Note: In this fic, Tezuka and Fuji are in their mid-twenties, working adults and co-habiting. This is a sequel to Restless, which I did not post on because of rating concerns. The first segment of this entry was actually written as an omake part in Restless. To read Restless, please head over to http://rujiDOTlivejournalDOTcom/25966DOThtml (replace DOT with '' ). Please be aware that Restless is an NC-17 fic and contains explicit content, not suitable for the little ones! :D

Disclaimer: I own none of these pretty boys mentioned.


Tezuka found himself staring at his lunchbox in bewilderment. Usually, Fuji would have just packed some simple food like sandwiches, sushi rolls or curry rice for him. There were sushi rolls today, but that wasn't all. There was a wide assortment of ten or so sushi rolls. Together with a small portion of omelet rice, and a small portion of grilled eel. In other words, the whole works was in his lunchbox. Including little decorative pieces of heart-shaped seaweed. A soft gasp in awe made him realize that he wasn't the only one staring at his lunchbox. Nearly all the co-workers sitting at the same lunch table as him were staring at his lunchbox.

"Waa… Tezuka-san is so lucky! Look at the hearts… it must be a really cute girl who prepared this for you huh!" Tezuka stared at the colleague who said that with wide eyes. Soon, his lunchbox had become their lunchtime topic. They were all discussing and probing him for information about his 'new girlfriend'. Tezuka's brow twitched in annoyance. Clearing his throat, Tezuka excused himself from the table and went outside to have his lunch, where he could have some peace. Having a few minutes to spare before his lunch hour ended, Tezuka made a call to Fuji.

"Yes, Tezuka-san? Did you enjoy your lunch?"

"… I was just about to ask you about that."

"Was it bad?"

"It wasn't bad. But wasn't a need for such an extravagant lunch."

"Well... at least that should make it clear that you're taken."

"… we'll settle this when I get home, girlfriend."

Fuji came home to the sight of Tezuka seated on the sofa, folding their laundry. He hurriedly toed off his shoes and moved towards Tezuka, dropping his bag on the floor without much care. It was past nine, he was home way past their dinnertime. And if his understanding of Tezuka hadn't faltered, the bespectacled man probably hadn't had dinner.

"I'm sorry I got home late… some work cropped up." He muttered as he leaned down to hug Tezuka. The taller man stood up and wrapped his arms around Fuji instead, resting his chin on the latter's shoulder.

"Why couldn't I get you on your phone?" Tezuka asked softly, holding Fuji tightly in his arms. 'I was worried' was left unsaid.

"Battery went dead. Have you had dinner?" Fuji asked as he headed for the Kitchen. Tezuka followed, "No, I haven't. I was waiting for you."

Fuji smiled as he took the sticky note he had left for Tezuka –to tell him that the sushi in the fridge was for dinner- off the fridge door and stuffed it into Tezuka's pocket. He took out a large plate of sushi from the fridge and placed it on the table. Tezuka recognized the variety of sushi he had seen in his bento earlier that day. Which reminded him, he had to talk to Fuji about that bento he made.

Fuji told Tezuka about the interesting things he saw when he was out at work today, while Tezuka just silently listened, eating his dinner and sipping on his cup of tea. He also took up the responsibility of making sure Fuji ate, feeding him pieces of sushi when he noticed Fuji had been talking for too long and had forgotten about his dinner. Sometimes, he wondered if Fuji did that deliberately so that he could be fed. But then, he also thought that Fuji was a wonderful storyteller. He seldom found it annoying no matter how much Fuji had to share with him. And on those certain occasions when he wasn't in the mood for stories, somehow Fuji could sense it and he wouldn't start his chatter. The things Fuji shared about were often unusual and interesting, mostly about certain objects or people he came across. It was little wonder why Fuji was so adored by his niece.

Dinner was finished rather quietly, apart from the few short stories Fuji told Tezuka about. Tezuka kept away the clothes he had folded earlier on while Fuji washed up the dishes. When Fuji came out from his shower, Tezuka was reading in bed. One of those novels about gay rights that Fuji had bought but never read. Smiling to himself, Fuji snuggled up next to Tezuka, staying still for a moment before looking up at Tezuka with a grin.

"Not going to tackle me tonight?" he asked teasingly. Tezuka shook his head, putting away the novel and his spectacles.

"I don't understand why you buy such books. The story is so exaggerated and unrealistic." Tezuka commented dryly. Fuji shrugged, snuggling closer when Tezuka put an arm around him,

"Probably… perhaps I thought it could offer some guidance with handling homosexual relationships, but realized that it was too unrealistic, so I chucked them aside. Something bothering you?" Tezuka stared into clear aquamarine pools for a moment. Sometimes, he wondered if it was Fuji who really understood him so well, or was it that Fuji was psychic. He was, indeed, slightly bothered by that bento.

"Syusuke. You don't have to make such an elaborate bento for me. What we did last night was enough to solve the problem." Fuji hummed softly, his lips curved in his usual smile.

"I really don't mind if your colleagues are thinking that you have a girlfriend. I'd go ahead and tell them that I'm your wife." Fuji muttered, a soft chuckle falling from his lips. Tezuka leaned down slightly to press a kiss to Fuji's forehead.

"I know… but I feel that's being unfair to you." Fuji smiled sweetly, tilting his head to kiss at Tezuka's neck. He knew what Tezuka was driving at. Had Tezuka been in his shoes, he would have felt undignified for being thought of as a woman. Fuji laid his head on Tezuka's chest, closing his eyes and listening to Tezuka's heartbeat as he spoke softly,

"It's more than enough that you think that way, Kunimitsu. Besides… I don't really think I'm treated unfairly. I don't care what your colleagues think. You're more important. And, though I do the cooking, you're the one who does the cleaning in this house, so we're even."

Tezuka lifted his hand to stroke Fuji's hair gently, and they laid in comfortable silence for a while.

"Syusuke…" Tezuka started, pulling Fuji off his chest so that he could look straight into his eyes, "Do you really wish to… be my wife?" Tezuka asked rather awkwardly. For a moment, time seemed to still as wide azure eyes stared into serious brown eyes in some sort of surprise and puzzlement. Fuji's head tilted to the side slightly as he continued to stare at Tezuka, a gleam of mirth in his eyes as he smiled affectionately and asked,

"Is that a proposal, Tezuka Kunimitsu?" Tezuka's eyes widened slightly. His vision was blurred without his glasses, but he thought he saw a look of expectance on Fuji's face. Truthfully, he merely asked that question out of curiosity. And, though he was slightly regretful to say, the thought of marrying Fuji had never crossed his mind. They were happy as they were, so he didn't see the need to change anything. But perhaps, he thought, perhaps Fuji didn't think the same way as he did. Perhaps Fuji longed for something more, but never brought it up to his attention. And now that Fuji mentioned it… perhaps they could really do it. They had been in a relationship for seven years, and he never once doubted the thought of wanting to have Fuji by his side. He looked at Fuji, a hand coming up to lightly caress Fuji's cheek,

"If it's a yes?" he asked, almost in a whisper. He stared at Fuji, wondering what his answer would be; though he had no idea what kind of answer he wanted either. He felt his heart clench, and for a second it was almost difficult to breathe. Fuji smiled, and leaned forward to kiss Tezuka tenderly, before pulling back and playfully ruffling tousled brown hair,

"Too unromantic, Kunimitsu. You can do better than that. Ask me again when you're ready."

An odd pang sunk in as Tezuka froze on the spot, though he did not have a clue what that feeling was and why he was feeling it. He nodded absently, only breaking out of his moment of blankness when he heard Fuji chuckling softly. Shaking his head briefly to get his mind back on track, he then reached for the switch to turn off the bedside lamp and moved to lie down, pulling Fuji along. Fuji snuggled closer and latched on to him like a koala bear, muttering against Tezuka's shoulder,

"It's cold…" Tezuka briefly wondered how he was going to sleep with a grown man latched on to him like that, sighing softly as he shook his head in defeat. He pressed a kiss to Fuji's head, a soft smile coming to his lips when he saw the smile on Fuji's face.

"I love you, Kunimitsu. Goodnight." Fuji mumbled softly, nuzzling his cheek against Tezuka until he was in a comfortable position. Tezuka wrapped an arm around Fuji and relaxed against his pillow, closing his eyes with a quiet reply,



A/N: Thanks for reading! And you see that little button on the left there? You clicking it makes me happy. Reviews and comments much loved :)