With his head rested comfortably and his body half way hanging over the edge of the couch, the boy gave a sigh.

For Sasuke, today was one of those days where he just wanted to relax. Even though he was usually clean and proper, it felt better to lay out with an arm and leg hanging down on the floor.

Without opening his eyes he reached his arm out and grabbed his glass of water from the side table. Yes, he had switched from alcohol to water and soda. After being the for once, he realized that it hadn't been a wonderful experience and would be perfectly happy if it never happened again.

But he was starting to think that his body was already dependent on the drink. Ever since he stopped drinking three weeks ago, he had been having some of the worst stomach cramps he had ever had. Sometimes they hurt so bad that Sasuke had once forced Naruto to stay next to him all day so that he could squeeze the life out of the blonde's left arm every time he felt pain.

He had even had to ask for a break from missions he which he hated doing. And after punching Kiba in the face for a PMS comment he had made, Sasuke went home, relaxed, and was now waiting for the remaining three days of his break to be over.

He heard the front door open but didn't react. If it was Naruto then it wouldn't be long befo- "Sasuke!!". He squeezed his eyes close tightly at the loud yell. Well, at least Naruto didn't jump over the couch and land on him like yesterday.

Naruto poked his head around the corner and saw a pale arm hung over the top of the couch. He walked over slowly and lowered his voice, "Oi Sasuke, feeling better yet?". Sasuke opened one eye and saw a blonde mass of hair dangling in his face.

"Baka, get out of my face." Naruto pouted but pulled back. He walked in front of the couch then plopped down on the raven's thin stomach. Sasuke sent him a semi-glare and squirmed around a bit to even out the blonde's weight. Even though Naruto weighted less than he did, it didn't mean he was light.

The younger male leaned back against the couch. Looking over to the boy he was laying on, he slowly reached his hand over and felt the raven's forehead. It didn't seem warm but Naruto was sure there was something wrong with him.

Yesterday he had watched as Sasuke threw up about twice and that was even before 10 a.m. "So have you felt better today?" he asked then realized that maybe him sitting on Sasuke's stomach was a bad idea. "I felt fine until you came and pretty much jumped down on my stomach." Yep, bad idea. Quickly he slid down and sat next to him instead of on top of him.

Sasuke was telling the truth about Naruto sitting on his abdomen but he wasn't about to tell the boy he had puked three times since he had been gone. The blonde had to take something by the Hyuuga girl's house and was only gone for about an hour at max so that would be a problem.

He continued to lay there staring up at the ceiling until it felt as if something was attempting to crawl up his throat. 'Aw shit' he thought as he recognized the nauseas feeling that was coming over him. He knew if he puked right now Naruto would most likely follow through with his threat to visit Tsunade, but he couldn't hold it down.

"Eep!" Naruto let out a surprised yelp as he was suddenly thrown down onto the hard floor. He rubbed his head and turned to yell at Sasuke for pushing him off the couch only to see said raven no where in sight. He could hear sounds which he recognized to be Sasuke's vomits. Naruto put a hand on his head and let out a sigh. Leave it to Sasuke to be the one thing that could actually cause the carefree ninja to worry.

The blonde got up off the floor and quickly walked to the bathroom where Sasuke was currently emptying his stomach into the toilet. Naruto leaned over and helped hold some of the dark locks of hair out of the way and started rubbing his back.

After about only another minute or so, the raven was through and stood to wipe his mouth with a towel laying across the counter. He turned to his boyfriend and gave one of his rare small smiles, "Th-" "You're going to Tsunade's."

The almost nonexsistent smile fading away instantly and was replaced with a pissed-off looking scowl, "Thanks, dobe" he growled in a not so pleasant voice. Naruto just gave a goofy grin and put both hands behind his head, basking in the knowledge of knowing he won an argument for once. "Sure thing!" he said, knowing that would just push more of the other's button and he was right. Sasuke revealed one of his infamous death glares before roughly pushing past the blonde to go sulk somewhere. "Be ready in about a hour!"

"Hmm.." Tsunade frowned. She had been running different tests and asking questions for twenty minutes now and still had no idea what was wrong with the young Uchiha. He wasn't sick, had no fever, had been eating perfectly healthy, and still wasn't fully cooperating his doctor. This was all normal so what was wrong?

So far there had only been a couple of minor arguments between the couple and two major arguments between the blonde idiot and herself, resulting in a rather large bump on his head. She looked over her chart again seeing if there was anything she might have over looked.

"Tsunade-baa chan, hurry up will ya? We've got other things to do today." The lady shot a glare to her 'adopted' grandson. "You're not the only ones so shut up you dumb brat!" Naruto gave a 'hummp' before turning away and pouting at the wall. Sasuke was still sitting in his chair giving an amused look at the two before him. He was bored out of his mind already so they were becoming his form of entertainment while waiting.

"Well Uchiha, I'm still not exactly sure what's wrong with you so maybe you just ate something bad or something." Tsunade walked over to where the oldest boy was reclining back in his chair, "Here, just pull up your shirt. I'll check your chakra network to make sure that's not the problem." Sasuke let out a grunt and did as he was told. He barely flinched as he felt ice cold hands on his abdomen.

Naruto watched his 'grandmother' ran her hands over Sasuke's smooth, pale, soft,-wait, bad thoughts. He shook his head trying to force the perverse thoughts out of his mind. 'No, no, no. Behave yourself Naruto. Just wait till you get home. We can do that,..right?' the blonde told himself.

Tsunade frowned. Something wasn't right here, 'It feels like there's something else. There shouldn't be two chakras running through the young Uchiha. Unless...' her eyes widened. B-but that couldn't be. Sasuke was definitely a male, and males didn't get pregnant the last time she looked!

Yay I updated! Sorry it took so long, I've just had a lot of school work to do lately. I promise to try to post sooner next time so r&r