Give or Take
The X-Men has done training the New Mutants for the day and off to their own thing and Jamie approaches Kitty.
"Hey Kitty," said Jamie.
"What do you want Jamie?" ask Kitty.
"Do you want to go out with me tonight?" ask Jamie.
"You mean like a date?" ask Kitty.
"No, just a friend dinner," said Jamie.
"All right, get ready at 7 tonight," said Kitty.
It's 7 o'clock and Jamie and Kitty are at the garage and about to head out to town and Jamie gets into the drivers seat.
"Can you drive? Are you old enough?" ask Kitty.
"Come on, I've been taking a ride with the cars since I got here," said Jamie.
Then Kitty decides to take the wheel.
"I'll drive, you just point the restaurant," said Kitty then they went into town to an Italian restaurant.
After dinner, they went to the park for a while. The Brotherhood who also in the park spots them and Avalanche is getting jealous.
"What Kitty's doing with that kid?" ask Lance.
"I think that's Jamie Madrox or known as Multiple," said Pietro.
"What are you going to do?" ask Fred.
"I will get that punk for having a date with my Kitty," said Lance.
Jamie and Kitty returned to the mansion and turn in for the night.
The next day, Jamie gets a letter that his uncle wants to see him at the Fountain Café. Jamie goes to the café to see his uncle. Then Quicksilver grabs Jamie then Jamie stomps his foot and creates a duplicate Jamie then the building gets buried underground by Lance.
"You are not going anywhere Multiple," sand Lance.
"What's the meaning of this?" ask Multiple.
"You gone on a date with my girl and for that I will make sure that I will have no competitions like you," said Lance.
Then Jamie made dozens duplicates.
"Find me if you can," said Jamie.
Then Quicksilver and Blob starts hitting the duplicates until they hit the real Jamie and knocks Jamie out and the other duplicate Jamies disappear.
It's late in the afternoon and the X-Men starts to get worried about Jamie who haven't come back.
"We have to look for him. Cerebro is no good because Professor Xavier and Jean are at Washington and will not come back until morning," said Scott.
"So can we wait until morning?" ask Kurt.
"No, Jamie might be in trouble and it might be too late in the morning," said Scott so they searched for Jamie all night and with no sleep.
Elsewhere, Jamie wakes up from his unconscious state and fined himself trapped in a steel cargo crate.
"Hello," yelled Jamie then he kicks the steel wall and hurt his foot and just notice that he's barefoot and shirtless.
It's morning and the X-Men returns to the mansion and sees that Professor Xavier and Jean and come back from Washington.
"Professor, Jamie has gone missing," said Scott.
"We'll use Cerebro and find him," said Pro. Xavier.
Then Professor Xavier uses Cerebro to find Jamie and sees that Jamie is heading to Alaska on a cargo ship.
"Take the jet. I tell you where the coordinates of Jamie's ship and Kitty will talk to Lance, he's one of the people who captured Jamie," said Professor X.
Kitty and Wolverine went to Lance's house and asks about Jamie.
"I spotted you two on a date," said Lance.
"It's not a date, we are just friends that went out to dinner," said Kitty.
"Is that the definition of a date?" ask Toad.
"Not this night out and you got jealous and tired to get rid of him," said Kitty.
"I was going to do some torture on him until Mystique saw him and made other plans for him," said Lance.
"You better hope that he's ok or I'm not speaking to you again," said Kitty then she runs away.
"If Jamie's dead, then I will make sure that you don't speak to Kitty or anyone else in the world again," said Wolverine threatening Lance with his claws.
In sea, Jamie's cargo ship hit a hurricane (not caused by Storm) and Jamie's cargo slides into sea and the cargo opens releasing Jamie from the cargo crate and a couple of cardboard boxes into the surface and Jamie uses one of the cardboard box as a floatation device and then Jamie faints from the coldness of the water and his own exhaustion.
The ship has made it to be destination, Tampa, Florida and the X-Men search for Jamie's cargo and Scott talks to the captain of the ship.
"I regret to tell you that we lost couple of our cargo crates during in a hurricane and your friend could have been one of the cargo crates that we lost," said the captain.
"We searched all of the cargo and no sign of Jamie," said Jean.
"I'm sorry, he might be in one of the cargo crates that we lost," said the captain and the other X-Men fear that Jamie might be dead.
"Professor, Jamie might be dead as he cargo crate might have sank in the sea," said Scott reporting to Xavier.
"We have to keep trying to search for him but we should expect the worse," said Professor Xavier and the X-Men in Florida hugged each other and wish the best for Jamie and the other X-Men back at the mansion wishes for the best for Jamie too.