BabySitting Harry

Chapter Three

Sirius knocked on Lily's door, happy to be babysitting his little godson once again. He knew that nothing would go wrong... what was that saying he heard Remus mutter? 3rd times lucky?

James opened the door, he flashed a quick smile and wiped it off as soon as Sirius stepped inside the house.

"Oh... Sirius, you're early." Lily said in a monotone.

"Thought it would be better being early than being late, just showing you how reliable i am!" Sirius beamed at her.

Lily didn't return the smile, she looked Sirius up and down and went to get Harry.

"What's up with her?" Sirius asked, nodding at Lily.

"Uh... well she doesn't exactly want you to babysit Harry." James moved awkwardly.

"What? But i'm his godfather! If anyone should be trusted with him, it should be me!" Sirius cried, outraged.

"Hey, hey, i agree with you mate... Lily on the other hand..." James shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"Doesn't think you're reliable to watch a 8 month old baby. The last two times we came home to a diaster! I swear Sirius, if i come home to a disaster and you try to blame it on Harry, you will never be trusted with my son again!" Lily said harshly, storming past Sirius and into the kitchen, Harry in her arms.

"What? But it was Harry! Come on Lily! That was a bit harsh!" Sirius pouted, his voice sounded hurt.

"Well, to tell you the truth, she's been staying up for two nights now looking for someone else to babysit him... she couldn't find anyone and you were the only one available. Listen mate," James took the coat Lily gave him, "Just try and keep an eye on Harry all the time, and if the place does become a diaster, try and fix it before we get home." James looked at Sirius hopeful, as Lily handed Sirius Harry.

"Don't worry about a thing! I've got it all under control, trust me!" Sirius beamed at Lily and James.

James closed the door, shaking his head in disbelief.

Harry's bottom lip began to tremble, his hands were outstretched, wanting his mummy and daddy.

"Oh no!" Sirius carried Harry into the living room and onto the couch. "Come on now, Harry. They'll be back before you know it! You'll be having so much fun with you Uncle Sirius, you won't even notice they're not here!" Sirius trried to soothe.

But it just made it worst.

Harry began to cry. And Scream. And kick for his mummy and daddy.

Sirius tired rocking him in his arms, tickling him, bopping him up and down on his knee, pleading with him, even swirling around the room, but Harry just kept on screaming and crying.

"How did i make him stop last time?" Sirius looked around for anything that would help, but nothing caught his eye.

"How is it that James just has to pick you up and you stop crying? It's not fair to us babysitters!" Sirius cried aloud.

After twenty mintues, Harry had stopped screaming and kicking and was down to small cries and sobbing. Sirius talked and talked to him, rocking him in his arms until his voice went hoarse.

Finally little Harry was sound asleep. Carefull and gently, Sirius carried him upstairs and put him in his cot and looked at him lovingly, before going down to the kitchen to find something to fix his voice and throat.

Sirius went into the kitchen and sighed heavily. Quuietening Harry was hard, stressful work. Sirius opened the fridge to find a stack of firewhisky sitting on top.

"Hmm, maybe just one. After all, that was hard work." Sirius grinned mischieviously.

Harry stirred, he rolled over and woke with a start next to a birght green and orange clown. A cry broke out but no more.

Harry looked around him. He was in his nursery... but he didn't want to be here! He wanted to be with his mummy and daddy!

An ear-piercing cry broke out from Harry.

Sirius dropped his jar of firewhisky and ran upstairs to the nursery where Harry was screaming and crying... again.

"Oh, Harry, come one now, they'll be back before you know it! I'm here! Don't you want to play with Uncle Sirius?" Sirius asked Harry. Harry screamed. "I'll take that as a no."

Sirius picked up Harry and took him off downstairs. Sirius plonked him on the floor, his back up against a door as he knelt down, picking up pieces of glass and cleaning up the spilt whiskey.

"Now i'll be right back, and don't even think about trying any of your pranks!" Sirius warned Harry as he left the kitchen.

Harry watched Sirius leave the room. He looked around him. Nothing. Nothing exciting around him.

Harry crawled forward and as he did, the door behind him opened ajar.

Turning around, Harry opened the door and looked inside. There was nothing but a small black cauldron. Harry leant up, trying to pull it down, and as he did, the cauldron fell down, barely missing Harry and a large purple ball rolled out and into a small patch of liquid Sirius must have missed.

As the purple ball rolled into the liquid, it exploded, blasting sticky purple goo all over Harry and the kitchen.

Harry burst out laughing and clapped his hands, wanting more.

Sirius came whistling back into the kitchen, and as he did, the colour drained from his face.

"Bloody hell, i'm in for it now!" Sirius whispered scared. Remembering James's warning, he set to work.

He ran Harry upstairs and into the bathroom, turing the bath's taps on. Went the water was warm, Sirius dunked Harry in and tried getting the purple goo off Harry.

Sirius scrubbed and scrubbed, but he couldn't get a piece of goo off poor Harry, who happened to be laughing and giggling as if it was the highlight of his day!

As Sirius scrubbed Harry, he heard and very loud, familiar scream and shot followed by his name. Sirius cringed. Lily and James were home and they'd seen the kitchen... how was he going to get out of this one?