." He'd feel very bad if he'd gotten between Tamahome and this Tasuki person. Was Tamahome really that drunk when he'd agreed to go home with him? He remembered smelling the alcohol strongly on his breath, but he hadn't acted like a typical drunk so he'd assumed that he was mostly sober.
Tamahome sighed and flopped down on the bed at the relieving news, but his breath caught again when Terry explained what connection he had made about Tasuki.
"Tasuki's a guy I knew for a long time. Red hair, gold eyes, seductive mouth…" Had he just said that? "Well, he looks a lot like you. Maybe if he wore makeup, and he kind of had a similar voice, but... he's got to be long dead by now." Unbelievable sadness, most likely heightened by the alcohol still filling his system, rolled through him. All of them were dead by now and Miaka left him. He suddenly realized how terribly lonely he felt. "I must have gotten a little confused." he explained to the man in his bed. "This is... um I really didn't..."
Terry moved to lie beside Tamahome, pillowing his head on his chest. "I'm sorry that your friend is..." he trailed off, feeling bad for looking like someone special in this beautiful man's past. "You don't have to explain or apologize." He lifted his head and smirked, a single tiny fang appearing over his lower lip. "I don't mind at all. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't breaking up a romance. I'd hafta kick your ass for letting me seduce ya if you were already in a relationship."
He lay his head back down and draped an arm across Tamahome's belly comfortably. "So, did you ever tell him he had a seductive mouth or that you wanted to fuck him like you fucked me?" He teased, grazing his fingers over Tamahome's side lazily.
Tamahome stared dazedly at the small fang that poked out of the smirking lips and shook his head. It was uncanny. "No." he said simply, in answer to the question.
Sleep was heavy on his eyelids after such expenditure of energy. He wrapped his arms around his partner and smiled. It was different, very different and he wasn't ready to admit that he had ever WANTED it, but he certainly wasn't unhappy that he had done it. Sleep came for him quickly.
Terry sighed and lay there until Tamahome's breathing deepened and his arms loosened a little before sitting up and crawling out of bed. He gazed at Tamahome for a moment and grabbed his street clothes out of his bag, pulling them on quietly. He made use of the bathroom, washing the make-up off of his face as well as washing the oil off of his hands.
He came back to the bedside and gathered up the female clothes from the floor, then knelt on the side of the bed and gave Tamahome a soft kiss. Leaning back, he pulled the blankets around him and scribbled his phone number on a small scrap of paper that he set on the nightstand.
If Tamahome called him, then all the better but if not, then he'd had a fantastic time and would always remember him. "G'bye Tama, sleep well." He whispered as he slipped out into the hallway and silently locked the knob and closed the door.
Surprise warning: cross-dressing
So, hope you liked the first installment. This ending begs for another shot, so I'll give it about 4 chapters. :D Hope you enjoyed!