Title: Redefine
Drabble: #49
Rave's prompt: Scales
Randomly selected pairing: Taiken
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.
Notes: I'm quite possibly the most stupid person in the world. It took me about ten minutes after Rave wrote 'Scales (musical)' as my prompt to realise that he didn't mean an actual musical that I'd never heard of. Even then, I still didn't know what musical scales were, so I've looked them up on wikipedia and the dictionary and I hope this makes some sort of sense in regard to that. I really do apologise if it's too obvious that I have no idea what I'm talking about.

A while after the spore was gone, Ken had a realisation. The spore had been the sole reason for his successes, his superiority in all things academic and athletic; without it, he was nothing special. Just another face in the crowd without any particular talents. In the beginning he had missed excelling, at football in particular. The number of times he had ambled along to watch Taichi play and left with a pang of jealousy and loss was huge.

Taichi hadn't been ignorant to his visits either, or to the fact that Ken was rather down about something. More than once he had tried to corner him after a game and coax the problem out of him, but Ken insisted that it didn't matter. Being the stubborn person that he was, Taichi refused to accept this as an answer and continued to pester Ken until he finally relented and confessed that he felt quite inadequate without the spore.

Words of inspiration and encouragement always had been one of Taichi's strong points, and Ken was easy to convince. Really, all he had needed was a boost of confidence, and who better to give it than Taichi?

So Ken had started to learn the piano. After all, Taichi had suggested that he broaden his interests and find something he had enough passion for to try hard in on his own. He thought that Ken only had passion for football because the spore had made him good at it, and he needed to discover something he could do without the spore's help. Music was as good a place to start as any.

And Taichi continued to give him confidence. Often he would turn up on Ken's doorstep and ask him to play for him. Ken would only ever practice scales since he didn't consider himself to be very good, but Taichi didn't mind. He would gently massage Ken's shoulders every time and say that skill came with practice.

His scales got better every time, and it made Taichi proud. Ken could see it in his face, and it made him try harder than ever. Besides himself, Taichi was the only person he wanted to impress.