Author's VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE: uhhmmm… hey guys, I just wanted to say to all of you that… wow… this is really hard ne? lol, anyways… I just wanted to say that you have been the BEST reviewers and readers an author could ever have… and now that this story's coming to an end with this last chap… I would like to thank you as you kept on reading this till' it's very end and you don't know how much this means to me. I won't be gone though don't worry. For other of stories… you can look it up in my profile page if you still want to read other stories authored by me of course so… I guess this is good bye for this story…

Love yeah guys so much,


Chapter 37: Finally Able To

Sasuke walked back to the room with his eyes still red and stingy. How would he tell the others? Was he the one who was supposed to tell them? It was too hard for him to see Kyo lying down there and how much more to tell the others… and how would he tell Sakura? He entered the room with a non suppressing bad mood. Everyone was still around Sakura talking about stuff of what has happened lately and how Ino thought she gained a few pounds and that sort.

"Sasuke?" Mikoto asked seeing as she couldn't be with her daughter-in-law-to-be for now since her friends were still surrounding her so she and Fugaku were sitting on the couch in the room. She had noticed Sasuke stand in a corner keeping his thoughts to himself and trying hard not to cry when he rested his chin on his gripped hand. Mikoto knew that this was how he always acted when he stopped himself form crying. Mother knows all that is. Fugaku looked at his son noticing his mood as well.

Sasuke didn't look at his mother when she had called him. Mikoto knew this was something over than what Sasuke could handle when he looked like this so she was the one who walked to him.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Mikoto asked pulling Sasuke's hand to go out of the room. If he was like this she also knew he didn't want to share it with other people. Sasuke was always close with his mom; his mom could make him admit any problem he had if his dad couldn't get it out of him so he was always comfortable sharing stuff with his mom.

As soon as they were outside and Mikoto had closed the door leaving Fugaku inside, Sasuke cried once more as he hugged his mother so tightly. Mikoto didn't know how to react but after a short while she softened her shocked expression and hugged his son as well as she pats his back.

"Mah, you think… you think I don't know or… I don't care… no… it's just. Do you think I don't give a damn for all the important people in my life? You think I don't know how to keep my friends with me?"

"Sasuke what are you talking about?" Mikoto asked feeling a dreaded mood swing past her and her face changed its expression.

"I lost Sakura once already… and now… mom I don't think I'm a good person… it seems I can't keep people being with me for long." Sasuke cried on.

"Of course you're not a good person honey… you're the best person anyone could ever come across with, you've always showed them care, love and…"

"Mah you don't understand…" Sasuke said a little higher than his past tone.

"Sasuke you're scaring me… what's this all about?" Mikoto asked pulling her son away from her holding his arms, looking at him directly in the eyes.

"Kyo… he… he's so stupid you know… he just had to do it… he… he's… he's Sakura's donor" Sasuke finally let out.

Mikoto had her mouth open and looked as pale as snow.

Sasuke wiped his tears away. He was a man for crying out loud but Kyo was his best friend… the VERY close friend he's ever been with when he lost his old friends that time Ishize had blackmailed him. he thought of him as stupid, why did he just have to go and kill himself… they could've just waited for another donor although it would've been too risky but still… he felt gratitude for what Kyo did but as well as he hated him for doing it and also very deep depression of his sudden death. He didn't know what right feelings to pick.

"Honey… sometimes when people really love someone, as I know Kyo had really loved Sakura and he knew that you'd be nothing without her… sometimes honey they do best for those two people he loves…" Mikoto cried. She had also been close with Kyo along with Fugaku those times in New York. He was always the one to make them laugh as they had still lived in Ishize's and Sahri's shadow.

"But mom… he just had to go that far."

"Oh honey… what's done is done… and you can't hate him for it. It was his decision and he loved the both of you and wanted you two to be happy… you can't blame him…"

"But now how am I supposed to tell them? More on, how am I supposed to tell this to Sakura?" he asked leaning on the wall closing his eyes for a little rest and wished that when he opened it there would be no signs of him just crying.

Mikoto sighed. "Somehow you need to tell them son… it's not in our position to tell… maybe not now but you really have to tell them or else they'll go on with their life not knowing and just feeling suspiciously guilty of what may have happened of Kyo's sudden disappearance…" Mikoto advised.

"I need time to think… I'll be back later… can you tell Sakura not to worry?" he asked.

"Sure honey" Mikoto kissed her son's forehead and watched him walk away.

Mikoto walked back inside. "Sasuke left for a bit… he'll be back and told me to tell you all not to worry" Mikoto announced.

"But… today's when I get to… where did he go?" Sakura asked staring into an unknown distance.

"Don't worry sweetie, he told me to tell you not to worry about him and that he'll be back…" she smiled.

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"You ready Ms. Haruno?" the doctor asked a few hours later. Sasuke still hasn't come back and she was worried about this. Worried that she'd go with this operation without him waiting for her to be safe and finished. Nonetheless she didn't want him to be disappointed and coming back and seeing her still like this. Plus a breakdown could happen to her any time so better she do it now right?

"Should I go now? Maybe we should wait for Sasuke" she muttered directing the topic to her friends and her parents-to-be.

Just then the door opened and Sasuke went in.

"Where have you been?" Ino asked.

"Sakura was really worried" added Tenten.

His friends kept on racking about stuff but he simply moved to Sakura, held her hand and said "stay strong okay?" he kissed her cheek and told the doctor to go on.

"Do what he says" Sakura smiled.

They moved Sakura into the operation room. As they did so Sasuke was holding Sakura's hand. Sakura seemed to be gripping his hard. It was also a bit sweaty. He smiled a little knowing that she was very nervous. "Don't worry… you'll be okay… with eyes like those you're bound to be…" Sasuke lost his small smile and sighed.

"You can wait here now… you can't go in from this point" the nurse said.

"Bye mommy…" Sikaru said being carried by Fugaku.

Sakura smiled at this.

"Wait" Sakura said before they'd start the operation.

She was still holding his hand now much tighter than a while ago. "I love you" she muttered with a very uneasy smile.

"I love you too" Sakura was now pushed into the room, her hand now letting go brushing against his palm… fingers… then they lost contact.

m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a- m-a-i-c-a-

After a few hours the doctor got out to find everyone surrounding him with worried expressions on their faces. But firstly found Sasuke who had been standing where he last stood when he and Sakura had broke their contact, his arms folded and he was shaking a bit. Worried of what was happening to her those few hours ago.

The doctor sighed looking at his feet, his blue-green suit containing blood.

The others gave an expression of being horrified but then the doctor smiled and gave thumbs up. The girl attacked him shouting things like "You just had to give us that face you had us worried sick" & "You scared us!"

Shikamaru chuckled, Naruto laughed and Neji simply smiled. Mikoto and Fugaku hugged each other with a happy smile on their face. Sasuke on the other hand lost his smile. Kyo was back again in his head.

"I'm sorry… I was just giving you suspense" the young doctor pleaded for the girls to stop. Their fiancés pulling them from the scared doctor. He straightened up and cleared his throat and look at Sasuke "She'll be in a new room in a few minutes but I'm afraid you still can't talk to her till' tomorrow she's asleep and still resting."


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They knocked on the white door. No answer. Sakura was still probably asleep. Sasuke… being followed by the others and his parents… went inside quietly. Sikaru was still sleeping so they didn't bring him along. Yukumi was there to play with him anyways if ever he woke up not finding his grandparents and his dad.

Fugaku and Mikoto gestured Sasuke to move to Sakura as the others put their gifts down and looked at him. He went near her. Her face a bit pale and her eyes covered in a white cottony type of cloth. She was breathing slowly… still sleeping.

There was a knock on the door. After Sasuke's permission a doctor went in.

"Just want to say that by tomorrow we'll be able to take those of and let her practice to getting used with her new eyesight" the doctor smiled with a short nod.

Sasuke nodded and the doctor went out.

"Ahw... tomorrow? And I was excited to let her see me today…" Ino wined.

Sakura could hear voices. Unclear voices but now they were clear. Her friends were here. She decided not to startle them and just pretend to be sleeping for a while.

"Guys I need to tell you something… sooner or later you're gonna notice anyways…" Sasuke said lowering his head. His parents looking at him giving him support. Mikoto had informed Fugaku yesterday and as soon as they got home Fugaku had also talked to Sasuke.

"If it's important for all of us then shouldn't we wait for Kyo?" Tenten asked.

Sasuke looked at the ground "Tsk…"

"Sasuke…" Hinata asked having a feeling that she already knew what was coming.

"He's… he's dead… he's Sakura donor…" he finally let out cause' announcing it much later would only be heavier to bear for all of them.

Their expression changed and Ino fainted. Tenten let out a tear and Naruto was ranting on why and how did he know and that if he was sure. Shikamaru was fanning the knocked out Ino as he looked at Sasuke disbelievingly. Neji had his eyes closed… his own thoughts telling him to believe this fact as Tenten had cried harder on his chest. Hinata gasped and stood still covering her mouth.

"That means Sakura's gonna have-"

"Kyo has green eyes the same as Sakura's… he only wore contacts… I was with him when he asked it from the doctor…" Sasuke said filling a question in.

"How could he be dead… he's not"

"But… but why-?" Hinata asked finally letting out her first tear of the day.

"Why did he do it…" Sakura's voice startled them. "Is it true Sasuke?" she asked sitting up.

Sasuke walked near her and stood beside her. He didn't answer. Sakura took this as a yes and a tear or two dropped from her covered eyes. He knew that she was hardly crying more than this but maybe the white cloth sucked her tears in and only let one or two out. Sakura pounded on Sasuke's stomach whining.

"I don't want these eyes take them back… bring Kyo back… I don't care if I can't see forever I don't want to loose anybody else" Sakura cried on as Sasuke had hugged her making her stop her pounding on his stomach. "Take them back…" Sakura whispered having difficulty on accepting the sudden fact that Kyo was… dead.

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"Okay Ms. Haruno I may be a little stingy at first but you'll get used to it in no time…" the doctor said peeling the last bandaged cloth off her left eye.

Sakura's eyes were shut tight and watery.

"Now slowly… very gently open your eyes." The doctor said sitting in front of Sakura looking closely at her shaking eyes. Sakura was moving her eyes very slightly. She wasn't excited to see. Not at all… knowing that these eyes were Kyo's. her eyes were now mid-open and then finally open. Her eyes were still shaking and she squinted her eyes feeling a little bit of pain. Her eyes were a little read. Probably from the operation and them being shut for the whole two days.

She saw a blurry image of a person in front of her.

"How many is this?" the doctor asked raising three fingers in front of her face.

"Uhh…" she squinted her eyes more and answered "Three?"

The doctor said correct and wrote something on his clipboard. "Her vision will get clearer in about 3-5 days…" he announced asking Sakura more question containing normal sight usage.

A few hours later Sakura was back n her room and Sasuke had asked the others to leave them for a while. Sakura had her eyes open staring at the ceiling unsure of what to feel.

"Sakura… you… I know it's hard but you need to put these eyes into good use." Sasuke said sitting on her bed and caressing her face.

"How can you say that when these are Kyo's… don't you care-"

"Now Sakura you know I care and it took me a lot of time to realize that I needed to accept him gone and that you need to appreciate those eyes or all of him doing this for you and dying would be put to nothing… do you want that?"

This knocked sense into Sakura. It was true… if she just wanted this eyes out of her again and just hated it… then all of what Kyo did would be for nothing.

"It's just so hard" she said crying.

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"Kyo… I hope you're happy… I am… thanks by the way… I love you" Sakura laid down white roses on a grave carved with Kyo's name and other info stuff.

Months had passed and she and Sasuke had been visiting his grave ever since she got out of the hospital.

"Come on… Tenten's waiting for us…"

Sakura smiled giving one last look at Kyo's grave and got into Sasuke's black hummer.

"Where are Sasuke and-"

"We're here…" Sakura said entering the door. They were in a 2 storey house. Tenten didn't want a big house after they got married so she had this.

"How's the baby?" Sakura asked hugging her fat friend.

"Big as usual…" Tenten giggled pointing at her big tummy.

"Tenten I told you not to walk for too long…" Neji said moving to hug Tenten from behind.

"Hey" Sasuke said smiling as he hand shook Neji.

"I never get to do anything much cause' of this guy" Tenten whined.

"Pregnant women should never let themselves work too hard" Neji argued.

"But I'm just walking!" Tenten fought back "Try being pregnant and have nothing else to do… it's driving me nuts!" Sasuke and Sakura chuckled at the scene.

"Sakura !" Ino cried happily hugging her best friend.

"Hey… where's Shikamaru…" she asked.

"Playing with Wataru" Sasuke answered for her after seeing Shikamaru in one corner playing with a baby boy.

"Geez… who knew that Hinata was pregnant before they got married." Ino said with her hands on her hips.

"Why is Shikamaru playing with Hinata's baby?" Sasuke asked chuckling.

"Maybe he wants a new addition to your family Ino" Hinata appeared behind Ino. "Neji didn't really like the idea that I was pregnant before me and Naruto got married by the way."

"Damn right I wasn't" Neji but in.

"Oh yeah forgot to inform him that I'm pregnant" Ino said happily.

"What?!" the three close to her asked.

"I checked in the bathroom just now" she said scratching her head.

"Oi Shikamaru! Let me play with my son!" Naruto argued. "You'll have another one anyways… I found something in the garbage can after Ino got out of the bathroom" Naruto said looking at his son wanting to play with the little guy.

"That guy…" Ino said sulking.

Sasuke pulled Sakura away from the hyper crowd and led her to the back garden the Hyuuga's, which is Tenten and Neji, had.

"Why'd you take me out here Uchiha?" Sakura asked giggling.

"Better get used being called Uchiha Sakura…" Sasuke said as he took something from his pocket. He got down on one knee and opened the box holding a very beautiful ring.

Sakura smiled in shock. Oh my god… this was it. The moment she's been dreaming about ever since they got together those years ago. She had practiced how to reply to this moment for such a long time.

And now… she was finally going to say yes.


Hey guys! If you want a sequel just say so then I'll think bout it okay :)? Anyways… I hope you enjoyed the whole story! I love you guys
