Title: Two of a Kind

Note: I wrote this little poem last night. Just thought I would post it. Hinted SasuNaru by the way, along with other meanings you have no hope of understanding.


Two hearts connected by invisible lines,

Both united within confines of minds,

One so scared to tell his heart,

And the other fighting lies of darts,

Together they stand, side by side,

The strong one reaching out, As the other one hides.

Still they pretend to be so cheerful,

When inside they both are fearful.

But what can be done, when one refuses to move,

To tell his heart, empty each open groove.

Only so long can the other one wait,

Until he gives it all up for his first little date.

The other might hate, and secretly cry,

Because he was scared to tell all his lies.

Their hearts are still connected,

Their minds are still affected,

Yet still they pretend to be nothing,

When inside their dying to be something.