AN: Sorry it's taken awhile to get this chap up, but I have to move again. This means things are a little hectic for me at the moment and the updates might be sporadic again for awhile. I apologize for this and hope you'll all bear with me.

Dead or Alive

Chapter 27: The Path to the Tournament

Kasumi stepped into the warm sunlight. She had been concealing herself in a small grove of trees for most of the morning and the temptation to bathe herself in the beautiful spring day was at last too much for her. She stepped cautiously onto the wooden bridge that hung suspended over the beautiful waterfall of the Mugen Tenshin village.

"Hayate…" Kasumi stroked the thick rope of the bridge with her hand. Memories of her brother flowed into her mind until the world around her faded and all she could see was him. She stood motionless on the bridge in a serene trance.

"Kasumi!" Kasumi jumped as her daydream shattered. Ryu stood opposite her on the bridge. A sour look was spread across his face. "Why have you returned here?"

"Oh Ryu!" Kasumi took off at a run. The bridge creaked dangerously as she flung herself into his arms. "I overheard what happened! Someone took him didn't they?"

Ryu tried to push her away but she clung to the cloth of his shirt. "It is true. You still should not have returned here."

"But," She gazed up at him, her eyes brimming with tears, "Are you going after him? You are aren't you?"

"Yes Kasumi. Now be off with you before Ayane arrives."

"No I'm going with you!"

"You will not Kasumi. I have promised your brother that I will not let you die. I will find you when I have returned with Hayate." Ryu pushed her away forcefully. "Now go Kasumi, it is too dangerous for you to be here."

"I have to do this! I have to see him Ryu! I'm going whether you want me to or not!" Kasumi's face was covered in tears now as she gripped the bridge's rope railing to keep herself steady.

"I cannot allow you to proceed Kasumi. I will stop you if I must." Ryu averted his eyes from hers, glancing out over the treetops.

"I don't want to fight you Ryu! Please!"

"Then leave."

"I can't! I have to help my brother!" Kasumi wiped the tears from her eyes as she spoke. She let go of the railing and braced herself. "I'm going."

"Know this Kasumi; the path of the ninja is a long and difficult one. You must learn better judgment."

"Shut up!" Kasumi sprung forward. Her straightened hand flew lightning fast at Ryu's chest. It was stopped inches from connecting by the firm grasp of Ryu's hand. She looked up at him.

"Forgive me Hayate," Ryu twisted his arm forcefully, flipping Kasumi into the air. She spun circles in the air and landed hard on her back.

"Ah!" Kasumi groaned as the pain shot through her back. Ryu stepped over her and began to walk slowly across the bridge. She pushed herself into a sitting position. "Don't toy with me!" Regaining her footing quickly she gave chase. Her light frame bounded forward into a handspring. In the blink of an eye she was airborne, her legs ready to grapple him from behind.

Ryu bent forward. Kasumi's eyes went wide. "What the!" she gasped as she sailed over him. She hit the wooden planks with a thud as the embarrassment swelled up in her face. A ripping noise told her that her stocking had been torn by the fall. It had become tangled on an askew nail, and she finally resorted to ripping the entire stocking off to free herself from the bridge.

Ryu had made no attempt to attack her. He stood with his arms folded watching her fumble on the shaky bridge.

"Well?" she asked as she stood. "Why won't you fight me!"

"I do not want to hurt you Kasumi."

"I'm not giving up." She reeled back to swing her leg in a furious roundhouse. Ryu put out his forearm to block it. "Grr!" Kasumi growled as she rapidly kicked him. Ryu blocked each blow consecutively with only his right arm. "Fight me!"

"As you wish!" Ryu pushed flung his arm out repelling her oncoming kick. Kasumi stumbled sideways hitting the railing of the bridge. She gripped tight to it as she leaned dangerously far over the edge. Then he was behind her, his body pinning hers to the rope. She could feel the warm touch of his fingers on the back of her neck and then there was only darkness.

Ryu picked up the unconscious body of his best friend's sister and carried her off the bridge in his arms. "Worry not Kasumi."

----------- ------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------

"Thank you for joining us tonight for the pre-tournament round-up for DOATEC's 2nd annual World Combat Championship. We'll be broadcasting 24/7 around the world in over 90 languages. The website displayed at the bottom of your television screen will be keeping up to date information on participants, brackets, replays, and a variety of other information as well. To kick things off we have DJ down on the arena floor. DJ can you give us a highlight of what to expect in the coming weeks?"

"Sure thing Monica. I'm standing down here in the middle of the arena floor. As you can see DOATEC's famous white-tiled living clay makes a return and I'm told it's going to be more realistic and intense than ever. I've heard word of real-time weather effects happening within the virtual dome itself. Now there may be a lot of concerned fans out there thinking there may be a repeat of what happened last year. Let me tell you that will not be the case. As you can see over my shoulder DOATEC has the place littered so tightly with armed security this may indeed be the safest place on earth."

"If it weren't for all the fighting?"

"Indeed. Perhaps I should say the safest place for fans in the world. I've been talking to a few of the nearly 10,000 participants in this years tournament. There are a few big names returning from last year's competition, including the very elusive victor Kasumi. She refused questioning but fans are wondering if she has what it takes to win the gold prize again."

"Anything else we have to look forward to?"

"The most talked about piece of news is that the heiress to DOATEC Helena Douglas herself will be participating in the tournament. Many wonder if this high-class debutante will have what it takes in the fighting arena. There are talks that it may just be a publicity stunt but she has confirmed time and time again she will be participating so only time will tell.

"Ok well thank you DJ. We'll check back with him later to get some interviews with actual combatants. We hope you'll stay with us and we'll be back after this break."

AN: Yeah I know it's short but I wanted to start the tournament as a fresh chapter. The next one will be up when it's up, hopefully sooner rather than later if moving goes smoothly (although at this point it isn't looking so good). Anyway enjoy and I'll do my best to keep them coming without giant delays.