This chapter will be told from different views as we go along so I don't have to write the whole thing from everyone's point of view. So pay close attention and I hope I don't confuse anyone.

Major M warning at the end!

Please if you are underage don't read. . .

Chapter 14 – Reunion


The next weeks seemed like months as they made their way back to Full Moon Bay. Zuko had felt sure they would have run into the Avatar and Katara's brother by now. According to all the information that he had been gathering along the way and what he knew before they left Omashu, he had felt sure they would have crossed paths by now. They were days away from Full Moon Bay, and heading back across to Ba Sing Se, where he had just as soon not go.

"We are only a few days from Full Moon Bay," Katara said as she sat down across from him, the camp fire crackling between them.

Zuko looked up from his scroll and took a deep breath; Katara had barely made descent conversation with him since he figured out she could see several weeks ago.

"What?" She asked taking the hair pins from her hair.

He tried not to stare. "I just knew that we would have come across your brother and the Avatar by now. I was truly hoping that we would not merit a reunion in the city, too many prying eyes there." Zuko rolled the scroll back up and laid it beside him.

"The Dai Li won't make it easy that's for sure." She smoothed her hair out with her fingers.

"No, no they won't." Zuko grabbed another piece of wood and tossed it into the middle of the orange flames. Sparks and ash flew up, a blaze of white illuminated Katara's gentle features, again he averted his eyes.

"You will defeat her Zuko."

Zuko looked up from the flames with a bit of a bewildered look.

"Azula. You will defeat her and take back the Fire Nation," she said smoothly, as she rounded the fire and sat beside him on the rough log. "You do know that—don't you?" She placed her hand on his. "I have faith in you."

"I haven't managed to yet," he answered, his voice dry as he slid his hand from beneath hers. "It seems that everyone that tries to help me," he trailed off.

"Don't go there Zuko." Katara moved her hand and laying her palm on his scar. "I prefer not to be patronized."

She kissed him lightly on the cheek and then got up to head off to her tent.

Once again he had too many thoughts clouding his mind, all of which demanded his full attention it seemed at the same time. The first was his sister and how he could take what was rightfully his. He had been cheated out of his birth rite by her all his life and he was finally ready to take it from her. The only problem was making it into the palace to do so. She was always a step ahead of him no matter what; she seemed to know his moves before he did. It was like she lived in a tiny room in his head taking notes. She did always tell him he was so dramatic and predictable. His uncle had taught him that he should think things through, and he was still working on a plan to remove Azula from the throne once and for all.

Secondly was Katara, things with her had turned into such a complicated situation now. It was hard enough to read her when she was blind, but now he just couldn't seem to grasp any of her emotions. Tonight was the first real conversation she had had with him in weeks. He would sneak around like a thief watching his Uncle practice her bending with her. Every move she made he was there in the distance watching, making sure nothing happened to her, knowing that she could take care of herself, but still he felt the need to protect her. And every now and then he could see the fear of him wash over her and it made him sick to his stomach.

The Avatar. That brought up a whole new situation altogether. He feared greatly that when they did reunite with Aang that he would lose Katara forever. But that emotion he tried desperately to bury deep in his soul. Zuko had been preparing himself for the choice he was sure she would make, none the less it didn't make it any easier.

So much tormented his mind, how could he possibly think clearly about anything?

Zuko put more wood on the fire and stared into the mesmerizing flames as he attempted to ponder what was most important at the moment. His concentration was broken by faint sobbing coming from Katara's tent. He stood and headed for Katara's tent, he stopped just short of the entrance.

"Katara?" he said in his rough voice.

The crying came to an abrupt end.

"Katara?" he questioned the entrance flap again.

She didn't respond; Zuko reached for the opening and hesitated briefly before entering the tent. Inside he found Katara sitting with her legs crossed and her face in her hands. He could see she was crying into something, a couple of string like objects. Moving around her he sat down behind her and pulled her to him, holding her; she turned her head and cried into his chest, like she had done in Ba Sing Se.


As the sun melted into the distant water Iroh took a walk around the perimeter of their camp, something in him told him that it would be an eventful evening. Although he couldn't quite put his finger on it, a shift in the wind carried a different scent, and being in the shadows was the best place for him right now. He had heard the sobs coming from Katara's tent as he was drinking his tea, he could only guess what had her upset, not that she wasn't carrying her share burdens too these recent weeks, he hoped Zuko listened and did not speak. He always had a way of seeming so harsh when he didn't mean to be.

The Gang:


"We should make camp soon," Sokka said in a tired voice as he pushed back the branch of a low tree. "It won't be long until dark."

"There's a place just over the next hill, with fresh water, nearby caves and a natural hot springs," Smellerbee informed them. "We've camped there a few times before."

Sokka nodded his head.

As they topped the hill Toph stopped suddenly.

"Do you smell that?" she asked sniffing the air.

"It smells like it has for years, charred earth." Sokka walked past her beginning his descent down the hill as the sun began to fade.

"No, this is a fresh smell of charred earth," Toph retorted and reached out grabbing Sokka's arm. "Somebody's down there."

"How can you be sure, it's probably just the wild animals," Sokka huffed and continued walking.

"Sokka," Toph sounded annoyed, "I know the difference between humans and animals."

"How many are down there?" Aang asked believing her.

Longshot gripped his bow tighter in his hand.

"Three maybe four," Toph answered as she squatted and placed her palm face down on the earth. "Guys," she said shifting her eyes up to them.

"What is it Toph?" Aang knelt beside her.

"It's them," she said with a half smile, "Katara is down there."

Sokka and Aang held the same expressions on their faces—apprehension.

"Hold on guys," Smellerbee said holding up a hand to them.

"Even if it is Katara, we don't know the situation, we can't go down there just storming the camp."

"I think we can take an old man and a crazy hot head." Sokka gripped his sword tightly.

"Smellerbee's right Sokka," Toph put a hand in his chest as she spoke.

"I agree we can't storm them, we should try to keep Zuko an ally for the time being," Aang added. "If possible."

"Fine, but one false move and he's dead," Sokka stated coldly and then moved forward.

They all moved down the hill and nearer to the river where it seemed that many travelers had camped before. No one spoke; they were all on the defensive watching for anything out of the ordinary. The closer they got to camp; it was evident that Toph was right. Through the trees just a few hundred yards away, a camp fire was visible and smoking fish were hanging above the flames.

"We should split up and circle the camp, that way if Zuko isn't on friendly terms with us, it will be harder to for him to attack us," Sokka stated, motioning the others to spread out and move in closer. They all moved out and began circling the camp. "Toph, you stick with Momo and Appa."

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Whatever." And she continued forward also, with Momo on her shoulder and Appa at her heels.

"We don't want to startle Zuko," said Sokka, his teeth gritted.

"Something tells me, that won't be a problem," Toph said moving to her basic Earthbedning stance.

"Hello Toph, Sokka," Zuko said smoothly from behind Sokka.

Sokka turned on his heel and had his sword pulled from its sheath, his knuckles gripping the handle so tightly they were white.

"Where's Katara?" demanded Sokka, in a very ill mannered voice.

"Easy Sokka," Zuko said holding up his hands. "Katara's fine, she's at the camp, with uncle."

Sokka almost didn't recognize Zuko, except for the obvious scar; something about him was very different than the last time he remembered. What it was he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"You better hope she's fine," gritted Sokka.

"She is, I promise." He let his hands down to his side. "She'll be happy to see you, all of you."

"Take us to her." Sokka flicked the end of his blade at Zuko.

Zuko nodded his head in compliance.

"Don't try anything funny, we have the place surrounded," Sokka informed him.

"I know." Zuko turned and began walking toward their camp.

As they approached camp Sokka saw the one tent, carriage and two ostrich horses tied to a tree. He looked around but didn't see Katara or Zuko's uncle anywhere. Zuko walked to the entrance flap of the tent poked his head in and then returned to the fire pit, sitting on a large stone. By this time, Aang, Smellerbee and Longshot had joined them. Still no one spoke and the silence in the air was uncomfortable. They were all looking at each other and the tent as if they were waiting on a queen or something.


It wasn't long after Zuko had stuck his head in the tent until Katara came out. When her eyes fell on her brother and Toph, then Aang, she looked liked she had seen a ghost. The edges of her mouth trembled, and tears began to streak her cheeks, it was as if her legs had turned to jelly, and she couldn't make it to Sokka fast enough.

"Sokka," she sobbed as her body thudded against his. "I thought I would never see you again." Her face was buried in his shoulder.

Sokka's arms were wrapped tight around his sister. He held to her like that for several long minutes, they were having conversation between sobs, it was barely audible. Finally Katara stopped long enough to turn her attention to Aang.

"Aang," she cried as she took a step toward him, "Oh, Aang."

Her arms squeezed him tightly, so tight he thought he might pass out. But it didn't take long for him to hold on to her, he held her tighter than he had ever done before.

"Where have you been," she whispered in his ear, her hands clutching his hair. "I have missed you Aang."

Aang didn't answer her; he just buried his face in her hair. The scent was so strong it nearly knocked him down. She smelled like fire, and not the fire that was burning in the pit. It was different. But he pushed it to the back of his mind and remembered that the important thing was she was alive, and well.

He didn't let go of her until she was ready to be let go of. She pulled back and looked at him, studying his face with her hand, it too smelled like Fire. Aang closed his eyes and placed his hand on top of hers.

"Are you okay?" he whispered to her, bringing her hand down to his heart. She appeared to be in great health, her eyes looked tired, but over all very well kempt. No visible signs of struggle anywhere that he could see.

She nodded her head, as tears still stained her cheeks, making puddles on her, black clothing. She reached up and kissed him gently on the lips, he kissed her back softly, and it was almost too much, she even tasted of Fire.

Then she turned her attention to Toph, and did the same with her, cried uncontrollably and squeezed her tightly.

Aang watched Zuko as he seemed to try not to look at Katara or him. Sokka was also watching Zuko, but he didn't think for the same reasons he was. Sometime during all the emotions Iroh had joined Zuko at the fire pit. He was saying something to him, but Aang couldn't tell what it was, whatever his uncle had said to him he agreed by nodding his head, and prodding the fire. Zuko had changed even more so than the last time Aang remembered him.

Soon they all sat around the pit and began idle chit-chat about the last weeks. Aang knew the question they all wanted to ask him, and he was very appreciative that they didn't. After a while of talking, eyeing each other, and filling their hungry stomachs, the conversation began to die down, the moon was full again and had risen over the tops of the trees, but in the distant snow clouds were threatening the sky.

"Well I don't know about you all," Toph stood from the fire pit, "but I'm beat." She walked out a few yards from the fire and stomped the ground making several earth tents. "Sokka you coming to bed soon?" she asked him.

He nodded his head.

Aang saw Katara's eyes widen at the invitation from Toph to her brother. Then she looked at him, he just shrugged his shoulder and smiled awkwardly.

"We all should get some rest," Iroh said from the other side of the fire in his usual wizened voice. "Tomorrow will be a long day."

"One of us should take watch," Sokka said as he stood. "I did it last night."

"So did I," added Zuko.

"I'll do it," Aang said, looking at Zuko.

Zuko stood and said goodnight, he turned to Katara and laid his hand gently on her shoulder and squeezed it. He bent and said something to her, but Aang couldn't hear him with his back to him. He bid his good nights to Sokka, then him before disappearing into the tent.

Aang wanted to be alone with Katara more than anything, but he respected the moment and excused himself from the fire pit to go and get cozy with Appa, for a long night of guarding. Momo seemed to have found retreat in Katara's lap.


Sokka watched until Aang disappeared behind the trees then he turned his glare on Katara. She was playing with Momo, feeding him some sort of berry from her pouch with a Fire Nation Emblem on it.

"Since when did you become Fire Nation Royalty?" Sokka asked carefully.

Katara lifted her eyes up from the white furry animal only to catch a brief bit of eye contact with him before turning her attention back to Momo. "It's very complicated Sokka."

He smiled faintly and looked in the direction of the largest earth tent. "Yes, matters of the heart tend to be." He turned his eyes back to his sister.

"Maters of the heart," she said, trying to sound offended. "Sokka, you have been gone too long."

"This is true, but so have you little sister, and so has Aang."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Katara snapped her head back up to look at him.

"All I'm saying is things can happen, Katara." Sokka propped his elbows on his knees. He was feeling much calmer about this now than when he first noticed it.

Katara closed her eyes and Sokka saw a tear streak her cheek.

"We all knew you had a crush on Zuko before things went to hell, and we all got split up." Sokka picked up a stick and began doodling in the dirt, and then he looked up at Katara. "Do you trust him?" he asked sincerely.

Zuko and Katara had been on rocky grounds several times and she had threatened him with his life on more than one occasion if he was to double cross them. Sokka knew that Aang meant the world to Katara, and she would do whatever it took to protect him, from anyone. But six years was a long time to be away from someone you love not knowing if they were dead or alive. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and he wanted to make sure Katara wasn't feeling desperate.

"Yes, I trust him Sokka," she admitted softly.

Sokka moved to where she was sitting and poked the fire, causing it to roar and crack drowning out their voices over the camp.

"How did you find him again?" he asked her.

"I didn't find him, he found me," she answered, petting Momo's white fur.

She proceeded to tell him of her time at the Pavilion, how she had lost her sight after the battle with Ty Lee, and how then how Madame Maru took her in. Then how news spread back through the city that Zuko was back in the Fire Palace as head of the Fire Army in Ba Sing Se.

"So how was it he found you?"

"For some awful reason or another Madame Marou decided to put me on the main floor, my assistant Lin was so excited. Mind you I couldn't see anything only shadowy figures, nothing definitive." Katara seemed to shutter at the memory.

"On the main floor, you mean to be a," Sokka started.

"—yes. I made it through the majority of the evening; it was nearly time for the Pavilion to close when a group of Fire Nation Soldiers came in. I always hated it when they came in; they always drank too much and ended up being too rough with the girls in the Pavilion. This night was no different, except one of them spotted me in the corner, and paid for me for the rest of the evening."

Sokka listened intently.

"They got too rough when I refused one of them, and turned the Pavilion upside down. Zuko was just happening by and heard the commotion. He must have recognized me immediately. I was scared to death, he has a voice like no other, and I knew it was him when he called down the group of soldiers. At this time I still believed he was the one who ratted us out in Ba Sing Se and terrified that he was about to reveal who I was. What he did next saved my life, at the time I wasn't sure, but now I am certain."

"What happened?" asked Sokka absorbedly.

He accused me of causing the ruckus, and then made me do the echo game in the Pavilion in front of all the patrons. Now mind you I couldn't see, and I hadn't done any bending in several years, but the dress he required for the game had these long ribbons for sleeves and the head dress was so annoying, but I was using them as extensions of my arms, like water bending. They lashed out and licked his cheeks several times before he stopped me with a blade to my throat and arrested me.

"He arrested you!" Sokka said a little louder than he intended. "Arrested you," he said in a lower voice.

"Yes and left me in jail for three days, but then he rescued me, took me to Iroh, where he has been helping me regain my sight and bending. I am very much indebted to the both of them."

"Iroh?" questioned Sokka.

"Yes with acupuncture, massages, herbs and teas." She smiled faintly again.

"And at some point during all this you have fallen in love with Zuko," claimed Sokka.

Katara started to deny the statement but then thought better of it.

"Yes," she admitted, "somewhere at some point I have."

"Are you going to tell Aang," he asked.

"Tell him what Sokka? See that's the problem, I love Aang too, I will never stop loving Aang, never."

"And Zuko, does he know this?"

She nodded her head.

"Sokka, I think it's why Aang left the first time."

Sokka cleared his throat.

"We all have to grow up and accept the reality that stares us in the face sometime Katara. It's not always the reality or destiny we had in mind, but none the less it's there."

"I never meant to love Zuko—

"—Katara. You can't help who you love…you just do."

"You're taking this better than I thought you would," she confessed.

"Well, I can make a really big deal about it and make myself and everyone else miserable, but I figure you and Zuko are capable of sharing this burden. Besides it will all trickle down and make us all miserable eventually."

"You are still such a master of compassion Sokka."

"Hey, some things are better with age." He smiled proudly.

"He is the one that had you transferred out of Azula's palace," commented Katara causally.

"I'll have to thank him for that," he replied sarcastically, "the palace was better than Omashu; at least at the palace she had me doing personal servant stuff."

"Personal-servant-stuff?" questioned Katara lifting an eyebrow.

"Very personal," he answered, almost relishing in the fact. "In actuality, I was disappointed when she let me go. But I guess with all new play things Azula gets tired of them when she no longer bares a firm torturing hold on them." He lifted his shirt and turned his back to Katara, showing her the scars burned deep in his skin there. "She's very sick and twisted; Azula is, very sick and twisted indeed," he said over his shoulder.

"What did she do to you Sokka?" Katara was running her fingers over the deep scars. "You have to let me try to heal them."

"Nah, their too deep, and besides, I've grown accustomed to them there."

"Sokka, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you enjoyed your time in Azula's keep."

"Some of it was gratifying," he admitted as he turned back around straightening his tunic. "She herself was easily tortured, a head case she is; she has her weaknesses and fears."

"You learned all this about her how?" Her gaze studied him.

"Well, as you know when you share a bed with someone Katara, you learn many things about them."

Just as he expected her eyes got as big as Momo's.

"You're telling me that you and Azula," she cleared her throat and made some kind of motion with her hands.

"Yep," he said indifferently. "At first it was to torture me, break me, see if I would resist. I played her game with her, whatever she wanted to play. She could be very brutal at times mind you, using a fire whip, or..." Sokka's lip curved in a faint smile. "But after a while the constant whipping and torture stopped and it was a different game we were playing. It's hard to explain," he paused, "but I know things about Azula that I bet even Zuko doesn't know."

"You got that close to her?"

Sokka exhaled forcibly and nodded his head.

"You didn't love her did you Sokka?" Katara asked with fear lacing her voice.

"No. I didn't love her. I felt, feel sorry for her actually."

"Feel sorry for her?" she hissed at her brother, "Sokka look at around you, she has done this."

"Not by herself," he defended her casually, "but none the less, she has had a chance to make a difference and she chooses not to. So therefore she has to go down."

"How long were you at the palace?"

"I don't know a year maybe, before being sent to Omashu." He was silent for a moment. "Oh and the other's don't know about this."

Katara studied him for a long moment; he could see the pain in her eyes that she felt for him, for his long imprisonment.

"I'm going to turn in," he stood and held down his hand to Katara.

"Me too," she said looking in the direction that Aang went in.

"Don't distract him too long, he is keeping watch tonight," Sokka said smiling still.

Katara nodded her head. "Good night Sokka." Her arms wrapped around him again. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too," he said squeezing her tightly.

Sokka watched as Katara headed to where Aang had gone to take watch with Appa, before he entered the large earth tent.


"You should be getting some rest," Aang said in a low voice, his arms propped behind his head, his body stretched out on the ground next to Appa.

"I know," said Katara as she moved closer to him. "But with all the excitement, I can't sleep."

Aang sat up to see her standing over him, looking down at him a sweet smile stretched her lips. Sitting beside him, crossing her legs in a meditative position she reached out and ran her hands through his long tangled hair. Then over his face tracing his scars that he merited over the last years, her fingers felt like silk strands over his rough skin.

"Come with me." He stood and held his hand down to her.

He held her hand as he led her down to the stream, the full moon shining brightly on the moving water.

He wanted to ask her how she had faired over the last years, but didn't know how she would react to such an obvious question.

"How did you get here—with Zuko?" he asked as gentle as possible.

She began telling him of how they all got separated in Ba Sing Se, and how she somehow made it to Madam Maru's Pavilion. Then how Zuko came across her there, arrested her, rescued her. How she lost her sight, how Iroh had helped her regain it and now here they were on a hunt for them.

"Where have you been Aang?" she asked looking at him with confusion.

"I promise, I will tell you," he paused and then said, "When the time is right." He knew it was lame, but it would have to do until he was sure he could tell her without her hating him for the rest of his life.

"I missed you so much Aang," she said looking into his eyes, hers brimming with tears, again.

"I missed you too," he said with conviction.

He took her into his arms holding tightly to her, clutching her long silken black hair in his fists. Pulling back he looked down at her, the river was washing away the fire smell that was imbedded deep in her skin. She was more beautiful than he remembered. Leaning down, his mouth covered hers, soft lips met his, moving slowly, unsure, like the first time he kissed her.

"Aang," she whispered into his mouth.

He deepened the kiss, but she hesitated for a brief moment. Moving his lips from her mouth to her cheek, down her jaw and neck to the black fabric, trimmed in red silk, a vehement rush of fire filled his nostrils again. He tried to pull back, stop himself but he couldn't, and her gripping hands into his hair only encouraged him. Gently, he put his leg behind hers, bent her knee and laid her softly on the river bank. Hovering above her, the moon shown on her face illuminating her in a glowing beauty, unearthly almost, he had nearly forgotten just how beautiful she was.

Lowering himself down, his lips met hers again. Unconsciously his knee was between hers. Letting his weight rest in the vee of her legs, he could feel the heat radiating from her; it was proving to be too much for his self control. Kissing her feverishly, she put her fingers between their lips, stopping him.

"Aang," she whispered in hurt voice. "I can't do this." Her breath hot, as if laced with fire again.

Those were the last words he wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry," she said trying to console him. "I can't."

Aang said nothing and pushed himself from on top of her, then helped her to her feet.

"We should get back to camp."

She said nothing, only followed him back to camp.

Once back to camp, Aang watched her disappear into the Fire Prince's tent. It was hard to see, and it took all he had not to flee or just go and kill him. But he didn't he slid against Appa and laid awake staring at the stars praying that he be given the strength to make it day by day.


Katara entered the tent and saw Zuko lying on his back, his hands behind his head, his feet crossed at the ankle. The moon was shining so brightly through any viable opening into the tent, and a beam of light struck right across his face. His eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep. Kneeling beside him, she ran the back of her hand across the smooth side of his face. She could feel the warm air escape his nostrils; slowly she lowered her face to his, her hair falling around her shoulders feathering his mouth. Suddenly she saw the gold of his eyes staring into hers.

"Did I wake you?" she whispered.

He shook his head.

"What happens now Zuko?"

Sitting up, he reached his hand up, pushing her hair back from her face.

"I don't know Katara," he said softly.

"We can't take back what's between us now," she said, tears threatening her voice. "It's something that will be with us forever."

"I know," he said seriously, stroking her cheek.

"I didn't bargain for this, for you," she said her lips pressing together.

"I know you didn't," he responded calmly, moving closer to her. "And I know you love Aang," he paused, pushing her hair back again, "and if he is the one—

Katara cut his words short with her lips pressing to his.

"One question Zuko." She pulled back looking at him intently. "Do you want me? And I'm not talking about in a heated passion to soothe our itch either."

"I want you Katara," he admitted, cupping her face with his strong hand, "I have for a long time. It never made sense to me; I was possessed by you all those years ago in the Crystal Caverns. I couldn't even reason with it," he said, a bit of frustration underscoring his words.

"Gran-Gran always said that the only time reason fails is when we try to convince our mind of something that our heart knows isn't true."

It was too dark to see his eyes clearly, the sharp planes of his face shadowed. In the sparse, mystic moonlight that filtered in the tent his eyes looked as black as midnight.

"I do want you Katara." He was kneeling mere inches from her now, his hands firm on her shoulders. "I will give you everything. Everything I have."

She peered at him. He was perfectly still, motionless at a tiger before the killing lunge. He closed his eyes and then opened them again; she could see such devastation in them.

He hurt. And something in her desperately wanted to take it away.

"Zuko," she whispered.

He crushed her in his arms and in one powerful swift motion had her laid back on the ground. His mouth was hot, and hungry on hers, and she for a mere moment forgot where she was and that they weren't alone anymore. Zuko was kissing her as if his life, his soul depended on it.

He sealed his mouth tightly over hers, his fiery tongue seeking, claiming. He thrust his hands into her hair, warping handfuls around his fists. There was something about him, rawness, an earthly sensuality that bordered on barbaric, something she'd never be able to explain to anyone else. A woman would have to be kissed by the Fire Prince to fully understand how devastating it was, and how it could bring her to her knees.

For a moment, Katara couldn't move, she couldn't even manage to return his kiss, only take it. Clothes began peeling away from them both, until it was skin against skin. The feeling of consumption washed over her; feverishly she wrapped her legs around his hips.

Tangling her fingers in his thick, silky hair, she strained against him, arching forward each time he thrust, meeting him. Her lips were locked with his, her tongue pressed deeply into his mouth. She was delirious with need. Where her defense had gone that she had been able to hold up for the last weeks, not only fell, it toppled.

Katara tried helplessly to make no noise, her eyes wide, watching his beautiful dark face, taut with lust while he brought her to her mind-numbing peak. Her legs tightened around him, the palms of her hands clutched his shoulders, and her head tilted back. He cradled her jaw with his palm, forcing her face back to him, seizing her mouth for more urgent, heated kisses, until his body jerked and went rigid on top of hers.

As Katara laid there in the aftermath of her demise, pressed tightly against the warmth of Zuko's naked flesh, she closed her eyes and rested peacefully for the first time in weeks.

Update soon...

Okay so I know it has been a very long time since I last updated with this story...but I got dicouraged by the actual ending of the series... but hopefully now I am back on track, I am planning on updating this more often now. How often I can't say, but not another long year...sorry for making you wait. I am still writing this very much on the Zutarian Fantasy. So no it will not be canon...very much anyway. Thanks.