Duo stepped into the room and paused in the doorway as Heero continued past him and looked around. The scaled boy's bright eyes surveyed the room; they'd retained part of their reptilian aspect, making his sight supersensitive to detail. After looking over everything in the room he glanced back to his lover who stood frozen in the doorway.
Duo blinked and shook his head. "Sorry, just remembering." He stepped completely into the room and pushed the door shut behind him. Without skipping a beat he let out a loud sigh and dropped onto the bed, pulling off his boots and jacket-vest. "Man, how far did we walk today?"
Heero smirked quietly. "Do you really want to know?"
"No. It was a rhetorical question." Massaging his feet he leaned pulled the tie from his braid and flopped back onto the bed. Closing his eyes Duo stretched out and yawned, then curled back up comfortably. Opening one eye he watched as his love pulled the window shut and closed the shades from the night. They both knew they would be sleeping in now that they had a real bed, better to shut out the sun before it even woke them up.
Turning Heero pulled the long brown robe off, over his head, to reveal his body. Beneath the robe he wore his normal spandex shorts and nothing else. Duo was treated to the beautiful vision of Heero's newly formed human body, even if it was his back. Defined, strong back muscles flexed as the boy tossed the robes over a chair, the icy blue scales catching what was left of the light and reflecting it around the room. Those same scales dotted Heero's body, almost in the same fashion as splattered paint. Also, as Duo had found, they were just as soft as the rest of Heero's skin, barely even noticeable if one didn't know they were there. Duo watched as the boy turned toward him and crawled into the bed, snuggling tightly into Duo's embrace.
Ever since they'd been reunited and started travelling together they'd switched positions. At the school Duo had always slept wrapped in Heero's arms for warmth, but now neither slept that way, except in moments of quiet remembrance. Now it was Heero who slept in Duo's embrace and he loved every second of it. Duo was only quite happy to hold his love once again, confident in the fact that they would protect each other and never be separated again.
Now, on this particular night, Heero crawled into Duo's arms and snuggled up against his chest fiercely, almost as if he were trying to hide from something. Duo raised an eyebrow and held his tightly.
"Heero, you ok?" he asked softly.
Heero nodded against his chest, but his grip didn't loosen. The two just lay there in silence until Duo felt something small and wet drip down his chest. He pulled back in surprise and gently touched Heero's chin, tilting his face upward. To his surprise he found small tears leaking from those beautiful blue eyes. Duo's eyes widened as his confusion increased. He placed a soft kiss on Heero's quivering lips.
"Heero? Why are you… what's wrong?" He was beginning to get worried.
Heero shook his head and glanced away. "It feels like a dream."
Realization hit Duo like a rock to the head. They'd never actually brought up the subject of all that had happened in the last year, they just spent the time living happily, in their own little world as if the next day it might all end. Still, the thought had crossed Duo's mind often, he just never said anything because he didn't want to ruin the moments. Apparently it had crossed Heero's mind more then once as well.
Duo held the boy closer. "And you're still afraid you might wake up."
The boy swallowed and nodded. Slowly he loosened his grip on Duo's body and looked up, meeting those violet eyes. He slid a hand down Duo's cheek, a gesture of tenderness and support, need for reassurance.
"I'm afraid I'll wake up alone again, sleeping next to that fireplace, or in that empty cave. I'm afraid… you won't be here in the morning."
Duo wanted more then anything to hold the boy and assure him that he would never leave, but he recognized that wasn't what Heero needed tonight. He realized that the boy needed more then just reassurance on this matter, he needed to be convinced. How long had this fear been haunting Heero? "How long?" Duo asked, echoing the question from his mind.
Heero frowned and looked away almost as if he were ashamed of the answer.
Duo's face grew sad. "How long?" he repeated softly.
"Every night," was Heero's very soft answer.
That answer hit Duo hard as well. Every single night since they'd gotten back together? He couldn't imagine it; he couldn't imagine trying to sleep while that fear was settled heavy on his heart. He just couldn't imagine it. And here Heero had spent an entire year wit this fear? It hurt to know that this was the truth and Heero had never told him, yet at the same time he understood. If he'd had the same fear as deeply as Heero did he wouldn't have said anything either. Sitting up in bed he also pulled Heero up so they were sitting and facing each other.
He sighed softly; Heero looked like such a small child at that moment. He wanted to whisper words of comfort, lie to protect him, but he knew he couldn't. Duo placed his hands over Heero's and squeezed them tightly.
"Heero. I'm not going anywhere. I promise, if I have any say in the matter I'll never leave your side. And you know that if something does tears us apart again I will move heaven and earth to return to your side." Duo reached out and placed his hand on Heero's cheek. "You know this, right?"
Heero nodded and touched Duo's hand, rubbing his cheek against it, seeking comfort in that touch.
"I love you Heero, and I will do everything I have to to stay by your side for the rest of eternity."
A smile crossed Heero's face and he nodded, wiping away the last of his tears.
Leaning forward Duo pressed his lips to Heero's, a single kiss that held only tenderness and the sweetest love. Heero seemed to melt into his embrace, crawling up against him, pressing their bodies together as they shared the soft and trusting kiss. It was one of the sweetest kisses they had ever shared, and it held a world of difference from their nights of frenzied lust and need. This was a kiss of pure love and pure trust.
Both boys moved together to lay back on the bed, Heero pulling Duo down with him as he rested his back against the mattress. Then, breaking the kiss and taking a deep breath he pressed his lips near Duo's ear.
"Make love to me."
The words sent a shiver down Duo's spine and he nodded wordlessly. Once again the words didn't need to be said, he understood. Heero needed physical proof of what Duo had just said, and it wasn't because he didn't believe Duo's words. Instead it was to completely make his fears disappear, and Duo had to admit that he wanted to show Heero how much he loved him. Loved, not lust.
Through all their travelling in the last year they'd had sex, many times. It was always a wide range, sometimes rushed and lustful, and other times it was sweet and slow. It always meant something to them but not as much as this would mean. This wasn't just an act of two bodies coming together, this was love. This was Heero completely giving himself to Duo by asking to be taken instead of taking this time. And this was Duo showing how much he loved Heero and trusted him by accepting the precious thing Heero had just laid in his hands.
With soft and careful hands Duo rid himself of his clothing, tossing it to the floor where it lay forgotten. With Heero's help he freed his love of the spandex shorts, leaving both their bodies naked to the chilly air and to each other. Duo spent a long moment admiring the perfect body of his lover, both of their breaths quickening from the anticipation.
Then, Duo leaned forward and began to kiss along Heero's neck. He moved slowly, paying careful attention to every inch of Heero's body. Lips, tongue and teeth teased and tasted every inch of Heero, making him squirm and whimper from the sweet touches, breathing quickly as Duo hit the sensitive spots and caressed the edges of the scattered scales.
As Duo lavished careful attention with his mouth his hands traveled up and down Heero's body in soft feather-like touches. Goosebumps danced up and down Heero's body while shivers crawled down his back. He completely lost himself in the touches and sensations, taking each as a sign of how much Duo loved him and how much Duo meant to him after all that had happened. He'd long ago closed his eyes and become completely lost in the sensations, floating through a world of exploding colors which built as he moaned and his body screamed for more.
Duo's hands slid down Heero's ass, cupping it tightly, before sliding around to the front and paying attention to Heero's very hard and neglected arousal. Heero gasped as he felt sensation dance along his length, almost too much to take. He'd never felt anything like this, but then he'd never completely laid himself at Duo's mercy and control. He found he quite enjoyed it.
The braided sorcerer began to slowly stroke Heero while he moved forward, seizing Heero's lips in another kiss. Though this time his acts began to become frenzied, the teasing and torture effecting him almost as much as it was affecting Heero. Heero kissed back fiercely, wrapping his arms around Duo and holding their bodies tightly together as the two kissed and Duo's hand began to move faster.
Heero gasped for air as Duo broke the kiss and moved his tongue along the base of Heero's neck. Heero squirmed in his arms, whimpering for more, since they had both lost the capacity for words long ago. Moving his hand fast he gently bit into Heero's neck. Then he moved and licked the sensitive point of Heero's ear. The boy in his arms shuddered, clutching him so tightly it was almost painful. Duo took this as a small sign and pulled his hand away, leaving Heero hanging painfully.
Heero's eyes slid open just slightly and he moaned in protest, trying to beg Duo to continue. But Duo shook his head and moved one hand around to Heero's back as he tried to calm himself. He didn't want to lose control, he had to slow down so he didn't hurt the other boy, though it actually hurt to stop an pull himself back together. Resting his head against Heero's bare and sweat covered chest he moved his fingers along Heero's opening.
The boy in his arms cried out in new pleasure as one of Duo's fingers pressed for entrance. He dug his fingers into Duo's shoulders, opening his mouth to a silent cry as the sensations flooded him anew and his entire body pulsated with need.
It seemed like an eternity as Duo worked to open him and prepare him, fingers moving slowly to avoid causing pain. By the time Duo deemed him ready Heero was gasping for breath and could barely move. It felt too good to be true!
Duo sat back up and positioned himself at Heero's entrance, pausing to stare down at his beautiful love. Reaching forward he slid a hand down Heero's cheek softly.
Heero turned his head against the touch, smiling. His eyes opened slowly, meeting with Duo's. The two boys sat there like that, memorizing the moment as they stared into each other's love filled eyes.
"I love you, Heero." Duo whispered softly.
Heero mouthed the words, still unable to find his voice. Even though he couldn't say the words, Duo could clearly hear what his voice would have sounded like, and that was enough. Duo slid in.
Heero's back arched and he gasped loudly for air, his eyes sliding shut as his entire world exploded in bright colors, a blinding spectrum that no human eyes would ever find in the natural world.
Duo's body moved slowly, moving in and out as his world rocketed with sensation. He and Heero cried out in unison with each thrust, Heero's voice reappearing as they neared closure.
Wrapping their arms around each other they held each other tightly, as Duo moved and stroked Heero, passion and need taking over. As they neared completion both had the same flash of a divine vision.
Two spirit like forms, resembling each of them. The two spirits held each other tightly, panting for breath. They pulled each other so close together that they melded together, into one being.
Heero and Duo both cried out each other's name as they exploded at the same time, the images in their minds merging together to become one.
Both boys dropped back to the bed gasping for air and completely spent. For a long time they just lay there, floating in the soft after glow with their eyes closed, savoring the taste of what they had both just shared.
Eventually Duo forced himself to move and rolled onto his side, pulling Heero once more into his embrace.
"What was that?" he whispered breathlessly.
"Soultie." Heero murmured softly, snuggling into Duo's arms.
Duo smiled and held the boy as sleep threatened. Relaxing he let the unconsciousness take him, his mind fully comprehending what had just happened. Not only had their bodies enjoyed a union of perfect love and trust, but so had their souls. They were now connected, two parts of one being until eternity and again.
And nothing…
Nothing would even tear them apart again.
The end.
Duo stepped into the room and paused in the doorway as Heero continued past him and looked around. The scaled boy's bright eyes surveyed the room; they'd retained part of their reptilian aspect, making his sight supersensitive to detail. After looking over everything in the room he glanced back to his lover who stood frozen in the doorway.
Duo blinked and shook his head. "Sorry, just remembering." He stepped completely into the room and pushed the door shut behind him. Without skipping a beat he let out a loud sigh and dropped onto the bed, pulling off his boots and jacket-vest. "Man, how far did we walk today?"
Heero smirked quietly. "Do you really want to know?"
"No. It was a rhetorical question." Massaging his feet he leaned pulled the tie from his braid and flopped back onto the bed. Closing his eyes Duo stretched out and yawned, then curled back up comfortably. Opening one eye he watched as his love pulled the window shut and closed the shades from the night. They both knew they would be sleeping in now that they had a real bed, better to shut out the sun before it even woke them up.
Turning Heero pulled the long brown robe off, over his head, to reveal his body. Beneath the robe he wore his normal spandex shorts and nothing else. Duo was treated to the beautiful vision of Heero's newly formed human body, even if it was his back. Defined, strong back muscles flexed as the boy tossed the robes over a chair, the icy blue scales catching what was left of the light and reflecting it around the room. Those same scales dotted Heero's body, almost in the same fashion as splattered paint. Also, as Duo had found, they were just as soft as the rest of Heero's skin, barely even noticeable if one didn't know they were there. Duo watched as the boy turned toward him and crawled into the bed, snuggling tightly into Duo's embrace.
Ever since they'd been reunited and started travelling together they'd switched positions. At the school Duo had always slept wrapped in Heero's arms for warmth, but now neither slept that way, except in moments of quiet remembrance. Now it was Heero who slept in Duo's embrace and he loved every second of it. Duo was only quite happy to hold his love once again, confident in the fact that they would protect each other and never be separated again.
Now, on this particular night, Heero crawled into Duo's arms and snuggled up against his chest fiercely, almost as if he were trying to hide from something. Duo raised an eyebrow and held his tightly.
"Heero, you ok?" he asked softly.
Heero nodded against his chest, but his grip didn't loosen. The two just lay there in silence until Duo felt something small and wet drip down his chest. He pulled back in surprise and gently touched Heero's chin, tilting his face upward. To his surprise he found small tears leaking from those beautiful blue eyes. Duo's eyes widened as his confusion increased. He placed a soft kiss on Heero's quivering lips.
"Heero? Why are you… what's wrong?" He was beginning to get worried.
Heero shook his head and glanced away. "It feels like a dream."
Realization hit Duo like a rock to the head. They'd never actually brought up the subject of all that had happened in the last year, they just spent the time living happily, in their own little world as if the next day it might all end. Still, the thought had crossed Duo's mind often, he just never said anything because he didn't want to ruin the moments. Apparently it had crossed Heero's mind more then once as well.
Duo held the boy closer. "And you're still afraid you might wake up."
The boy swallowed and nodded. Slowly he loosened his grip on Duo's body and looked up, meeting those violet eyes. He slid a hand down Duo's cheek, a gesture of tenderness and support, need for reassurance.
"I'm afraid I'll wake up alone again, sleeping next to that fireplace, or in that empty cave. I'm afraid… you won't be here in the morning."
Duo wanted more then anything to hold the boy and assure him that he would never leave, but he recognized that wasn't what Heero needed tonight. He realized that the boy needed more then just reassurance on this matter, he needed to be convinced. How long had this fear been haunting Heero? "How long?" Duo asked, echoing the question from his mind.
Heero frowned and looked away almost as if he were ashamed of the answer.
Duo's face grew sad. "How long?" he repeated softly.
"Every night," was Heero's very soft answer.
That answer hit Duo hard as well. Every single night since they'd gotten back together? He couldn't imagine it; he couldn't imagine trying to sleep while that fear was settled heavy on his heart. He just couldn't imagine it. And here Heero had spent an entire year wit this fear? It hurt to know that this was the truth and Heero had never told him, yet at the same time he understood. If he'd had the same fear as deeply as Heero did he wouldn't have said anything either. Sitting up in bed he also pulled Heero up so they were sitting and facing each other.
He sighed softly; Heero looked like such a small child at that moment. He wanted to whisper words of comfort, lie to protect him, but he knew he couldn't. Duo placed his hands over Heero's and squeezed them tightly.
"Heero. I'm not going anywhere. I promise, if I have any say in the matter I'll never leave your side. And you know that if something does tears us apart again I will move heaven and earth to return to your side." Duo reached out and placed his hand on Heero's cheek. "You know this, right?"
Heero nodded and touched Duo's hand, rubbing his cheek against it, seeking comfort in that touch.
"I love you Heero, and I will do everything I have to to stay by your side for the rest of eternity."
A smile crossed Heero's face and he nodded, wiping away the last of his tears.
Leaning forward Duo pressed his lips to Heero's, a single kiss that held only tenderness and the sweetest love. Heero seemed to melt into his embrace, crawling up against him, pressing their bodies together as they shared the soft and trusting kiss. It was one of the sweetest kisses they had ever shared, and it held a world of difference from their nights of frenzied lust and need. This was a kiss of pure love and pure trust.
Both boys moved together to lay back on the bed, Heero pulling Duo down with him as he rested his back against the mattress. Then, breaking the kiss and taking a deep breath he pressed his lips near Duo's ear.
"Make love to me."
The words sent a shiver down Duo's spine and he nodded wordlessly. Once again the words didn't need to be said, he understood. Heero needed physical proof of what Duo had just said, and it wasn't because he didn't believe Duo's words. Instead it was to completely make his fears disappear, and Duo had to admit that he wanted to show Heero how much he loved him. Loved, not lust.
Through all their travelling in the last year they'd had sex, many times. It was always a wide range, sometimes rushed and lustful, and other times it was sweet and slow. It always meant something to them but not as much as this would mean. This wasn't just an act of two bodies coming together, this was love. This was Heero completely giving himself to Duo by asking to be taken instead of taking this time. And this was Duo showing how much he loved Heero and trusted him by accepting the precious thing Heero had just laid in his hands.
With soft and careful hands Duo rid himself of his clothing, tossing it to the floor where it lay forgotten. With Heero's help he freed his love of the spandex shorts, leaving both their bodies naked to the chilly air and to each other. Duo spent a long moment admiring the perfect body of his lover, both of their breaths quickening from the anticipation.
Then, Duo leaned forward and began to kiss along Heero's neck. He moved slowly, paying careful attention to every inch of Heero's body. Lips, tongue and teeth teased and tasted every inch of Heero, making him squirm and whimper from the sweet touches, breathing quickly as Duo hit the sensitive spots and caressed the edges of the scattered scales.
As Duo lavished careful attention with his mouth his hands traveled up and down Heero's body in soft feather-like touches. Goosebumps danced up and down Heero's body while shivers crawled down his back. He completely lost himself in the touches and sensations, taking each as a sign of how much Duo loved him and how much Duo meant to him after all that had happened. He'd long ago closed his eyes and become completely lost in the sensations, floating through a world of exploding colors which built as he moaned and his body screamed for more.
Duo's hands slid down Heero's ass, cupping it tightly, before sliding around to the front and paying attention to Heero's very hard and neglected arousal. Heero gasped as he felt sensation dance along his length, almost too much to take. He'd never felt anything like this, but then he'd never completely laid himself at Duo's mercy and control. He found he quite enjoyed it.
The braided sorcerer began to slowly stroke Heero while he moved forward, seizing Heero's lips in another kiss. Though this time his acts began to become frenzied, the teasing and torture effecting him almost as much as it was affecting Heero. Heero kissed back fiercely, wrapping his arms around Duo and holding their bodies tightly together as the two kissed and Duo's hand began to move faster.
Heero gasped for air as Duo broke the kiss and moved his tongue along the base of Heero's neck. Heero squirmed in his arms, whimpering for more, since they had both lost the capacity for words long ago. Moving his hand fast he gently bit into Heero's neck. Then he moved and licked the sensitive point of Heero's ear. The boy in his arms shuddered, clutching him so tightly it was almost painful. Duo took this as a small sign and pulled his hand away, leaving Heero hanging painfully.
Heero's eyes slid open just slightly and he moaned in protest, trying to beg Duo to continue. But Duo shook his head and moved one hand around to Heero's back as he tried to calm himself. He didn't want to lose control, he had to slow down so he didn't hurt the other boy, though it actually hurt to stop an pull himself back together. Resting his head against Heero's bare and sweat covered chest he moved his fingers along Heero's opening.
The boy in his arms cried out in new pleasure as one of Duo's fingers pressed for entrance. He dug his fingers into Duo's shoulders, opening his mouth to a silent cry as the sensations flooded him anew and his entire body pulsated with need.
It seemed like an eternity as Duo worked to open him and prepare him, fingers moving slowly to avoid causing pain. By the time Duo deemed him ready Heero was gasping for breath and could barely move. It felt too good to be true!
Duo sat back up and positioned himself at Heero's entrance, pausing to stare down at his beautiful love. Reaching forward he slid a hand down Heero's cheek softly.
Heero turned his head against the touch, smiling. His eyes opened slowly, meeting with Duo's. The two boys sat there like that, memorizing the moment as they stared into each other's love filled eyes.
"I love you, Heero." Duo whispered softly.
Heero mouthed the words, still unable to find his voice. Even though he couldn't say the words, Duo could clearly hear what his voice would have sounded like, and that was enough. Duo slid in.
Heero's back arched and he gasped loudly for air, his eyes sliding shut as his entire world exploded in bright colors, a blinding spectrum that no human eyes would ever find in the natural world.
Duo's body moved slowly, moving in and out as his world rocketed with sensation. He and Heero cried out in unison with each thrust, Heero's voice reappearing as they neared closure.
Wrapping their arms around each other they held each other tightly, as Duo moved and stroked Heero, passion and need taking over. As they neared completion both had the same flash of a divine vision.
Two spirit like forms, resembling each of them. The two spirits held each other tightly, panting for breath. They pulled each other so close together that they melded together, into one being.
Heero and Duo both cried out each other's name as they exploded at the same time, the images in their minds merging together to become one.
Both boys dropped back to the bed gasping for air and completely spent. For a long time they just lay there, floating in the soft after glow with their eyes closed, savoring the taste of what they had both just shared.
Eventually Duo forced himself to move and rolled onto his side, pulling Heero once more into his embrace.
"What was that?" he whispered breathlessly.
"Soultie." Heero murmured softly, snuggling into Duo's arms.
Duo smiled and held the boy as sleep threatened. Relaxing he let the unconsciousness take him, his mind fully comprehending what had just happened. Not only had their bodies enjoyed a union of perfect love and trust, but so had their souls. They were now connected, two parts of one being until eternity and again.
And nothing…
Nothing would even tear them apart again.
The end.