Chapter 1

Nancy drew and her friends Bess and George were eating at a diner after school.

"So how's Ned, Nancy? We haven't seen him around lately." George Fayne asked Nancy as she looked at her menu. She brushed some of her dark curly hair behind her ear as she looked at Nancy.

"Oh he's fine. He's just been busy with his work at the news paper." she looked at her two friends and thought about how completely different they were. Bess and George were cousins but that's where the similarity stopped. Bess had long blonde hair and blue eyes and loved shopping, boys and fashion. George on the other hand had dark curly hair and was totally athletic. She loved to run and play pretty much any sport.

"So you guys are okay?" asked Bess.

Nancy gave her a quizzical look. "Yes why wouldn't we be?"

"Oh no reason its just the me and George thought. . . " she trailed off.

"Hey why are you including me in this I never said that!" George told her cousin.

"yeah but you were thinking it." Bess told her with an innocent smile. George just rolled her eyes and smiled.

After they ordered and got their food George asked if Nancy was working on any new cases. "No actually." she said, "its been strange, nothing has happened. No burglaries, kidnappings, threatening letters. Life has become totally boring."

"Isn't the fact that nothing bad has been happening a good thing? And I thought that you loved getting relaxation time?" she said.

"I usually do, but its been so long since I've had a good mystery that isn't happening in a book." Besides solving mysteries, Nancy also loved to read mystery books.

"just think of it as the calm before the storm." Bess suggested. Just then Nancy's cell phone rang and she got it out of her purse.

"speaking of mysteries, guess who's calling?" Nancy asked the girls.

"hmm. . . could it possibly be Bayport's favorite detectives Frank and Joe Hardy?" George said jokingly.

"As a matter of fact yes." she said laughing at George.

"Oh tell Joe I said Hi!" Bess told Nancy as she answered the phone. George just rolled her eyes, it was no secret that Bess and the younger hardy brother Joe had a thing for each other.

"Hey Hardy! What's up?"

"Hey Nancy! As much as I would like to say that I just called to talk, I, or Joe and I, need your help on a case." Frank answered.

"Really! That's great! Oh bye the way, tell Joe that Bess says hi." Nancy said.

"I'll tell him. I didn't know that you would be so enthusiastic about helping out." He replied.

"Well not only do I get to work with to great detectives, but there are no mysteries here and I am so bored!"

Frank laughed and said, "Well, we're on our way to River Heights, so we'll meet at your house and tell you about the case. Okay?"

"Perfect. See you there in. . ." she trailed off realizing that she had no idea where they were.

"About an hour." Frank replied. Then they said good bye and hung up.

"So what was that about?" Bess asked after Nancy had hung up her cell phone and was putting it back in her purse.

"Frank and Joe need help solving a case and they want me to help!" Nancy said unable to hide her excitement.

"Really? What's the case about?" George asked.

"Um. . . well I'm not really sure about that. They said that they were on their way to River Heights and that they would meet me at my house in about an hour." she said. "You guys are welcome to come along if you want."

"Really? Cool! I wonder if we could help?" Bess wondered.

"Bess, do you really want to help or do you just want to be around Joe?" George teased her cousin.

Bess threw a fry at her. "I want to help."

"Sure." George said as she and Nancy started laughing.

"Nancy! Your not supposed to help her gang up on me!" Bess squealed.

"I'm sorry Bess, but you can't say that you don't want to see Joe." Nancy said.

Bess blushed, "Okay, so I want to see Joe."

They all laughed then finished their meal and went back to Nancy house. When they arrived it was almost time for the boys to get there. Nancy went in and said hello to Hannah, her housekeeper, and her father. She told her father that the boys were going to come over and about the mystery.

"Good. you've been moping around here with nothing to do lately." he told her. She rolled her eyes and ran down stairs as she heard the doorbell ring. As she went down stairs she heard George, Bess, Frank and Joe all talking in the living room.

"Hey Hardys!" she said as she walked into the room.

"Hey Nancy." they said in unison then they got up and hugged her.

"So what's the scoop on the case boys?" she asked as soon as they had all sat down.

"Well in Daytona, Florida there is a couples get away resort. Last week two newly weds were murdered there. A friend of our fathers knows someone who works there and gave them our number and they want us to come and investigate, but only couples are aloud there and that's where you come in." Fred looked at Nancy and Bess. "We figured that Nancy could play my girlfriend and-"

"Bess could be mine." Joe finished.

"Okay." Bess said. Nancy laughed and nodded.

"Great! So now we have a plan. We're going to leave tomorrow on the 1:30 afternoon flight and we have to drive to the airport so I think that we will leave about 9 A.M. tomorrow. okay?"

"Nine in the morning? ugh." Bess groaned.

"Cheer up Bess, at least you get to go." George said.

"Sorry George but don't you have that soccer game this week?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. Its in two days, so I guess that'll be good. Its the last big game before the tournament, but that means I have to spend spring break here all by myself!"

"I'm sorry George, but it probably won't take the whole spring break. We'll be back before you know it!" Bess said.

"Yeah okay." George said. then looked at her watch. "Oh my gosh I have to go or I'll be late for soccer practice!" George picked up her stuff and ran towards the door. "Come on Bess!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she said getting up from her spot on the floor and walking to the door. "Bye guys I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah bye!" George said pulling Bess out the door.

"well I guess we better get going. We'll see you tomorrow, bright and early okay?" Frank said.

"Frank can't we just leave tonight and get a hotel there so we don't have to get up tomorrow?" Joe asked.

Frank rolled his eyes then smiled at Nancy. "See ya in the morning."

Nancy laughed and told them good bye. Then she went up to her room.

A couple hours later Nancy was on the phone talking to Ned and telling him about the case. "I don't like it Nancy."

"What don't you like?" Nancy asked him.

"Your going to go away to a romantic place with another guy!" Ned practically yelled in to the phone.

"Ned its on business its not like I'm going because I'm in love with Frank."

"Yeah well I don't understand why I can't just go and George play Franks girlfriend and you mine!"

"Because Ned the resort is only paying for four people to go and besides George is busy!" Nancy told him.

Ned sighed. "Yeah I guess."

Nancy rolled her eyes. "Look I gotta finish packing. I'll call you when I get to Florida tomorrow. Kay?"

"Yeah Nancy. I love you. Bye"

"I love you too. Bye." They hung up and Nancy finished packing, then sighed laying down on her bed. She new that she was getting tired of Ned's jealousy problem. Sometimes she thought it was sweet how protective of her he was, but other times it was just annoying. Like with the whole Frank thing, Ned should have known that Nancy wouldn't cheat on him, not purposely anyway, the thing in eygpt was just a spur of the moment thing.

She got up and changed into her pajamas, then set her alarm, turned off the lights and went to sleep.