Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of the characters but I did make up Seto's kids

Starting A Family

By: ash2009

Chapter: 7

6th month of pregnancy

Seto was having a hard time with emotions, tutoring, and the weight of the babies. He could not get up out of chairs on his own anymore or out of bed. It was too hard on him. He was lot bigger then the last pregnancy and needed to be held and comforted a lot.

7th month of pregnancy

Seto's friends, lover, grandpa, mama, and Yasuo were going with Seto to the ultra sound today. When they arrived they got Seto on the table and everything hooked up. They were getting a video tap of it today.

Seto suddenly asked, "What's that?"

Doctor George said, "It looks like another arm…but that can't be." The doctor then felt the side of Seto's stomach and then pushed on it. Seto groaned and out slipped another baby. "Oh" said the doctor, "So you are carrying triplets. One was hiding behind the other. It looks like two girls and a boy." They took more pictures and then all went home.

9th month of pregnancy

Seto was a weak over due and very nerves. He was sitting on the couch watching TV with everyone when he let out a glass-shattering scream. Everyone jumped and looked at Seto. They were on the floor and Seto on the couch. Seto's water broke and contractions started in fast.

They started to come to Seto when he yelled, "Come near me and I'll hurt you!" Mokuba called the doctor and he told them to get Seto over to the hospital fast. They convinced Seto to let the help him to the hospital and Bakura picked him up.

Yasuo was crying and calling, "Mommy…Mommy!" Yasuo was two now and it broke Seto's heart how he cried for him. It reminded him how he called for his mom when she died giving birth to Mokuba. Yasuo was reaching for him mommy while crying his heart out. He did not understand what was going on. All he knew was that they were taking his mommy away. Seto was now crying and reached for his baby as they left. Yasuo stayed home with mama and grandpa. Everyone else went with Seto. Seto was crying from pain and fright.

Once they made it to the hospital they got him on the table and stripped. Thing was Seto was not releasing his grip on Joey's or Mokuba's hand. The others were aloud to stay in too because the doctor was too preoccupied with Seto to ship them out. The doctor pushed Seto's knees up and then covered him up.

"On three push Seto okay?" instructed the doctor. Seto nodded already sweating. "One…Two…Three!" said the doctor. Seto pushed and screamed. Three more pushes and baby number one was out. A girl. The second baby was the boy but Seto was having trouble delivering the 3rd one. Seto was growing week and still the baby had not moved down. They let Seto rest for a little while to regain strength. Twenty minutes later the baby moved down and Seto screamed from pain. The doctor came back over to Seto and said, "Push Seto!" Seto did and on the 6th push the little girl was out. Seto passed out from blood loss and after the after birth was delivered they gave Seto a blood transfusion. Seto then went into a recovery unit while everyone else waited in the waiting room.

Joey called mama and told her that Seto made it through all right and they could come over to the hospital now. They waited for an hour and then Seto was moved to a room. They then went to Seto's room to find him half asleep breast-feeding the two girls. The doctor came in the boy and a bottle of formula. He gave the little boy to Joey to feed. He then explained that the boy was refusing the breast milk and accepting the formula. Seto then began to cry from pain because he still hurt. The doctor gave Seto some steroids and Seto went to sleep. Yasuo came in with grandpa and mama and then went to the bed. He crawled up on his mommy and laid his little head on his mommy's chest and went to sleep too. Everyone got to hold the babies. The baby boy had brown hair and brown eyes and was named Kitai. The first girl also had brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Sachi. The youngest girl was named Ai and she had blue eyes and dirty blood hair like her Daddy's. Yasuo liked to look at them and when the babies would look back, he would smile at them. It always made the babies giggle.

When Seto woke up the next time, Joey was asleep in the bed next to him. Yasuo was asleep between them. Seto slowly got up and walked out of the room. He had a long gown on and did not care if people saw the Seto Kaiba walking in a gown. All he wanted was to go to the nursery. He had to walk slowly because his hips still hurt. He walked passed a waiting room on his way. He saw his social studies teacher sitting and walked over and sat slowly next to her.

"Seto what are you doing out of bed at this time of night?" she asked.

"I was on my way to the nursery to see my triplets" answered Seto. She congratulated him and told him her husband was in the hospital too.

"I'll walk with you to the nursery" she said. They slowly walked and when they got there they looked in the window at the crying babies. They decided to take the babies to her husbands room so he could meat them and hopefully feel better. Seto carried the youngest Ai and the teacher carried the other two. When the guy saw them he smiled and liked to hold them. Seto had fallen asleep in a fold out chair. The teacher took the babies back after a while and let Seto sleep.

At 1:00am in the morning

Bakura walked into the room with the teacher and said, "We have been looking for him for an hour." She nodded as he gently called, "Seto…Seto." Seto opened his eyes sleepily and looked up at him. "Come on I'll take you back to your room. People have been looking for you for awhile now." Bakura helped him up, wrapped Seto's arm around his neck, and wrapped his own arm around Seto's waist.

"Can we go see the babies first?" asked Seto sleepily.

"Yeah" said Bakura. They walked slowly and looked in the window at the babies. Seto's eyes were drooping and Bakura picked him up bridal style. Seto's arms were around Bakura's neck and Seto's head on his shoulder. Seto fell asleep and when they got back Bakura explained how Seto wanted to see the babies and ran into the social studies teacher. How he fell asleep while her husband was holding the babies too. When Seto was being laid back in bed he woke up. He held Yasuo and they both fell back to sleep.

One weak later

Seto was let out from the hospital with a lot of protesting from the doctor. Seto was still very pail and threatened to castrate Joey if he got him pregnant any time soon. Lets say Joey made sure they had lots of protection. Everyone helped Seto and when it was time for school again Seto sat on the couch in his pajamas, feeding the girls and mama feeding Kitai. He was a very hyper child and always wanted to play. Seto just looked sad.

"I can't go to school anymore. I am not sure if I can take 4 kids with me. I will have to drop out and stay here now." Everyone knew Seto liked school and hanging out with friends. They went to school with out him and when the social studies teacher asked about him they told her what he said earlier. During lunch they saw some teachers leaving with the principal.

Seto's home

There was a nock at the door and Seto opened it. The teachers saw he was in his pajamas and looked sad. They sat him down and told him they liked his kids and he could bring them. They would even help watch them. Seto was so happy he jumped on the couch smiling and then ran up stairs to get his uniform on. The teachers got the kids ready. When Seto was ready they all went to the school. The others at the school were surprised but happy. This went on from then on and everyone enjoyed having the kids around. The kids ended up learning school things early. They had Seto's brain and Joey's personality. Joey and Seto were happy and had help with there children and had happy lives. They never did have any more kids because they wanted time to themselves now…and because Seto was always threatening to castrate Joey if they did not have protection.

The End.


Seto had to take his children with him to school because he was breastfeeding and could not let them go for long. Can you blame him? Thanks to all that Reviewed! I love Seto uke stories like this and have lots more to post. I also love writing Seto chibi stories. Reunited is one and will be up soon.