The next morning, neither Danny nor Don were late to work, surprisingly...

But someone else was and boy, did Danny have a good laugh when he saw Adam and Mac walk in together... half an hour after their shift had started... Adam in the same clothes from the day before and Mac with a mischievious little glint in his eyes.

Don, on the other hand, smirked at the two, then went back to pestering Danny about calling his parents.

"Dan, you heard my dad this morning, he was serious," Don said, glaring when Danny couldn't hold in his laughter.

"Adam.. Mac... wow," Danny wiped a tear from his eye and chuckled again. "That only leaves Stella and Hawkes.." And he laughed again because the thought of his co-workers together was just oh-so-funny.

"Danny, calm down," Don sighed, shaking his head, "Look. You're gunna call yer parents today at lunch, got it? And if ya try to weasel out of it, yer still in deep shit 'cause my dad insisted on calling them tonight to get 'introduced'. Danny, I swear to God if you don't shut up..."

"I'm tryin'," Danny snickered, trying to calm down, but then he looked over to Adam talking to Mac, and Mac giving this little smirk and standing so so so close, and... okay, he gave up, he was laughing again.

Don sighed melodramatically and walked away, giving up on Danny.

A couple of hours later, it was lunchtime and Danny had finally calmed down. Don wasn't sure if it was because Mac had actually checked Danny's forehead when he saw how red he was or because Adam had brought up that dominatrix stuff, or maybe it was because he finally had actual work to do.

But you know what? Don didn't care because he was sitting in Danny's desk chair, watching Danny bend over to look at a sample with a look of sheer concentration masking his features... let's just say Don wished he had a longer lunch break.

"Don, stop staring at my ass," Danny said with a smirk, not even bothering to look up.

"But it's so distracting... and big," Don grinned, knowing Danny hated when he said that.

"I don't have a big ass, Flack," Danny looked up and glared at Don. "It's just... nicely rounded."

"Keep telling yerself that, Danno, keep tellin' yerself that..." Don quirked his eyebrows and stood up, playing with a stressball that was laying around on Danny's desk. "Now, let's get back to an even bigger issue... and yes, there are things bigger than yer butt."

"Shut up, Donald," Danny muttered, writing down his notes, then putting everything away.

"Ouch," Don smirked, "That hurt, Daniel, are ya gunna listen to me now?"

"Am I gunna get free food for it?"

Don sighed and threw the stressball at Danny's head, but Danny caught it before it hit him. "Ya get yer choice: Vending Machine A or B."

"No way, one of em's drinks, the other's food, I want both," Danny said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"High maintenance," Don muttered under his breath and pulled out his wallet. "Here, have a field day," He sighed and gave Danny the wallet.

Danny grinned and rubbed his hands together evilly before taking the wallet and heading over to the vending machines.

"He's gunna come back with the entire machine," Don sighed and fell into Danny's chair.

...ten minutes later, Danny came back with a bottle of Coke, 3 Snickers bars, 2 bags of Sunchips, and a pack of Poptarts... and not to mention, while holding all this, he managed to hold Don's wallet open and next to his face as he impersonated Don's goofy smile on driver's license.

"Yeah, yeah, give it back asshole," Don snatched his wallet back and checked what was left of his money. "I had like 50 bucks in here... you wasted 20 dollars on food?"

"No, 10 on food, 10 on the bet with Adam that he wasn't gunna get into Mac's pants til at least Thanksgiving," Danny shrugged and started eating a Snickers while grabbing Lindsay's chair and sitting down across from Don.

Don rolled his eyes and stole one of the bags of chips from Danny's lap. "Nice ta know ya bet on your boss's sex life."

Danny just smirked at him.

"Are ya satisfied now? Can we talk?" Don asked seriously, but the crumbs falling from his mouth sort of made the question lose some of its seriousness.

"You and this talkin' thing..." Danny sighed and rolled his eyes. "But okay, yeah," And he resigned himself to eating his Snickers and staring at Don.

"Today is..."


"My parents wanna have dinner with your parents..."

"Friday or Saturday."

"Tomorrow is..."


"Do you see some kind of connection here?"

"Yeah, I think you think that I didn't pass kindergarten."

"No, Danny, come on."

"All right, all right, you want me to call my parents, I get it, but ya can't blame me for putting it off."

"And why not?"

"Well, let's see... Sunday? C'mon, meeting your parents AND talking to my own? Pfft. Monday, you seduced me. Tuesday, I dozed off -- Mac's fault for overworking me. Last night, once again, you had yer wicked way with me."

Don watched Danny explain with mild amusement. "Dan, there's twenty-four hours in the day. You have almost an hour off for lunch, you got time on the way home, you got time when we get just choose to get distracted."

"Well, yeah, but it's easier to blame it on others."

"Real mature, Danny, real mature."

"I know," Danny smirked. "But I promise, I'll call 'em tonight."

"By tonight, my dad'll have talked to 'em."

"Wait, how does he have their number...?"


Danny glared at Don, raising his eyebrow questioningly. "Would those connections be your mouth?"

"Well, uh, sorta... ya see, my mom asked for their number... y'know, in case of emergencies and such... so I gave it to her..."

"How'd you have it?"

"Your phone."

"...when exactly was this?"

Don coughed out a response that sounded suspiciously like this morning.


Clearing his throat, Don loosened his tie slightly and smiled sweetly at Danny, "This morning... when you were still sleeping..."

"I knew you were hiding something," Danny muttered and stuffed the rest of his last Snickers in his mouth.

"Yeah, okay, good police work... call them now, I think they'd appreciate if you asked them, not some random guy," Don took Danny's phone off his desk and shoved into Danny's hands.

Danny mumbled something out with his full mouth and started looking through his phonebook.

"And hey, your band-aid plan'll work... you only got like 10 minutes to make the call."

"Great," Danny muttered and rolled his eyes, "What am I supposed to tell 'em?"

"That my parents wanna meet them over dinner, tomorrow or Saturday."

"Where? What time? How long?"

"What's with the 20 questions?!" Don asked, picking the stressball up again.

"That's basic information, you moron."

"Is that your new pet name for me?"

"It fits ya," Danny muttered.

Don threw the stressball at Danny and glared. "Call them now."

Adam came up and picked the stressball up from where it fell on the ground. "Hey, Danny, if you're not busy being Flack's whipped little slave, I've got the results on the blood you found at the scene."

"Funny," Danny smiled sarcastically and stood up. "So did Mac have you on all fours last night?"

"Oh, I was gunna ask you about that, since y'know, you do have all that experience with Flack," Adam smirked.

"I'm not here," Don muttered and stood up, nearly running to get away from the quarrel of all things sexual.

And guess what? Danny's parents still had no clue that they were going to have dinner with the Flacks sometime in the next 48 hours.

The next time Danny saw Don, he knew there was trouble as soon he noticed Don was talking on the phone... and then shoving the phone next to Danny's ear.

"Asshole," Danny mouthed, holding the phone up to his ear. "Uh, hey, Mom, I'm fine.."

Don smiled triumphantly and linked his arm through Danny's, dragging him along to his car.

"So what has Don told you?" Danny asked, letting Don lead him. "Oh, yeah, I have something to ask ya... no, I'm not pregnant, what the hell? No Ma, we're not THAT advanced yet..."

Don snickered and opened the car door for Danny, then went around and got in himself.

"Ma, ma, no, come on, don't do that, no Mom, you kn-- hi Dad, nah, nah, I don't mind talkin' to ya," Danny sighed inaudibly.

Listening to Danny's half of the conversation, Don was having a sweet old time laughing under his breath as he drove.

"Dad, listen, I called... well Don called because I needed to tell ya something... are you doing anything..." He looked to Don for the day.

"Saturday. Tomorrow there's Rangers game on and it's the finals and it's against the Devils and there's no wa--"

"Saturday night? No, tomorrow's the Rangers game... no, I don't keep up with that, Don does... no Don isn't interested in going to the ga... fine, dad... Don, would ya like to go the game tomorrow with my dad?"

"Wha? Are you serious? Really? How'd he get tickets? Of course I'll go."

Danny groaned quietly, careful not to let his dad hear. "Don said yeah," He murmured, sounding defeated. "Now can I get on to the other issue? Okay, well, ya see... On Sunday I met Flack's parents... where? Why do you haveta know? We went to church, Dad... they're... not Catholic, they're Lutheran.. It's not like you go to church anyway."

"Tell him my mom's Italian," Don said, getting the vibe that Mr. Messer actually paid attention to religion.

"His mom's Italian... yeah, I'm sure she makes her own sauce," Danny rolled his eyes. "Now, can I get back to my question... all right, well Don's dad... Don Flack, Sr., heard of him? Yeah, I know Don's a Jr.," Danny laughed and Don glared.

"Get on with the question, Daniel Amadeus."

"Hey, hey, hey, you can't use that against me," Danny said, holding his hand over the speaker, "And besides, at least its not Donald Nelson."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, ask him the question."

"Okay, dad, how would ya feel about having dinner with the Flacks Saturday night? Yes, Dad, you have to... no Dad.. okay, all right, so it's a yes? All right. Tell Ma I love her, love you too, bye," Danny hung up the phone and looked to Don. "Happy?"

"Happy," Don smirked and parked the car. "Now it's my turn to be high maintenance," He smirked and leaned over to kiss Danny, "And have all of you."


"...we're in a parking deck... the car has tinted windows..."

"Kinky," Danny smirked and looked to the backseat, then back at Don. "First one there's top," He grinned and jumped toward the back, Don following suit.

And... well, you know. ;)