Disclamer - I don't own Resident Evil, my brother and I just play it too much.

My brother wrote this story up one day and I'm finally going to submit it. It's not a real story, and no aspect of this story he is saying has acutally affected him like he said it has... It's a nice dark piece of work, you should really give it a shot.

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Idée Fixe

Every zombie story must have at least one disturbed survivor who ends up writing a personal narrative. This is an account of three repeating dreams, a life changing dream that was is a fundamental moment in my life. It's a story of terror and fear mixed together like a sick batch of scrambled eggs and death.

A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. Dreams for me come around when strong emotions are provoked, and nothing provokes emotions like books and games. Roughly around the age of fourteen I started playing a video game series called Resident Evil. The series is controversial for the use of its graphic violence, gore, and bloodshed which is seen throughout the entire game from start to finish. It had profound effects on my deveolping mind; you are the character in a dramatic event that takes place surrounded by zombies.

Dreams began happining after I really started getting into the series, playing really tore me up. You would meet people and they would be your friend and you would trust them, but there was a catch.. friends allways die, you know its coming but you cant stop it, and you just die inside leaving you hollow and feeling incapable of going on with life. The most depressing thing is when the one you care about most, is infected. You can feel their anxiety, knowing someone who you have spent this whole terrifying ordeal with is going to become the one thing they where running from. It set me in a permanently unsound state of mind - eventually something was going to break. I didn't realize it at first but I was having unpleasant dreams, usually wakening up late at night in a cold sweat. My mind fractured during Code: Veronica when Steve died, since then nothing was alright.

Sleeping is an unpleasant time. My mind strays and replays the last moments of friends long gone to the flesh eating zombies and impossible monsters. The situation the games were set in helped me understand the pure raw emotion of what it feels like to loose someone close to you.

In conclusion, this was of importance because I have had too much time to burn and when I'm not active, I spend my time sulking about the unfavorable outcomes of my favorite video game characters. Therefore, upon falling asleep, it makes me think of my family and friends getting eaten by rotting corpses. With my overactive imagination, I need to restrain from forming a relationship with fictional characters.

