
Saving A Moment

Author: Tsubasa-fan (), Youkohiei_fan(LJ)

Warnings: Yaoi, lemons later on, language, spoilers for recent chapters.

Pairings: Doumeki/Watanuki, others

Rating:PG-13, M eventually

Notes: for those reading my ficplease check out the poll on my profile page and let me know what you think! (The poll refers to what will happen much later in the fic) POLL WILL BE CLOSED SOON!!

"-she asked us to give it to you." Watanuki walked in, broom in hand as he overheard someone talking. Looking over to Yuuko, he saw Fai, the others behind him. Blue caught his eye and the teen could see a large necklace dangling between Yuuko's slender fingers. Ignoring her he went about sweeping.

"I'll have to thank her, for such lovely payment." She placed the jewelry out of sight and smiled broadly. "I have wonderful news to tell all of you all, guess!"

"I can have Ginryuu back?"

"Kuro-daddy doesn't owe you a gift anymore?"

"You got a new dress?"

"Your sending us something!"

"Not even close." Watanuki froze mid broom swing as he heard the tone in the woman's voice. A cold chill went down his spine as he turned, in what seemed like slow motion.

"What is it Witch-san?" Asked Fai.

"As you probably know our Watanuki-chan is happily dating, and I think I hear wedding bells and the pitter-patter of little feet, in the near future!"

"What did you just say?!" He snarled and gripped the broom tightly in his hands as Yuuko grinned and waved at him.

"Congratulations, Watanuki-kun, who are you going to marry?" The princess asked as she looked at the teen questionly.

"Uuh...Shizuka, Sakura-chan."

"Kuro-seme told me the two of you seemed close when we last talked."

"I knew when I saw Doumeki-kun in the dream world, that he was in love with you." Sakura said, smiling softly.

"What?!" Watanuki dropped the broom he had been holding, while the witch and mage laughed.

"Where is you other half?" Yuuko asked as she lounged on her fainting couch, a devious smile playing on her lips.

"No, don't get him in here?!"

"Oi, stop yelling."

"Doumeki-kun, we just heard the news, how long have you and Watanuki-kun been dating?" The boy blushed at the blonde mage's words, while Fai talked to his boyfriend.

"A few months."

"That's wonderful news, so what did Yuuko-san mean when she said she could hear the pitter-patter of little feet?"

"Kimihiro can't become pregnant, or at least I don't think he can." Domeki said as he looked over to Watanuki curiously before returning his gaze back to Sakura. Watanuki bristled in anger, clutching his broom tightly in his grip.

"No way, the world doesn't need more of you walking around!"

"So, how are my grandchildren, Kurogane?" Chuckling, Yuuko turned her attention away from her employee, who was contemplatin on throttling Doumeki, to turn her gaze to the ninja.

"Like hell they are!"

Since the afternoon talk with Syaoran and the others, Watanuki had found himself in a foul mood, and Doumeki walking him back home wasn't helping matters either. Steam was almost visible streaming upwards from the shorter boy as he stomped his way down the street.

"You're not still mad are you?"

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?!" Watanuki turned aburptly to look at his boyfriend. "Wait, I don't want to know, I'll probably end up strangling you!" He saw red when he looked at the taller boy and saw Doumeki covering his ears.

"That was hours ago."

"It didn't help things with that pork bun making fun of me." Watanuki grumbled as he turned back around and walked off towards his apartment.


Inside his head, the teen felt something snap. Whirling around Watanuki was ready to unleash his fury on his apparent idiot of a boyfriend. He hadn't expected the other to be right behind him however when he did turn. "Stop standing so close!"

Doumeki ignored the yelling, and grabbed the other boy's hand. "Let's go, I want Tonjiru." He smirked faintly as he pulled a stunned Watanuki along with him.

"Idiot, don't just ask for food at night and don't invite yourself over either."

"I'll go home after you cook." The taller said bluntly, only to feel the fingers dig into his hand harshly.


"It's good." Doumeki answered after swallowing another mouthful of the food Watanuki had made. Mismatched eyes looked at him for a moment, not having expected the compliment.

"Tch. You'd probably say that about any food as long as you got to eat it." Watanuki said as he folded his arms and watched Doumeki.

"I like /your/ food."

"S-stop saying things like that…it's embarrassing." He replied as he looked away so the taller teen couldn't see him blush.

"It's true." Doumeki added as he finished off his meal. Taking notice of the lack of sound from Doumeki eating, Watanuki looked over to him to see that the archer was moving to stand.

"What are you doing?"

"Said I would leave after I ate."

"Idiot, you don't just leave after eating food someone cooked for you. Do you have any manners at all?" He asked rhetorically, knowing Doumeki wouldn't answer. "I made a cake, so sit back down." Pausing, Doumeki stared at his boyfriend before he nodded and sat back down on the couch, wondering if Watanuki actually wanted him to leave or not if he was feeding him even more.

Watanuki sighed deeply as he stared up at the ceiling, having already gone to bed early. Doumeki had left earlier before the shorter boy went about cleaning his home and preparing for bed, but now that he was lying down on his futon and staring at nothing in particular, he tried not to think about why exactly he wasn't even tired.

He blamed Doumeki for one; the taller boy was like having a living thermal blanket wrapped around him, not to mention Watanuki always felt just a tiny bit safer knowing there wasn't a chance of a spirit coming too close to him whenever Doumeki decided to sleep over. So instead of thinking too much on the other boy, Watanuki gave another sigh and turned over onto his side, willing himself to sleep.

Watanuki looked around him noting the blackness beyond the garden and the porch and knew he was dreaming. Walking towards his usual seat, the boy sat and smiled at the man already there.

"Hello, Haruka-san."

"Hello, Watanuki-kun." The man smiled as he held a cigarette between his fingers. "There's something troubling you?"

"No, just Doumeki inviting himself over and expecting me to feed him is all."

"Hmm…then it's something else that happened today?" He smiled cryptically which only caused Watanuki to blush and look downwards, having an idea about what Haruka was referring to.

"Our friends that are travelling…two of them became parents today."

"You're unhappy with that?" The older man asked calmly, waiting for the boy to explain on his own.

"No, I'm happy Kurogane-san and Fai-san could have their own family, it was just Yuuko-san and the others teasing that made me angry."

"Because of you and Shizuka?"


"It's a rare occurrence what happened to your friends, so there's no need to worry on such a thing or to be angered by friendly teasing. Though I wonder what it would be like to see you carrying my great-grandchildren…" He trailed of in thought as he brought his cigarette to his lips.

Watanuki flailed at the comment, his mouth agape in shock at what he had just heard. "H-haruka-san!"

"Only teasing Watanuki-kun, besides you do know that you couldn't? I fear the price for such a thing would be too great." Smoke rose lazily skywards as Haruka spoke.

"Ah, Watanuki-kun makes the best desserts!" Himiwari said as she smiled brightly at her friend. Tanpopo chirped in agreement on the girl's shoulder.

"Himiwari-chan's too kind." He said, sparkles nearly dancing in his eyes as he returned the smile.

"It's too bad Doumeki-kun couldn't eat with us."

"He has some kind of meeting, but I gave him his lunch this morning." Watanuki explained as the three of them sat atop the school's roof eating lunch together.

"Watanuki-kun is such a good boyfriend." Himiwari told him as they ate. She was happy for both her friends, knowing Doumeki would protect Watanuki and help him with the things she couldn't. So she smiled for both of them glad they had finally become a couple.

"H-himiwari-chan…" A blush covered his cheeks as the girl laughed lightly beside him.