
Summery: Traveling with Sesshoumaru group joined with theirs is a walk in a park. Brothers fight constantly. The jewel is near completion. When completed Inuyasha finally decides to take Kikyo as his mate. Kagome isn't surprised. She has fallen in love with someone else, but how dense can a guy be?

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. If I did Kagome and Sesshoumaru would've been together from the very beginning.

Chapter 1 Bickering

(Kagome's POV)

It has been one week since we found the latest jewel shard. Naraku is hot on our trail at trying to find us for the rest of the jewel shards to complete it and become and immortal. Time is drawing near for the final battle and all of us are looking forward to it.

Sango to avenge her village, Miroku for his wind tunnel, Inuyasha for Kikyo's death. I myself don't have a real reason for it besides helping my friends and to complete the Jewel for which I broke so long ago.

We have recently met up with Lord Sesshoumaru and his group. While the others are asleep we will talk about the battle strategy and what we are going to do after it. I never knew that the great Lord Sesshoumaru could talk so much, but I am the only one he really talks to.

So as I sit here in front of the fire Inuyasha is as usual trying to pick a fight with everyone he knows.

(Regular POV)

"Sesshoumaru for the last time why in the world are you here. You have no business with us or Naraku for that matter." Inuyasha yelled at his brother.

"Inuyasha it would be wise for you not the question This Sesshoumaru." Sesshoumaru warned.

"Ha yeah right. I can take you on bro, so bring it if you dare." Inuyasha dared.

Sesshoumaru was getting up from where he sat under a tree watching Rin play to fight Inuyasha.

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!" Kagome yelled at them now standing from where she sat. "The only thing you two have done since the joining of our groups is fight like little kids. Get over it and stop it before you two give me and even bigger head ache." Kagome told them sternly.

Sango stood up as well. "She's right you two. Knock it off." She said as well, then turned to Kagome.

"You wanna go to the hot springs Kagome?" She asked.

"That would be wonderful Sango." Kagome said with a smile then she turned back to the brothers.

"If I come back and either of you have as much as one little scratch or bruise then you will fill my wrath." She said mincingly and walked of with Sango to the hot springs.

The boys just looked at one another in a stunned silence. Miroku just sat there with and smirk on his face imagining Kagome and Sango beating the two brothers only to have them both wishing they were dead.

Sesshoumaru turned to Inuyasha and smirked.

"You know Inuyasha she as one of the most fiery spirits I've ever seen." Sesshoumaru told his brother.

"Yeah I know." Inuyasha said in reply.