Title : Finally

Author : Jaggie 107

Disclaimer : JAG characters belong to DPB, CBS and Paramount – and I hope all parties will allow me to have fun for a little while, and replace them all when I'm done. Thank you.

Summary : Harm makes good on a promise…

Spoilers : Set in Season 10, but AU. Shippery, of course (why else do I write?).

Rating : Up to M, to be safe. Feel free to use your imagination!

Thanks to : alboppy – bluejay65 – aserene – froggy0319 – jessica915 – judy52sa – jtbwriter – TV Angel 711 – iflynavyusa85 – ColieMackenzie and michelle UK for their wonderful reviews!

Mac's last conscious thought was of the hope that somehow the doctors were wrong, and she wouldn't need IVF to conceive.

Weeks later…

Harm pushed open the door to the bar and walked in, a flurry of snow blowing in with him. Closing the outer door, stamping his feet to rid himself of the snow on his boots, he pushed open the glassed-in interior door and made his way to the requisite table. Mac was there already, having traveled from JAG Headquarters with Bud and Harriet, so that she could travel with Harm later. Harriet was seated next to Sturgis, with Varese on his other side. Bud sat next to Harriet, and that left the space between Mac and Varese for Harm, which he slid into with his long-limbed grace evident as always. Looking around the table he nodded and smiled at everyone, giving an extra long look at Mac, and taking in the heightened color in her cheeks and the sparkle in her dark eyes.

"You're late, Harm," Sturgis murmured, raising his hand to order a beer, but changing it to a soda at Harm's insistence.

"Had a hell of a time parking," Harm returned, talking to them all, but his words struck Mac the most. "Had to stop around the block. Near an alley," he added, to which Harriet gasped.

"You'll have to be careful when you go back, Harm. Make sure there's no one down the alley waiting to mug you!"

"I'll be careful, Harriet, thank you. Besides, I'll have a feisty Marine with me; won't I, Mac?"

Mac gave him a sharp look, and then nodded her head slowly, a smile spreading on her face as she acknowledged his words.

"If that's the price I have to pay for hitching a ride, I guess it's worth it."

The others seated around the table watched the by-play between their two friends, and all came to the same conclusion.


The evening between friends passed in laughter, with Harm and Mac the last to leave from their group; the others having left with hugs, kisses, handshakes and promises to call, as in the case of Harriet and Varese. When Harm helped Mac on with her jacket, she let something drop onto the table.

"Mac? You dropped someth…" Harm stopped as he picked up the white stick off the table, holding it at eye level, and looking at the blue lines in the requisite window. "Mac…?" Harm spoke again, but this time his voice was little over a whisper as he looked at her. Mac's eyes had misted over, and she couldn't find her voice at that moment, so she nodded instead.

"A baby," Harm murmured, finding his own head nodding in time with Mac's. Shaking himself out of his stupor, he reached for Mac and pulled her into his arms, where she went willingly, the tears now streaming down her cheeks.

"Our baby, Harm…" she managed to get out, over the lump in her throat, muffled by the layers of her coat and his.

From across the bar, the manager grinned at the two of them.

"We're closing, folks. Time to take your celebrations home with you," he added, and Harm raised his head, grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat.

"I'm going to be a father!" he called out, waving the white stick in the air, and Mac laughed at his actions. Pulling his face around to her she smiled up at him.

"Time to take me home, Sailor."

Harm nodded without speaking, dropped his head to give Mac one more brief, but very possessive, kiss and then he took her hand in his and walked toward the exit. Once outside the bar, he put his arm around Mac's shoulders and walked with her to where he had parked his Corvette. As they rounded the corner of the block, and walked past the car, Mac laughed throatily, and Harm stopped, looking down at her sultry expression.

"What?" he asked, all innocence, but Mac wasn't fooled.

"You're up to something, Harm. I can tell!"

"Oh, yeah? Tell me, then."

"Nah, ah! I've already given you one surprise tonight. Now it's your turn!"

"Okay." Harm nodded, took a quick look up both ends of the street, and then pulled Mac along with him into the alley beside the Corvette. Mac's first reaction was a startled squeak, and then shock as the cold air hit her body when Harm undid the front of her coat and pulled up the shirt beneath. That sensation only lasted for an instant, as Harm pulled his coat around her and lowered his mouth to tease her nipples. From then on, Mac could only feel the heat of his ministrations on her body, and the building up of sexual tension low in her belly. Without speaking, Harm knew exactly when she was ready for him, and he lifted her quickly with both hands on her backside, until she wrapped her legs around him easily and slid down onto his length. At the very moment their bodies came together, Mac looked straight at him. Her dark eyes were almost black as the pupils dilated, and Harm felt himself drowning in her gaze, as his body was taken by hers. He may have begun the seduction, but Mac was now in control, and they came together, cries muffled by kisses, as they fulfilled one of many fantasies they had spoken about in the brief interludes between making plans and making love.

Much later, when they were spooned together, cuddling under the covers on Harm's bed, satiated and warm, Harm raised his head a little from the pillow to glance across Mac's dark head and come to rest on the white stick that sat on the bedside table. Mac's lips tilted in a smile, and although her eyes were closed, she knew exactly what he was doing.

"What're you thinking, Harm?"

"That I'm going to have to find a frame for the stick."

Mac turned in his arms, giving him a puzzled look.

"What on earth for?" she asked, her voice husky with unclaimed sleep.

"That's not just a 'stick', Mac. It's an heirloom."

"You're going to give our baby the stick that told us I am pregnant?"

Harm shook his head.

"No. I'm going to show him, or her, the proof that I always keep my promises."

"You say the nicest things, Harmon Rabb…" Mac's lower lip trembled, and Harm leaned down to kiss her gently. When they surfaced to breathe, Harm murmured softly.

"You deserve the nicest things, Sarah."

"I never believed my four percent would count for anything…" Mac began, but Harm placed a finger across her lips, silencing her with a gentle shake of his head.

"With your four percent, and my 99.9, we were over the 'point one' percent that might fail…" Harm began, and Mac put a finger over his lips as she turned to face him.

"You got tested? When? Why?"

"I got tested when we began our life together, because it wasn't fair to put the onus on your four percent when I didn't know what percentage I was working at."

"You did that for me?" Mac's voice broke on the last word as Harm nodded his head gently, then through the tears she managed a laugh. "I guess you're going to be insufferable now you know your 'little guys' are operating at full strength, right?"

"Nope, at least no more than usual…" Harm retorted softly, and Mac reached up to kiss him before turning again in his arms, and settling down to sleep once more.

Smiling as Harm's hand rubbed gently at her belly, protecting the life that began there, Mac closed her eyes.