A Cruse of Fate

I know it is the dumbest title of all time but it is all true . This story is about how our favourite shinobi get ship wrecked on an island!!! Will there be a little romance? A little back-stabbing lol! Hope you enjoy! Also they are like normal teenagers and the guys have never like met the girls and vies-versa except for a few exceptions like Neji and Hinata and Temari and Gaara and Hinata and Sasuke so on so forth .

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters including Gaara sobs but if I did own the characters Gaara's ass would be MINE!!!!!

Chapter 1: Getting away

"I'm so excited!" Sakura said sitting down on Hinata's bed excitedly. "I haven't been on a cruse since I was like really little and it was a short three hour one. This is like a giant whole week cruse!!!"

Hinata just sat with a light smile across her pale face sitting on her own bed. She remembered two weeks ago when her father had told her at breakfast that she had been working abnormally hard lately and that she needed a break away from it all so she was going to go on a cruse with all her friends as a present for all her hard work. She wasn't too sure she would enjoy the cruse but everyone else seemed super excited about it. She'd rather be keeping her mind working by doing something that was important instead of sitting around. She was also abnormally shy and hated being around a lot of people who she didn't know but as long as she had her friends with her she would be fine and make it through the week…hopefully.

"You're over-exaggerating," Ino said calmly all though Hinata could see that happiness behind her eyes. She knew how Ino could be stubborn and sometimes obnoxious but most of her friends had a little bit of that side so she didn't much care about it anymore. On the contrary. She had found this side of her quite amusing.

"And of course Temari is late," Tenten rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "Probably doing her hair or something. She could have any guy in all of Konoha is she wanted too. Wonder why she doesn't date."

"Maybe I'm a little to intimidating of a girl," Temari said with a smile as she entered the room dragging her suitcase behind her. "I let myself in so I hope you don't mind Hinata."

"That's ok," Hinata said with a smile.

"You are so lucky," Sakura said turning to Hinata. "You're father is like uber-rich and he's paying for all of us to go on this trip! I wish I was an heiress to a big corporation like you are."

"I'm not lucky," Hinata said looking down at her feet, her pale eyes not showing any emotion what's so ever.

"Well anyways," Temari said pulling out a chair from beside Hinata's desk. "My brother is apparently going on the same cruse."

"You mean like the normal one or the…" Tenten said gulping in. "Not so normal one."

"Gaara is not that bad," Temari said with a chuckle.

"From the stories you've said about him I'm not to sure about that," Ino said fidgeting a little.

"Gaara's just misunderstood," Temari said reassuringly. "And yes it is Gaara who is coming on the same cruse. He's actually going with a bunch of his own friends."

"Juvenile delinquents?" Tenten asked worriedly.

"No," Temari said with a smirk. "They're normal too. First group that has ever accepted my brother actually."

"So you mean he didn't have any friends back when you were living in Suna?" Sakura asked not too surprised.

"I guess people were just to frightened of him back then," Temari said thinking back. "I was scared of him too for the most part but he was someone you liked to keep around if you're in a bad situation. I think it was just the monster inside of him that… shit I shouldn't have told you that…"

"Hm?" Everyone asked in unison except Hinata who just looked up curiously.

"Nothing," Temari said standing up. "I thought that we're supposed to be at the docks by 10:00 and it's already 9:20."

"9:20!" Hinata said jumping to her feet. "We are so late!"

"Then lets go," Tenten said jumping up and grabbing her green suitcase with a smile.

"Does this outfit scream 'I want to be noticed' or is it 'I'm cute and you know it'," Ino asked pointing down to the light blue tank-top that showed off a bit of her thin midriff and the pair of white short-shorts.

"I'm not going to say what I think," Tenten said with a chuckle for she herself was wearing something a little more preserved. She wore a long olive-green tank-top and camouflage trunks that went a little below her knees. Hinata looked over at Temari who wore a long black spaghetti strap top and a pair of jean short-shorts that weren't as showy as Ino's but she looked amazing in everything she wore so it didn't matter if she was wearing a nun's outfit for she would still have guys dropping their mouths as she walked by. Sakura wore a pink t-shirt and jean skirt that made her look bubbly and cute. Hinata looked down at her own outfit which consisted of a Hyuuga sweater and tan trunks. She thought she wasn't very pretty for when she was 12 she was way to skinny and small like a child but now that she was older she had rounded hips and a larger bust then before which she tried to cover up with her jacket and unbecoming clothing. When she looked at all her friends they were so beautiful and skinny with the perfect curves. At least in her jacket she was comfortable…

"Seriously we should be going," Hinata said grabbing her own suitcase off the floor.

"You're not wearing that jacket are you?" Ino asked Hinata.

"I'm comfortable," Hinata said looking down at her jacket.

"Come on," Ino said pulling down the zipper of Hinata's jacket speedily.

"Don't!" Hinata said angrily.

"Just for the cruse would you leave you're jacket behind?" Ino asked. "Try doing something different for once. Take a risk! Live life large!"

"I couldn't possibly," Hinata said feeling her cheeks burn lightly. She knew that if she kept getting more embarrassed she would start stuttering again and she didn't want to do that.

"Fine, how about just for the first two days," Ino said with a smile. "Two days without you're precious jacket and then you get it back alright?"

Hinata looked down at her jacket and contemplated for a few seconds. If she took her jacket off just for two days then Ino would stop bugging her for good but if she did then she would be trying to cover up all the time. She decided to take off the jacket in the end and packed it into the suitcase. Ino smiled happily as Hinata stood in her lavender spaghetti-strap top that showed off a bit of her own midriff which she tried concealing as best as possible. She always wore the jacket anyways so she thought it wouldn't matter if she wore the specific top that day but now she thought it was a big mistake.

"See you're much cuter without that jacket," Ino said dragging her suitcase to the door with everyone following behind her. "And you've got very nice curves. You'll see that boys will start paying attention to you now on."

"I don't want attention," Hinata said pulling her shirt down but it just showed more cleavage when she did that.

"Everyone wants a little attention," Ino said with a wink as Hinata grabbed her suitcase with her cheeks crimson red.

"That could just be you," Tenten laughed. "But hott guys on this cruse are quite the added bonus."

(Car to the cruse)

"Man I had to work for like three months just to pay for this trip," Naruto said sighing loudly. "This better be a good trip and there better be some hott girls or I'll literally kill you Kiba."

"Why me?" Kiba asked surprised as Naruto pointed at him.

"Because you were the one who proposed the idea," Neji yawned pushing his raven hair out of his eyes. "I'm just happy that I get to relax. Unlike all of you I have many projects on the go to bump up the Hyuuga's corporation's renown."

"You're 17 and you are doing work for the Hyuuga Corporation?" Kiba asked. "No wonder why they call you a prodigy. At least you're not trying to cure the common cold like Shikamaru over there."

"To lazy to do that," Shikamaru yawned looking at the window at the soft fluffy clouds above. "At least I have a higher IQ then a lemon not like sergeant dumb ass over there." He said directing the comment towards Kiba.

"Gaara you sleeping?" Naruto asked over to the fiery-haired boy sitting in the back of the van looking out the window at the sky.

"What do you think?" Gaara asked in his deep but silky voice that was almost demonic.

"Forgot you're an insomniac," Naruto said with a chuckle turning to Sasuke who was driving. "You look like you're about to drop dead."

"You really think I would fall asleep at the wheel?" Sasuke asked rolling his eyes. "I'm not you Naruto."

"Still you have been driving for the past 3 hours," Naruto said. "I can drive you know."

"I don't think he wants to risk getting us all killed," Neji said. "And anyways, we're already here." Gaara looked out the window taking in the sites of a giant white boat with the insignia of Miss Konoha on the side. It looked like a grand ship but Gaara didn't much like boats. They were always filled with new people looking at him strangely and whispering comments about him. Then again he didn't like any crowded areas and much preferred his old home in Suna where the town was small and not many new people liked to visit for it was a hot desert village.

Sasuke parked the black van in a parking spot marked for people who were taking the cruse. Everyone jumped out of the van taking in the fresh air for it was getting quite musty in there.

"Finally," Naruto said stretching lazily. He grabbed his ticket for the cruse out of his pocket and read over the writing quickly. "What time is it?"

"9:40," Gaara said without even looking at his watch but just at the sky. Neji looked at his watch and it said exactly 9:40.

"Then we can board now," Naruto said pushing open the trunk of the van and grabbing his own battered suitcase. Everyone else grabbed their suitcases and Gaara grabbed his black pack. Everyone was a little surprised when Gaara showed up with only a pack but he had said only that it was all he needed. They didn't argue with him after that.

They then started walking over to the loading bay and started going through security.

(Back with Hinata's group)

"What time is it?" Temari asked driving as fast as we were allowed.

"9:45," Ino said looking down at her watch. "We are sooooo late!"

"Would you shut up?" Temari said angrily as she drove forward. "See we're here."

Temari drove up beside a black van and parked quickly in the parking lot. They all jumped out quickly pushing open the trunk and grabbing their stuff then quickly ran to security as fast as possible.

"Made it at exactly 9:48," Ino said breathing in deeply as she placed her suitcase on the conveyor belt through the metal detector and then she walked through the metal detector door as well. Everyone else followed behind and started walking up the platform and onto the ship relieved that they had made it in time.

"Let's go find our room," Tenten said yawning loudly as she rolled her bag into the ship after Hinata. "It's room 3 right?"

"Yah," Hinata said looking around at the ship that they had boarded. It was a nice ship indeed and not just any normal class people could get on it. Hinata's pale eyes tried taking in ever detail as more people got on the ship behind them.

(Back with Gaara's group)

"Room 5," Naruto read out loud. "Is this really it?" He asked shocked at the hard wood door before them. He had thought that they would all be in a small little room but this was the side of the ship where the hallways had less doors for there was more room in each room.

"I thought I would put in a little extra cash and get us a bigger room," Sasuke said yawning as he put the key in the lock of the door and opened the door revealing a large living room with 3 different doorways attached to it. Naruto ran over to the one door and opened it up revealing a long hallway with 6 doors attached to it as well.

"How much money exactly?" Naruto asked looking around surprised.

"I kind of put in more cash as well," Neji said with a chuckle. "I guess it got us a bigger space then we thought."

"You guys are awesome," Naruto said excitedly opening up the first door and there was a bedroom with a giant bed, night table, closet, and it own bathroom! Naruto ran to every other room and they were all the same with there own bathrooms. He grabbed the last room at the end for everyone else had already made there way into the bedrooms.

"Well this is definitely a surprise," Neji said with a chuckle returning 15 minutes later after unpacking his belongings and sitting down on the big couch in front of the TV set that had a DVD player and an Xbox which surprised everyone. An assortment of games was set up in a shelf.

"What's in the other two rooms?" Naruto asked.

"Bathroom and Kitchen," Kiba said. "This boat is pretty awesome."

"I'm going to go for a walk," Gaara said walking out of his own room dressed in a black shirt that showed most of his shoulders and it looked really emo when it clashed with his blood-red hair and dark-rimmed eyes. He also wore normal jeans and running shoes. It was a normal look for Gaara.

"Go ahead," Naruto said sitting back lazily. "I'm going to rest for awhile but I might go swimming later."

Gaara nodded and opened the door leaving the room to explore by himself but he would rather explore by himself anyways. It was more calming that way.

(Hinata's group)

"Shit Hinata," Ino said walking out of her room. "This place is giant!"

"My father wanted me to enjoy myself," Hinata said feeling her face flush with embarrassment. "Hiashi didn't pay much attention to me when I was young for Hanabi showed much more promise then I but now that I have taken much more control in the Hyuuga matters he has been trying to impress me with big expensive gifts even though all I really wanted was just his thanks…"

"Oh," Tenten said looking down a little not wanting to bug her very much for she knew that Hinata would just become more depressed. Hinata hated talking about family matters.

"I think I'll go for a walk," Hinata said walking over to the door pulling her shirt down some more to cover up her midriff but again it just showed off to much of her chest.

"K," Everyone said as Hinata opened the door and walked out into the hallway. She then started walking down the hall covering her stomach with her arms.

(Back to Gaara)

His eyes blinked back and forth between people who were glaring at him strangely. He didn't care though. He was used to it. Sometimes he wished that people wouldn't stare at him so and that he could just disappear behind his veils of sand but he had no sand with him now. In fact he couldn't ever use his sand as a veil ever again but he was ok with that for now he didn't have the urge to kill anymore…well at least not as often.

It was nice and sunny on the deck but he still thought it was too cold for him. Nothing would warm him up like the desert did and even then he was still cold. Cold hearted…

He turned around lightly staring over the railing of the boat at the water watching as the boat left harbour not to return till a week later. He smiled sadly already missing the feel of land under his feet but not as much as the feeling of sand. Suna was the only place that he had ever loved in fact it was the only thing he ever loved because it was home even if people ridiculed him even there. At least they knew his secret or at least the secret he had once carried. Then he felt someone bump into him breaking his train of thought and he looked around dangerously with a tinge of annoyance in his aquamarine eyes when he laid his eyes upon a girl.

(Back to Hinata)

"What a beautiful day," Hinata said lightly as she walked along the long deck enjoying the warmth on her shoulders. The water reflected the sun lightly and most people around her were applying loads of sunscreen on so they wouldn't burn but Hinata did not have a fear of her skin burning. Even though her skin was almost white it was so pale it never burned not even once in her life no matter how many hours she stayed outside toiling in her mother's old garden. Her skin just stayed the same shade of pale white like her eyes stayed the same shade of pale lavender with no pupils to be seen. Just pale lavender colour.

"Hey cutie," A dirty-blonde haired boy said walking up behind her with a smirk. Hinata tried to ignore it and walked a little faster wondering if he was talking to someone else but she knew he was talking to her when she felt his hand on her shoulder. She spun around quickly feeling red erupt on her cheeks. "You look really hott in that little shirt of yours."

The boy took a step towards her but she stepped backwards away from him.

"What's wrong cutie?" He asked a smirk still on his face. "Don't cha like me?"

"I-I," she said her cheeks bright red as she took another step away from him but he just stepped towards her again.

"I'd like to get my hands under that little shirt of yours," The dirty-blonde said his smirk getting bigger. Hinata's eyes widened as she took another step back but he was quick to follow her. His hand lowered down her arm slowly and clasped around her wrist in a death grip. "We can go back to my place little hottie." She stepped back again but this time she banged into something soft and her cheeks went even brighter if it were possible.

"Hn," a low yet silky and almost demonic voice said behind her.

"Sorry," The blonde said to the unknown person behind her. "I was just taking her back to my place."

Hinata yelped lightly when she felt arms fall around her waist and clasp in the front so she was pressed against the unknown persons chest while his chin lay on her head lightly nuzzling her almost lovingly.

"And for what purpose," The low silky voice said angrily. The blonde looked totally shocked.

"Oh…I'm sorry," He said a little surprised. "I didn't know and I didn't mean anything by it." He then walked away quickly leaving Hinata pressed against the stranger's chest. She felt his arms fall away from her and she turned around to see a boy with the most piercing aquamarine eyes she had ever seen like stained glass. His blood red hair dangled in a mop on his head, his skin pale and maybe even paler then her own which surprised her, and a Japanese symbol was embedded on his forehead. It read love…

"I am so sorry," Hinata said bowing to the boy embarrassed and a little frightened for he looked very almost intimidating with his black shirt that showed off his shoulders a bit. Even though he was frightening he was quite attractive and this made Hinata's cheeks go red once again.

Gaara looked at this amused. She looked frightened of him and yet there was something else in those pale lavender eyes that he couldn't recognize. Her cheeks were still bright red and he didn't quite know why either.

"Hn," Gaara said turning his aquamarine eyes back towards the water.

"Um…thank you," Hinata said bowing her head again to him. He looked over to her again a little surprised. "For helping me out. I was a little afraid that he was…well that's not important. You have my thanks."

"No need to thank," Gaara said with a smirk. She really was quite amusing and he thought he would have a boring time this week. She was pretty. Very pretty in fact, with her pale skin and her long indigo hair falling down her shoulders in thick tufts. The shirt she wore showed off a lot of skin and she seemed to be fidgeting with it uncomfortable. She had a fuller figure which he much liked for he hated girls who were too skinny. "You might want to wear a less revealing shirt next time and you might not be bugged so much."

Hinata was a little surprised at the comment.

"Well it wasn't my choice," She said. "My friend dared me to leave my jacket behind for two days. These are the only shirts I wear under it or it just gets to hot…why am I telling you this?"

Gaara just shrugged and his eyes turned back towards the water almost in a studying way. Hinata leaned against the railing beside him looking over at the waves as well which surprised Gaara. He looked at her confused then back out at the water. For the first time he was actually enjoying someone's company for he didn't sense any fear from her.

"I'm Hyuuga Hinata," Hinata said with a smile turning her eyes to him again. He looked over at her a little shocked. He looked at her face once more and was totally surprised that he missed those distinct Hyuuga features in her face and the lavender eyes were a dead give away.

"A Hyuuga," Gaara said under his breath. Hinata heard this and looked at him a little surprised.

"You know of the Hyuuga's?" Hinata asked curiously.

"You're corporation is huge," Gaara said with a smirk. "The world knows about the Hyuuga Corporation. I'm also friends with a Hyuuga boy."

"Hmm?" Hinata asked surprised. "I might know him."

"Hyuuga Neji," Gaara said.

"You know Neji-niisan!" she asked excitedly. Gaara looked down at her for her eyes had totally lit up at the sound of his name.

Gaara nodded.

"How is he?" Hinata asked hopefully. "Is he doing alright? I'm still reading his last essay about the…a little to much confidential information but he has done much for my clan!"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Gaara asked to Hinata's surprise.

"He's here?" She asked her smile even wider. "Oh my gosh, what a coincidence!"

Gaara was not so amused anymore and just looked out at the ocean. She seemed like another annoying girl…

"Did you know that Neji-niisan saved my life?" Hinata said looking straight out at the ocean. "He had come down to the Hyuuga compound for the week and I was being attacked for I was the heiress to the Hyuuga Corporation. He had punched the man out almost instantly. I've never been more thankful to anyone in my life…"

Gaara looked at her with new found respect once again. It was almost like when Temari and Kankuro had left to go to school in Konoha when he was too young to go to school so he had to stay back. Even though he had never showed any emotion towards his older siblings he was so overjoyed when they had returned home that summer. He was suddenly interested in the girl again.

"I did not know that," Gaara said turning back to her.

"What is your name?" Hinata asked lightly.

"It's Gaara," He said. Hinata looked at him totally surprised. It couldn't be Temari's little brother. The one she had told all the scary stories about. He didn't seem scary at all…ok maybe a little scary when you first meet him but after that he seemed to kind and not rough at all. It didn't seem right.

"Are you my friend Temari's little brother?" Hinata asked lightly hoping he wouldn't take offence if he wasn't. Gaara looked at her surprised once again.

"Hai," he said looking down at her. She just seemed to keep surprising him more and more.

"Weird coincidences," Hinata said. She was now feeling a little frightened of the boy standing beside her. If all of Temari's stories were true then he was a natural born killer. She gulped in lightly and he seemed to notice.

"You're frightened," Gaara said his eyes not looking away from the water.

"No I'm not," Hinata lied. Gaara's eyes turned to her intensely and Hinata stood speechless at his aquamarine eyes feeling her heart start to race. What was this trance she was feeling? It was like nothing she had ever felt before as those eyes stared deeply into her own. She almost felt like his soul was touching hers lightly and she almost felt violated by his eyes as if he could see every inch of her even though his eyes were only looking into hers.

Her eyes widened as he bent in low so there faces were almost touching and he whispered lightly in her ear. "You are frightened." He then leaned back up and looked over the railing at the water once again as if nothing happened. Her heart raced at the speed of light as she looked at him confused. She was almost positive he was about to kiss her but then why would he and why did she care so much…?

"I-I…" Hinata said lightly her cheeks going bright red at the thought of kissing him and turned her pale eyes back towards the water. "Well I…m-must be g-going."

Gaara looked at the girl with a smirk. She was just so amusing.

"I thought you were going to see your cousin?" Gaara asked turning his eyes back towards the water so she wouldn't know he was looking at her.

"Oh…" Hinata said going even brighter red. "Ok… um…wh-where is he?" Hinata could hear her voice stutter and she hated it. She never got like this unless she was really embarrassed.

Gaara grabbed her wrist and started walking pulling her behind him. Hinata's cheeks went even brighter red if it were possible as people started looking over at the two with confused faces. Gaara slowed down a little when he knew that Hinata was following behind him and let go of her wrist gently.

Hinata didn't want to look at him for she would feel her cheeks go red again so she kept her eyes staring forward when she noticed all the attention that was falling on her. She had never seen more eyes pointed her way before. She put her arms around her waist trying to cover up as much skin as possible and hated the attention when she felt Gaara's arm around her waist again. She looked up at him a little surprised for he looked so casual with his arm around her as if nothing had happened. Her eyes jetted back towards the other people who were once staring at her before but they weren't anymore. They were looking towards Gaara a little surprised and then there eyes jetted away from the two of them as if nothing had happened.

"Um…G-Gaara?" Hinata stuttered lightly. Gaara looked down at her questioningly. "Um…w-why is y-you're a-arm around m-my w-waist?"

"You didn't look comfortable with people looking at you," Gaara stated plainly. "So now they aren't looking at you anymore."

"Oh," Hinata said a little surprised. That was a really sweet thing to do and yet her cheeks were still bright red from the sudden touch.

"This way," Gaara said turning down another hall that Hinata recognized instantly for it was the hall that went towards her own room.

"Wh-what room a-are you?" Hinata stuttered lightly.

"5," Gaara said. "Why are you stuttering?"

Hinata blushed red again and looked forward.

"You didn't answer my question," Gaara said.

"W-well it's j-just when I-I get em-embarrassed I-I st-stutter," Hinata said lightly. Gaara looked down at her surprised. Why was she embarrassed? He then looked down at his arm that was around her waist and his hand that was lightly skimming her lower stomach which was quite inappropriately placed. He chuckled lightly.

"This is my room," Gaara said stopping at the door and knocking on it loudly. Hinata looked at him a little surprised a remembered that there is just one key for each room and he must not have had it. The door opened up lightly and a brown-haired boy with red triangular marks on his cheeks smirked wildly when he saw Gaara with his arm around a girl's waist.

"Well, well, well," Kiba said with a chuckle. "It looks like the killer has got himself a victim."

"That wasn't funny," Gaara said his hand automatically grabbing Kiba's neck with a sneer. Kiba just smirked more for he knew that Gaara would ever truly hurt him even if he wanted too.

"Are you pissing Gaara off again Kiba?" A bubbly voice said from inside the room. Hinata watched in amazement as a blonde-haired boy with three long lines on each cheek walked out to the door clutching his stomach laughing. "Man Gaara you should have just seen what Neji did too…What?"

"Never knew that Gaara would get the first hott chick on board," Kiba said with a chuckle which earned him a painful squeeze choking him lightly.

"What's going on out there," Said a familiar voice. Hinata smiled wildly when her older cousin had come into view with an annoyed look on his face.

"Neji-niisan!" Hinata said happily running straight to Neji with a big smile and giving him a big hug.

"Hina-hime?" Neji asked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey Gaara, did you know you're chick looks exactly like Neji?" Kiba asked with a chuckle which earned him a punch in the shoulder. Gaara had dearly wished to kill his weaker friend but he resisted for he knew that it was just Kiba being stupid.

"My friends and I are going on the cruse because dad said I was working to hard so he wanted to give me a break," Hinata said with a smile as Neji held her at arms length. "I met Gaara on the deck and he said he knew you so I jumped at the idea of seeing you again."

Neji smiled at his younger cousin. She looked a lot different since the last time he had seen her when she was 12. She was very tiny but wore clothing that made her look much bigger then she was but now she was a woman and was curvier then he ever thought she would be but he was glad that she looked healthy and not to skinny.

"You guys were yelling in here a few minutes ago and now you got all quiet," A raven haired boy said coming out of the bathroom shirtless drying his hair with a towel. "What happened?" His eyes then looked up surprised.

"Hinata-hime?" Sasuke asked surprised.

"Sasu-sama?" Hinata asked surprised as well. This was turning out to be a very strange day.

"You two know each other too?" Kiba asked looking at Sasuke and Hinata curiously.

"Way back when I lived in the Uchiha compound with my family Hinata had been one of my very close friends. Shikamaru Hinata and I were inseparable," Sasuke said his eyes still looking at Hinata. "It has been a long time hasn't it Hinata-hime."

"Yes Sasu-sama," She said bowing her head lightly to him. Gaara noticed that she seemed to do this to most people that she greeted but there was a joy behind her eyes when she looked at Sasuke and he didn't much like it.

"Why do you call him Zazu?" Kiba asked looking at Hinata confused.

"She thought that the first 4 letters of my name should be pronounced like Zazu instead of sounding like sauce," Sasuke said with a chuckle. "I haven't heard that nickname in a very long time."

"It has been a very long time since you lived in the Uchiha compound," Hinata said remembering it all like it were yesterday. "How is Shikamaru?"

"Good why?" Shikamaru asked standing up from the couch which he must have been sleeping on.

"Shika-sama," Hinata said with a smile.

"Hina-san," Shikamaru said with a lazy smirk.

"Wow, I feel so out of the loop," Kiba said turning to the blonde scratching the back of his head.

"Same here," The blonde said back.

"Oh, Hinata this is Inuzuka Kiba and Uzumaki Naruto," Neji said turning to the other two unfamiliar boys. "They may seem like dorks at times but they aren't really that bad…ok they are that bad but that's not the point."

"Then why do you hang out with us?" Kiba asked in a know-it-all sort of manner.

"Because you two would be very lonely without us," Sasuke said with a chuckle.

"Good point," Naruto said to Kiba's dismay. He just hated it when Naruto agreed with Sasuke.

"Oh and this is Akamaru," Kiba said pointing down to a scruffy ball in his hoodie. Hinata looked at it a little surprised and jumped back when a little puppy dog head popped out with a light bark. "He's my best friend."

"I'm not going to say anything," Sasuke said rolling his eyes with a chuckle.

"Well it was very nice to see you all," Hinata said with a smile. "But I must get going. I don't want my friends to wonder why I've been taking so long."

"I wanted to see my sister," Gaara said lightly and I turned to him. "If you don't mind…"

"Of course!" Hinata said surprised that she hadn't asked if he wanted to see her.

"You have a sister?" Naruto asked surprised.

"Of course he does dumb ass," Sasuke said. "What for me and I'll come along."

"Hey, I don't want to miss out on meeting Gaara's sister," Naruto said grabbing his sandals off the floor and slipping them on quickly. "I wonder if she's anything like him."

"There is no one in the world with Gaara's red hair," Shikamaru said yawning again as he also got up. "I wouldn't miss the chance of catching up with one of my former friends."

"Same," Sasuke said grabbing a navy t-shirt off the arm off the couch and putting it on quickly over his muscled torso then he quickly rubbed the towel through his hair once more. It was quite the mess but it was always a mess ever since Hinata knew him with the front always to long and the hairs in the back spiked out. She had believed that he must have cut his hair himself all these years.

"I think it would be interesting to discuss a few Hyuuga matters," Neji said also grabbing his sandals. "I hope you don't mind us all coming."

Hinata just nodded with a smile. What would her friends think if she brought over 6 boys?"

"Hell I'm not going to be the downer," Kiba said grabbing his sandals as well. "Lets have ourselves a party!"

Correction. Hinata didn't know what her friends would think if she brought back 6 boys and a dog.

(End chapter)

I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter . It's a strange one but i like it. Also if you like the HinaGaara coupling i wrote another story called 'Returning to him' but it's rated M for the first chapter XD.