I don't own it! Sadly…

Author's Note: There is a section of this exactly from the movie. So it obviously belongs to George Lucas. And if anyone sees any time line errors, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.

Chapter 1 – The Life and Secrets of R2D2

Luke held his wrench in his right hand as he searched Artoo with his left. He couldn't find anything wrong with the droid. He knew something was wrong though.

He had been flying his X-Wing out of Coruscant when Artoo started malfunctioning. Artoo was the one who had the coordinates to his destination. The X-Wing lost its auto-piloting capabilities as soon as Artoo went mental…

Luckily, Luke could pilot the thing back himself.

He looked at the never ending mass of wires that was Artoo. The Force wasn't much help here, seeing as he had no idea what was wrong with his friend.

"Can't you tell if there's anything different, Artoo?" Luke asked the droid for the fiftieth time.

He buzzed a negative.

Luke was just about to give up when he saw a chip. It was tiny, barely noticeable. It was attached to Artoo's main memory hub. He dropped his large wrench and reached in with his hand.

"Do you know where this chip came from?" Luke asked.

Artoo trilled a no.

Luke placed his fingernail under the chip and pulled. It was in there tight. He pulled one more time, sending sparks of discomfort up the nerves in his arm as his nail was pulled back.

But the chip had loosened marginally. After tugging at it for a while, the chip popped out into Luke's hand.

As soon as the chip completely disconnected, Artoo began trilling and chirping nonstop. For a brief moment, Luke panicked that he had removed some vital software from the droid. Then a hologram blasted out from Artoo.

"What in the…?" Luke started then stopped.

In the holo there were two people. There was a man with long sandy blonde curls wearing a dark black tunic and pants. He was holding the other, a woman, as if she might disappear if he let go. She was very beautiful, with dark brown locks of hair pulled into two buns on either side of her head. She wore an equally black dress. She held the man with the same urgency and longing as him. They weren't looking at the droid as they were recorded.

"Artoo, did these people know that you were recording them?" Luke asked.

Artoo made a noise that could have been emitted from a child who was just caught doing something he wasn't supposed to.

The sound on the holo cracked at first. Luke could see the pure...love on both of their faces. He felt slightly awkward, like he shouldn't be watching. Curiosity overpowered his moral compass though. Then the sound came through.

"There were whispers that you'd been killed," the woman said softly, her fear reflected in her musical voice.

"I'm alright," the man said, smiling almost childishly. The relief and happiness that he was with her was obvious.

"It feels like we've been apart for a lifetime," he whispered. "And it might have been...If the chancellor hadn't been kidnapped, I don't think they would've ever brought us back from the outer rim sieges."

The man closed the already short distance between the couple, trying to kiss her.

"Wait, not here," she whispered to him. She looked worried.

"Yes, here," he said seriously. "I'm tired of all this deception. I don't care if they know we're married."

"Anakin, don't say things like that." The woman looked at him with a soft reprimand.

He responded by pulling her into another embrace. The man pulled away, but not very far.

"Are you alright? You're trembling." He took a breath. "What's going on?"

"Something wonderful has happened," she told him. She didn't look as if something wonderful had just happened.

The man kept looking at her, giving her his complete attention.

"Ani," she started, "I'm pregnant."

He looked surprised and shocked.

"That's," he said, looking at her and then down. She looked back worriedly. "That…that's wonderful."

He then found her eyes again. His smile betrayed none of the shock of earlier. He was happy, honestly happy. He looked almost like a child.

"What're we gonna do?" The woman asked. She was obviously worried, but relieved by his response.

He kept smiling.

"We're not gonna worry about anything right now. Alright?" He said lovingly. He put his hand against her cheek softly. "This is a happy moment." The woman gave him a small smile. "The happiest moment of my life." His smile was elated.

Then they kissed.

The holo ended. Luke's breathing wasn't too great. He couldn't remember Jedi relaxation techniques for the life of him. Anakin…

The woman had definitely said Anakin. She was pregnant…the woman was going to have a child…

"Ar…Artoo," Luke stuttered. "What's the time stamp on that holo vid?"

Artoo trilled something that Luke couldn't understand.

"Threepio!" Luke shouted. He was suddenly very glad to be on Coruscant, where Threepio stayed with Leia.

The golden droid came in moments later.

"Yes, Master Luke? How can I be of service?" The droid's robotic voice asked.

"Translate what Artoo says," Luke said, anxious for his information.

"Of course, Master Luke."

Luke looked back to Artoo.

"What's the time stamp on that holo?" he asked urgently.

"Approximately 24 years ago, Master Luke."

Luke's breathing nearly stopped. He felt his heart rate go higher than ever before. Even in battle, he had used relaxation techniques to slow his breathing. He felt a dull pain in his finger.

He looked down and realized he had been gripping the chip so savagely that it pierced his finger. The chip.

Someone must have put that chip on Artoo to block his memories of…of who? This was simply more evidence toward the identity of the man and woman from the holo. Who else's past would someone go to the trouble to hide?

"Artoo, who was your master when this holo was recorded?" Luke asked the droid.

Artoo trilled and beeped.

"Well, Artoo, that's quite impossible. Why would a simple droid such as you belong to him? It's a terrible thing to say," Threepio talked down to Artoo.

"No, Threepio, what did he say?" Luke insisted, feeling out of the loop.

Artoo trilled at Threepio rather indignantly and a little haughtily.

"I beg your pardon! Artoo Detoo, to suggest such a thing is completely insulting!"

Artoo rolled his video socket.

Luke looked to Threepio.

"Threepio, will you please inform me what you two are talking about?" Luke asked as pleasantly as possible. He knew the droid would not respond to a command.

Threepio gave a robotic sigh.

"Artoo Detoo suggests that his master at the time was a Jedi Anakin Skywalker, later to become Darth Vader." Threepio gave the robotic equivalent of a scoff. "Then he went on to suggest that I, C-3PO, Human-Cyborg Relations, was made by him."

"Darth Vader made Threepio?" Luke asked the droid.

Artoo gave a response in the positive that Luke didn't need a translation to.

"You are not honestly suggesting that I was made by Darth Vader?" Threepio asked indignantly.

Luke wasn't listening to the droid.

"Artoo, was Threepio with you back then?" Luke asked.

Threepio started objecting. Artoo beeped a positive. Threepio started arguing that he most certainly was not there.

"You could easily have been mind-wiped, Threepio," Luke told the droid. "Artoo's memories were blocked by this chip."

"Well why wasn't he mind-wiped then?" Threepio asked.

"Someone must've placed the chip so that the memories couldn't be wiped. If they couldn't be found, they couldn't be wiped. You must've just been wiped."

An urgent knocking came from his door. "Luke!" Leia shouted, sounding worried.

"Come in," he told her.

She was already coming in though. Leia looked around, as if she expected for there to be an attacker in the room. Then she saw Luke kneeling next to Artoo, not in any danger at all.

"What's going on, Luke? I could…sense you. You were anxious or stunned." She started to look unsure of herself. "At least, I think you were."

Luke smiled honestly.

"Good job, Leia. You were right."

Leia looked pleased with herself, and then she realized that she was happy about knowing Luke was worried.

"What's wrong, Luke?" She asked, walking toward him and kneeling next to him.

Luke realized that she would understand his shock and his anxiousness. She would get it, because she was his sister.

"Leia, I…I have to show you something…something amazing."