Disclaimer: I am not J.K.R. people! If I was I would be writing fanfics about Harry, not Snape. lol

Thank You: Thanks to razzmataz and charmedpotterprincess for encouraging me to write more. And again to my bffl, Kelsey, because she is my Lily.

Severus Snape stood out on top of the Astronomy tower, just a little past one in the morning. He wasn't worried. The Slytherin prefects were on duty tonight and wouldn't give him a punishment for being out this late. Slytherin. That was the house he was in. How he hated his house. Sure, some of the people were nice to him, but he didn't get much respect for being a half-blood. Most of the people avoided him; he wasn't the most popular guy, to say the least. He was in love with the Dark Arts which got him the few "interesting friends" that he had. Except for Lily; Lily accepted him for who he was, never made fun of him, and was always there to talk to when he was down. And he was there for her when she was scared that the dark lord, Voldemort, would go after her Muggle parents and sister. Lily. He loved her, he loved her very much.

He brushed his long slightly greasy hair from his eyes looking up at the crescent moon. OWLS were approaching and he was sure he wasn't ready. He would be if Lily had any time to study with him. He always seemed to do better when he was studying with her. But no, she was too busy studying with her other friends, Alice and Mary. Her friends didn't like him very much, but that was alright, the feeling was mutual.

He thought once again of the Dark Lord, someone that kept coming into his mind. And each time joining his Death Eaters seemed more and more enticing. He got rid of that idea by thinking of his reason for being up here tonight; it was the same reason as every night. He came up here every night to…. "No," He said to himself, "I can't. I just can't." He thought about Lily again and all the happy memories they had together and he just couldn't do it. But he also thought about what she had said about his friends a few days ago. She had called them "evil" and "soon-to-be-Death-Eaters." It was true, he couldn't deny it, his friends were aspiring to become Death Eaters. Who knows; maybe he might even join them? No. Lily would despise him if he did. He thought of his parents, their constant fighting and how his mother would just take his fathers' incessant beating, time and time again. His father. How he loathed his father. He placed his right leg on the railing of the tower. And those stupid, bullying Marauders. He was squatting on the stone railing now. And stupid Slughorn for never noticing his potions-making skills. He stood fully on the railing now clutching onto the side of the tower. And all those stupid Hogwarts kids for never accepting him. As he stuck his left foot out a bit, the wind blew behind him as if to say, "Go on, jump, who's going to miss you?" "Yea, who's going to miss me?" he said. Just as he was about to jump a picture formed itself inside him mind. It was of a girl, a girl with shoulder-length, wavy, dark-red hair and bright green eyes. Lily. Lily would surely miss him. A tear slip down his cheek as he got down from the railing. He curled up into a ball and started to cry.

Lily had saved him. Again. Every night she would be there to protect him; tonight, tomorrow night, and the night after that…. Forever will she make him happy and help him hold on. Even if she doesn't know it.

Well people, as I said in my first story, leave any kind of review, whether nice or not, I would love to hear from you!