"Ginny! Boys! Come help Hermione get ready for dinner!"

"Mrs. Weasley, don't worry; I can do it myself."

"No Hermione, they need to lend a hand once in a while. Ginny's home for Easter break and she hasn't left her room since."

Ginny ran into the kitchen, her red hair bouncing behind her. "What do you need help with, mum?"

"Ginny, you've been home for five days, and you've been in your room all day, every day. What have you been doing?"

"Erm... well, watching the boys play Quidditch. Well, Harry's showing Bill some stuff and I want to learn."

Hermione flicked her wand, and potatoes started to peel over the sink. "Why don't you go outside and watch? I'm sure they won't mind." For some reason, she smirked too.


"Dear, I'm sure your brother won't mind letting you play. Bill's got to take care of Fleur with the baby coming anyway. Plus with you being Seeker, I'm sure Harry will help you out."

"Don't worry Mees Weasley, I am fine. That Harry ees so nice to my Bill."

"Yeah mum, and I don't want to play, I get enough at school. I can just watch. And..." Ginny blushed and didn't finish her sentence.

The boys walked in, mud splattered over them and their hair messy. Ginny gave a little smile to her eldest brother and Harry. Bill gave Fleur a little peck and said, "Mum, you said you needed help?"

"Goodness Bill, go take your wife and get her more comfy. Harry, why can't you go with Ginny and-"

Ginny was about to stop her mother when Fleur said, "I am not needing help! Bill ees fine."

Suddenly, they could hear screaming from outside. Harry looked out the door and saw George and Ron walking, apparently in a heated discussion.

"Ron, I'm telling you, that kid was trying to con you out of my merchandise! If I didn't hex him, he woulda left with half of the store!"

"He was not, he was just really interested in how all of that stuff worked!"

George opened the door and said, "Ron, you're honestly the stupidest person I know."

"Your mum is stupid."

Mrs. Weasley walked over to the George, gave him a hug, and walked up to Ron and slapped him in the head.

Ron grinned nervously. "Oh yeah.. that's my mum too." Without hugging his mother, he walked to the other side of the kitchen and then started to rub the back of his head.

Hermione got up before Ron walked over. Looking slightly put down, she sat down and asked him, "How was the shop today?"

"Eh, usual. George hexed this little kid over a fake wand."

"Never mind fake wands, dinner's ready."

Everyone ran to the table to sit next to who they wanted, since there were so many of them. Harry, hoping he wouldn't get caught staring at a certain Weasley, ran to sit next to Ron and Hermione, but still saw himself sitting across from Ginny.

"Harry, how's your house coming along?"

"Fine, Mrs. Weasley; Thanks."

"Mum, how come you won't let me move into Grimmaud Place with Harry?"

"Ronald, you know perfectly well. I like to keep a close eye on you."

"Mrs. Weasley... he would be fine. It's not like... Voldemort's gonna attack us again."

"Goodness, Harry. You know I mean nothing like that. I don't know what he'll be doing with me not around... he's gotten so handsome."

Hermione ears turned red. "Mrs. Weasley, Harry and I will keep a good.. watch.. on.. him," and started to stab the potatoes she was cutting up.

Ron laughed, but Harry couldn't help to notice he turned a fair shade of pink.

"Anyway, Lavender asked to hang out tonight, so I'm gonna head up to the Hog's Head when I'm done here."

George choked on his chicken and Bill thumped him on the back and started to roar with laughter. After he stopped coughing, he said, "I thought you and Hermione- I thought you and Lavender broke- Bill, let's go play some Quidditch." They shoveled down another fork-full of food and left.

Mrs. Weasley was wiping up the water she spit out. "Ron, goodness!" She glanced at Hermione, whose face passed scarlet, and decided to change the subject. "Ron, wouldn't you like to go outside with your brothers?" Ron scowled, but followed his mother's orders.

Mrs. Weasley turned back to the girls and Harry. Trying to calm Hermione down, she said, "You didn't invite Luna, Hermione? She's home too."

"She wanted to spend some time with Dean, she said she'll drop by another day. Plus RONALD-" she stabbed the chicken on her plate, "doesn't want to see any more girls. RIGHT, Ginny?"

"It's good seeing everyone during the holidays, isn't it? I mean, Harry's been coming four nights a week, except for holidays." Mrs. Weasley chuckled. "Every day this week!"

"Erm..." Harry just stopped himself from staring across the table again. He shook his head and said, "I have nothing to do at home... you want Ron home all the time, don't you? And Hermione is always here with you when we're not at work."

"We might as well make you join this family, with you visiting all the time!" Oddly, she gave a stern look at Ginny.

"Mum... can I finish school without you telling me to marry someone... again?"

Just like George, Harry choked on his food. Hermione used her wand to clear his throat, and he said rather quickly, "Um... I'm going to go play some Quidditch, too," and ran out the door. Looking discouraged, Mrs. Weasley walked out of the dining room.

Hermione started laughing loudly once everyone was out of the area.

"Oh, shut up Hermione."

"I just think it's funny how your mum, just like everyone in this house, think you should be with Harry again."

"Aren't there... any other people in the Ministry?"

"Actually, I've never seen him look. It's not like he really wants to, you know."

"Well, I'm sure he can find someone else... if he wanted to get back with me, he would have right after he killed Voldemort, right?"

"Actually, he's been-"

"Been what? Waiting for ME? Goodness Hermione, you should tell him something. I mean, you're perfect with this kind of stuff."

"Well, I didn't really think-"

"Oh, that's right. Plus," she laughed, "You like my BROTHER. Of all people... Ronald? Honestly... what do you see in him?"

Hermione's face changed to a bright pink and she grinned, and tried returned the giggle. "He has his certain... qualities."

"Oh goodness!" She covered her ears and started to hum loudly.

"Ginny! Blimey, I wasn't talking about that. Plus, with him and stupid LAVENDER."

"Why don't you tell him how you feel then?"

"He should tell ME. And well, all I'm saying is that you're a very beautiful girl... shouldn't you be looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with?"


"Erm, I couldn't help to notice that you two couldn't keep your eyes off each other during dinner... every day this week."

"That's completely beside-"

"AND how he's only been visiting on a daily basis since you came home?"

"Well, I'm his friend and-"

"AND you only watch the boys playing Quidditch when he's out there?"

Ginny just gaped at Hermione, but could say nothing. Hermione chuckled once again and said, "Well, I'm going to watch the boys. Come outside when you're done eating." Hermione started to walk toward the door when Ginny said, "Hermione! I don't need to get back with him, alright? I'm perfectly fine without him."

Hermione scoffed and said, "Whatever you say, Ginny. I'm just saying, if you don't like Harry anymore, start looking and choose someone so he gets the message," and continued to walk out the door.

Ginny screamed, "I'm looking, I'm looking," and stared at where her best friend walked out. What was she thinking? Ginny had all the time in the world to find someone who she had a soft spot for. "There's... no... er... I'm looking, I'm looking." She turned and started to watch her brothers play Quidditch. Harry zoomed past the door, and when he got to the window, he looked in and smiled at Ginny. She couldn't help noticing how cute his hair flew in the wind. She waved, and with a loud CRASH, Harry ran into a tree right outside the door. Ginny giggled and said, "I'm looki- I found."

To be continued...
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