This is Alice's point of View. Enjoy!!!!

I was bored. Sunlight and Vampires... Well... Didn't mix. Edward had Bella, and Rosalie had Emmett. Esme was busy cooking for Bella. Jasper was hidden, he still blamed himself for Edward's leaving, even after Bella reassured him.

I was currently sitting in Jazz and I's room. He'd gone to his secret "lair." I had done everything! I quickly racked my mind for things to do. I could try to find Jasper, but then he would relocate his "lair." I decided we should play a game. Esme always had good ideas, I would ask her. I slowly walked to the kitchen, to find Esme making a cake.

"Hello Esme." I said.

"Hello Alice." She replied motherly.

"Esme, what can we do?? I'm so bored!" I sounded like a child and I knew it, but how many times can I read the same Human Anatomy book? She spun around and gave me a questioning look.

"Find Bella and Edward?"

"I tried. Bella loves it when Edward sparkles, so he was laying by the window in his room letting Bella stroke his arms and chest and-"

"Emmett and Rose?" She was staring at me. I shuddered. She gave me one of those "Oh YAH!!" looks.

"No." I replied curtly. As if on cue Emmett entered the kitchen.

"Mom. Sis." He acknowledged us. Emmett sat next to me on one of our rarely used barstools. It seemed Bella brought out the "Human" in all of us.

"Emmett. What game do you want to play?" Esme asked.

"Let me guess," He pointedly glanced at me," Alice is bored. Edward and Bella are being all snuggly, and I just got some..." He just shook his head,and kind of zoned out. Esme hit him over the head with a frying pan.

"Emmett!!" I called.

"Oh ya!! Hi guys!" For being a vampire with a perfect memory, Emmett sure was stupid. I rolled my eyes and Esme sighed.

"Esme love!" Carlisle then waltzed through the door, carrying his briefcase. "They let me go early." He gently put his arms around Esme's waist. She snuggled into his chest. They were adorable together. Emmett ruined the moment with his big mouth.

"Aww!!! You guys are so sweet!" He cooed. Carlisle walked over to him.

He held up three fingers,"How many fingers son?" He asked very seriously. Emmett looked at him and burst out laughing. "Yes, hes fine." Carlisle sighed and shook his head. He returned to Esme's side and kissed her gently on the mouth.

"No wonder you don't get any action..." Emmett mumbled. Carlisle snarled. Quickly for Carlisle, Emmett was out the door and well on his way to Timbuktu. Esme kissed Carlisle again. Good and Deep. They were actually in full make out mode when Rosalie walked in. Her hair was wet. I could only guess...

"Nasty!" She exclaimed.

"Oh Rose! Thats their first PDA this week!"

"It not my fault Carlisle can't get some booty." In the blink of an eye, Rosalie had joined Emmett. I fell to the floor clutching my sides with laughter.

Suddenly, an idea hit me over the head... literally. Emmett had thrown an empty bottle of water at me.

"I got it!" I screeched suddenly. Jasper was at my side in a second.

"What? What happened? Are you okay?" He started looking me over. I gently touched his cheek.

"I'm good, I got an idea. Calm down..." He immediately calmed.

"What idea?" Carlisle had come up for air.

"Well, while some of us were busy making out, I, got an idea... WE CAN PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!" I announced. Immediately everyone was in the kitchen.

"No way." Edward snarled. He wrapped his arm protectively around Bella

"She doesn't have to play!" I tried logic first, force was plan B.

"Fine. I'm in." Edward reluctantly agreed. Carlisle looked to Esme and they communicated.

"We shall join." Carlisle said.

"Cool. Emmett. Rose." I asked.

"Have we ever not played a make out game?" Emmett was astounded I would ask. I grabbed the bottle and looked around at them all.

"Let the games begin..." Bella buried her head farther in Edward's chest as he longing stroked her hair.

"Awww!!!! You guys are so-"

"Shut up Emmett!" Carlisle bellowed.

I started walking to the living room closely followed by my family. Edward and Bella took the large white couch, that didn't stop them from sitting on top of each other. Emmett and Rose took the love seat, sitting side by side. Carlisle and Esme took the other side of the couch, he wrapped his arm around Esme 's waist. Jazz and I sat on the chair opposite, I sat on his lap.

"Who wants to go-"

"I will!!" Emmett screamed. You think after a hundred years he would pick up on the super sensitive hearing, but thats Emmett. He grabbed the water bottle and spun it lightly His eyes were giving away his excitement.

"Emmett, calm down." jasper begged. The water bottle stopped... pointing at me.

"Nope! Not happening, I refu-"

"This is your game..." Edward chided.

"Fine!" I gave up, I would lose anyway. I kissed Jasper then confronted Emmett. He looked obviously sad too.

"Eww!!! Mommy!!! I don't want to kiss my sister!" Emmett complained. Esme shrugged.

"Are you scared Emmett??" Bella cooed.

"..N-...No..." He replied haughtily.

"Sure..." Jasper agreed.

"Come on!" Edward groaned. "Hes a big Vampire! He can do it..." Edward confronted Emmett from Bella's neck.

"Fine." Emmett huffed.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and carefully bent over the coffee table toward Emmett. He did the same. I nodded to him and we both leaned in. Our lips met for a second and I pulled back.

"Ew!!!! Alice!!! Nasty!!!" Emmett was wiping the back of his hand repeatedly over his full lips.

"Its okay." Rosalie reassured him. She leaned in and brushed her lips against his.

"All better?" Bella asked.

"Ya.." Emmett was back to his cocky self.

"Umm... I'm great! Thanks for asking..." I trailed off suggestively and scowled at Jasper.

"Next!" Bella called.

"I'll go." Esme answered. Esme bent forward and spun the bottle...

"Nasty..." Rosalie snarled.

"Ah..." Emmett cooed.

"Are you going to??" Carlisle trailed off.

"No comment..." Jasper added his comment as well.

"Mom, you are brave." I praised Esme. Anybody should get an award for kissing Edward.

"Lets get this over with." Edward mumbled. He kissed Bella's neck and cautiously bent over the table towards Esme. They both leaned in, they broke apart immediately. Edward returned to Bella's side and brushed his lips against Bella's. She was blushing furiously.

"Okay! Okay!" Jasper yelled. He covered his mouth and made retching noises. "I'm spinning." He added. Jasper stepped forward to meet his doom. He spun the bottle and returned to his relaxed stance.

Edward's eyes bulged.

Bella let out a cry of disbelief.

Emmett fell to the floor... laughing.

Rosalie made retching noises.

Esme snarled.

Jasper actually turned green.

Carlisle was the first to speak.

"I refuse..." He said in between gasping breaths.

"I totally agree." Jasper was no longer casual. He was ready to bolt for the bathroom.

Carlisle had turned paler than normal, he was going to lose his cool.

"RUN!" Emmett bellowed. Edward grabbed Bella and bolted. Rosalie and Emmett ran. Jasper grabbed me and sprinted to our room. Esme stayed behind. When we got to our room Jasper said a small prayer for Carlisle.

"May God help Esme! Shes such a brave soul, and Car-"

"I refuse to play such a CHILDISH," Carlisle spat the word,"game! Edward was right as usual! This was a stupid idea from Alice and I..."

"Honey! Its fine!" Esme was playing the reassuring wife

"NO! Its not!!! I refuse to kiss my son, Esme..." He was pacing.

"Please Carlisle! For me..." She whispered," Relax!"

"Yes... Yes I must..." He seemed more concerned with convincing himself. He raked his hands through his blond hair and sat down.

"Are you ready to play again? Shall I call the kids?" Esme was again concerned about us.

"No! We are done with this game!"

"Aw!!! Are you sure little Carlisle's not chicken?" Emmett did not take a hint.

Carlisle turned toward him and let loose a feral snarl. If I had ever feared being murdered, it was now.

"Jasper!" He was on the floor laughing.

"Yup!... Alice!" He gasped in between laughs.

"I guess your right. This is hilarious."

"Uh... Oh..." That was all Emmett got out before Carlisle got him. Emmett's ear would never be the same. "Mercy! I said Mercy! Let me go!"

"Who's scared now?" Carlisle snarled. He had Emmett by the ear, and was dangling him form the balcony.

"Um... Dad?" Edward called. Ding Dong. What wonderful timing the visitor had.

"I am getting the door..." Rosalie called out.

"Yup." Esme reassured her.

Rosalie opened the door to Mike. She turned toward us and called out one word.


"Yes Rose?" Edward had come to the balcony alright. In his boxers, Bella followed suit in a towel. Edward ran his hands through his hair and descended the staircase with Bella.

"Hey Mike!" Edward was all smiles and waves, probably from the look on Mike's face. Mike couldn't rip his eyes from Edward's muscled chest and runners thighs. Edward carefully bent and hoisted Bella's towel, so only he could see. Bella relaxed into Edward's touch.

"Here." Mike brought forward an envelope. Rosalie turned and nodded to Edward. He grabbed Bella's waist and took off up the stairs.

"What is is?" Rosalie asked snidely. She carefully gave the envelope to Jasper, who opened it.

"Its our conference times..." Jasper shook his head in blatant disbelief.

"You came here to give us conference times?" Edward snarled from the stairs. Mike meekly nodded.

"Please. Leave." Carlisle suggested.

"Yes, please." Esme was pleading, we all knew by Edward's tone he was about to lose it. Bella intervened. She put her arms around Edward's neck and kissed him. He lifted Bella easily and sighed into the kiss. Smiling

Bella bent and began kissing at Edward's waist along his boxers.

"Get a room." Emmett contradicted.

"Like you ever get a room..." Jasper added his opinion. For being quiet he sure was opinionated. Suddenly, there was a moan. Quiet, but we had sensitive hearing. Carlisle and Esme smiled at each other, but didn't move. All the others and myself looked though.

Bella caught my eye and blushed... Edward was on the floor... With a tiny personal problem...

"Edward? Bro? You might want to..." Emmett was just staring. Hardly believing his own eyes. As if to prove my point. He lifted his hands and rubbed them ferociously across his eyes, blinked, and did a double take. Edward was still moaning.

"Bella? You might... Want to..." Everyone turned to glare at Mike. "I'm leaving!" He mumbled.





My goodness... Carlisle looked and just about had an aneurysm. After that Esme looked. "HUNTING!" Carlisle bellowed. Jasper and Rosalie immediately followed suit. Emmett and I were obviously fascinated by what was happening here.

Bella was now straddling Edward kissing him, like never before. He was raking his hands through her hair and


WHOA! Look at Bella... I always knew she was a smart human. Always liked her. Holy Crap! Look at Edward! He has a...large personal problem... Horny Vampire...

"Alice..." Edward growled.

I put on my best innocent face. The one I usually reserve for Rosalie,"Yes Edward?" Work the puppy dog eyes... I batted my eyelashes, and looked at my feet.

"Lets go!" Carlisle bellowed.

"Coming!" Emmett ran as fast as he could from the room.

"Rosalie." I stated matter of factly . No one could make Emmett run as fast as Rosalie could. It was one of her unusual gifts.


"Shut it! Geez!" Bella and Edward were apparently done. I crossed my fingers.

"You done?" I asked.

Edward glared at me. "Yes. Thank You."

I decided to annoy Edward. It was so easy. All I had to do was complain, about anything. I could complain about teddy bears and Edward would be mad. "Nobody in this family can do anything without complaining! GEEZ!" I looked at Edward to make sure he was listening and found his head where it usually was. Bella's neck. They were sitting on the couch. Bella on Edward's lap. Her head was back on the headrest, exposing her neck to Edward and he was taking full advantage of the opportunity. "THEY ARE DONE!" I screeched.

"Ah! Good." Carlisle sounded relieved.

"Finally!" Emmett replied.

"Lust sucks!" Jasper allowed.

"Good for you guys." Just guess. It was Esme.

Bella was the last to speak," You know what?"

"Hm???" Edward replied from her neck.

"I wish Mike would come over more often..."

REVIEW PLEASE!!!! Pretty Please!!!!