Disclaimer: I do not own the show Hannah Montana or any of the characters, except for the uber creepy mean dude.
I was walking along the road, minding my own business. I never knew a thing before a dirty hand reached out from a dark alley and dragged me in. I tried to scream but the hand clamped over my mouth.
He kept one hand over my mouth and with the other, he hauled out a knife. Pressing the blade against my neck, he leaned in and whispered in my ear.
"Give me your money, little girlie." He released his hand from my mouth, knowing that I wouldn't dare scream with the knife pressed against my throat.
I shivered. "I don't have any money," I stuttered. It wasn't a lie. I really didn't have any on me.
"Well, that's hard to believe ... Hannah Montana," snarled the man.
I gasped a little, but I tried to hide my shock at him knowing my secret. "I don't know what you're talking about," I whimpered.
"Don't play innocent with me," he snapped, pressing the knife slightly harder against my neck. I swallowed hard. That blade was dangerously close now. "I know all about you. I know who you are, and your daddy, and your brother, and your best friends. I will get your money, and if I have to hurt them all in the process, well ... so be it."
Daddy? Jackson? Lilly and Oliver? No. He couldn't hurt them. I wouldn't let him.
"I'll never let you hurt them!" I cried, before I realized that maybe I shouldn't speak to him like that when he was holding a knife to me.
He was about to reply when suddenly, I heard sirens. The man's head snapped up. He released his hold on me, and took off down the road. I couldn't see him anymore within a matter of seconds.
The realization of what had almost happened to me suddenly struck me, and I sank to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. And that was where the police officers found me a few minutes later.
A/N: What do you think so far? Good, bad, mediocre? lol. Please review, thanks:)