Babysitting Harry
Little Harry sat on the floor with cushions around him.
Behind him his Uncle Sirius snored sofly on the couch, his wand held loosley in his hand.
Harry turned himself around and clapped his hands. But his Uncle Sirius didn't move.
Disappointed he hung his head down until he saw his Uncle Sirius's wand.
Harry clapped his hands and giggled and him slid himself across to the couch.
Harry took his Uncle Sirius's wand and waved it in achievment at his Uncle.
Sirius hair bagn to grow even longer than it was, it didn't stop growing until the hair had touched the floor.
Harry cooed and giggled and gave the wand another flick. This time purple spots covered Sirius all over his body from head to toe.
Harry flicked the wand five times and watched his Uncle Sirius.
Sirius hair turned yellow, with mouldy green streaks through it. His nose began to swell and become really fat. His eyebrows disappeared. A bright pink handle bar moustache grew and Sirius's clothes began to shrink a little.
Harry laughed and clapped. He was having so much fun!
He swished the wand three more time at Sirius and waited.
Sirius fingers nails began to grow black, he's lips began to shrink a little and his ears became pointy.
Harry giggled and laughed. He was finished with his uncle Sirius.
He waved his wand at the walls in the room and bright green paint covered them all with blue polka-dots here and there. The photos and pictures on the wall began to grow larger and the fire place began to shrink.
Harry began to swish the wand at everything in the room. Sometimes nothing happened, sometimes something colourful and bright burst out and entertained Harry.
After a while Harry grew tired and his eye lid became heavy.
He crawled over to the pillows on the floor, dropping the wand and fell asleep.
A couple of hours later, James and Lily arrived home.
Lily walked into the room and shrieked, while James laughed heartidly.
"Awww, would you look at our special little guy? He's all worn out watching what Sirius has done to the place." james said quietly as he picked up Harry who didn't even stir.
Lily marched over to Sirius. "I knew we should have called Remus! What was i thinking when i agreed to have Sirius over and watch Harry?" Lily muttered to herself.
Lily shook Sirius and Sirius jumped up. muttereing words neither james or Lily heard.
"Oh, your home. Guess i can go home myself now." Sirius yawned.
James burst out laughing at Sirius, even Lily couldn't hide a small giggle.
Sirius looked ridiculous. "Whoa what happened to the place?" Sirius asked looking around, picking up his wand.
"Someone's obviously been busy." Lily said quietly looking at Harry. James grinned back at her.
"You might want to take a look in the mirror before you leave." James said walking upstairs to put Harry into his bed.
James lauhed to himself as her heard Sirius scream loudly from down stairs.
"Well, would you look at that, my sons already a perfect prankster!" james said quietly, kissing his son goodnight and wlaking downstairs to laugh more at Sirius.