Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating; haven't really been on here in a very very long time, as you can tell.

Ill update once in a while but will hopefully finish this story in between assignments and exams, eek. (Wish me luck for them coz I'm gonna need it!)

Anyway, after a loooong time, here is the next chapter; Chapter 10.


I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have come. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

She looked out her window and could see the lights on meaning someone was home.

No one has seen you yet, you can always go back home.

She turned on the engine and was about to make a break for it when,



Alexis froze. She didn't want to move. She couldn't move. Her body suddenly shut down on her.

"Lexy, I can see you."

Sadly enough, you can see me. She thought to herself. She forced herself to turn around, or at least to do something.

Her body seemed to move against her will. Her hands slowly turned off the engine and after a moment or two, they opened the door.

After what seemed like forever, she looked up and forced a small smile on her face. "Hey, Kia."

Ok this is awkward...

Alexis looked up at Kia, wondering what her friend was thinking.

Kia hadn't spoken a word to her after moving the silence between the two inside; and it was beginning to freak her out.

"Kia, say something, please." Her heart sank as her friend shook her head. "I messed up ok. I know that."

"Why'd you do it?"

Alexis slowly shrugged. She ran her finger around the rim of her coffee mug and sighed. "I couldn't face you guys. I felt horrible for what had happened so I did what I thought was best. To bolt; to leave when I had the chance."

"So you decided to just drop us out of her your life for good?"

A bit startled by the tone of voice Kia was projected, she tried to defend herself. "I didn't do that."

"Yeah you did! I tried calling you but your phone was always off. Always. You never answered any of your messages; we pretty much never heard from you again."

"I'm sorry,"

"Sorry isn't good enough Alexis." Anger burned in her eyes.

"I was scared ok! I saw the way you all looked at me when I left with Grant." She could feel the tears forming behind her eye lids. "The look of sadness and hatred written all over your faces."

"You hurt us Lexy, you hurt Dougie..."

"But I'm not with Dougie! Can't you all get over that!" Alexis shoved her coffee mug away and stood up. "I'm not with him, all those times I waited for him, I'm done; I'm over it."

"He cares about you,"

"If he cared about me then he would've called me like he promised! He would have come back when he said he would! He would have remembered me when we met at that stupid concert!"

You could suddenly feel the tension in the air. Kia was shocked to say anything. She couldn't find her words to make this all go away.

"And how do you think that makes me feel Kia?" Tears ran down her cheek but she swiftly wiped them away. "How do you think I felt huh? After ruining the cafe, I couldn't face them again. After Grant took the first punch, my heart sank. I was mad and scared and all I wanted to do was comfort Dougie. There I said it." The anger slowly began to dissolve and her voice croaked. "I wanted to be by his side, telling him it was going to be okay. To hold him again, to just be with him, but I was just scared."

Kia wiped her tears away. "But why didn't you? Why did you just take off with Grant?"

"Did you see the way the others look at me? They hated me. Did you see the way Dougie looked at me?" She shook her head and couldn't continue.

By now the two friends were in tears. Couldn't stand it any longer, Alexis took off. She bolted towards the door but when she did saw someone.

Someone she didn't want to see. Or so she had thought.

He could hear yelling from inside the house. He didn't know what to do but to listen.

His heart sank as every word she said broke his heart.

He hurt her, he knew that but all he wanted to do was to make up for it all.

But he got in the way. He ruined the chance for to say he's sorry and that he loves her.

He was about to turn and leave when the door flung open.

She was crying; her eyes were red.

He couldn't help himself. His hand softly touched her cheek, wiping the tears away that were freely flowing down her cheek.

He felt her take a sharp breathe, but her eyes slowly closed.

When she opened her eyes again, he noticed the unhappiness in her eyes. They burned into his soul.

He moved towards her, and gently tilting her head up, he leaned in.

What he thought was going to be a mistake, turned out to be the greatest feeling he had ever felt.

A tingling feeling rushed through his body as her lips touched his for a mere second. But just as fast as it had happened, it stopped.

He felt her hand on his chest as she pushed him away, shock in her eyes as she pushed past him.

He couldn't move, all he knew was that he couldn't be without her any longer.

"Alexis wait!"

"Alexis wait!"

Those words again.

She was done waiting. But she knew that was a lie despite expressing it so many times.

A part of her; deep down inside her she knew she could wait for him forever if she wanted to. And she did.

She felt his arm around her waist and she knew that this is what she has been waiting for.

Those lips of his... Her whole body melted as those lips brushed up against hers. Her whole body melted as his hands perfectly entwined with hers; her whole body melted as their bodies perfectly fit into each other.

This is where she belonged.

Another chapter down my lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed it, please review! I shall try my best to get another one out soon.