September 5th

I had a creepy dream last night. I was on the Odaiba Ferris wheel in Tokyo but there were only five compartments. Even though I was inside one of them, I remember looking at it from afar. It lit up the night sky and reminded me of a constellation, five stars orbiting a bright central one. The design was intricate and geometrically beautiful. Every compartment connected to each of the others by a metal bridge. I couldn't see where the structure attached to the ground. It seemed to be floating.

Then I was back inside. I pressed my palm to the glass panel and felt the coolness of the night soaking into my skin. As the wheel rotated my car ascended and more of the sparkling city was revealed to me. I absorbed every detail of the spectacular view, experiencing a deep sense of peace.

As I approached the top my car jerked to a stop. The abrupt motion sent me off my feet and I fell against one wall of the car. In my dream the floor was made of glass too and I looked down through it for some clue as to what was going on. The light in the center was flickering and my chest began to ache.

I felt a presence behind me and whirled to face it. My car was empty so I thought for a second that I had imagined it, but then I noticed a shadow outside my window obstructing the lights from the city as a dark nebula blots out the stars. An ominous feeling overcame me and I backed away to the opposite side, putting as much space between us as possible. The fact that I couldn't see him (somehow I knew it was a guy) made me all the more fearful.

Without warning the whole Ferris jolted. I was nearly knocked down again but I grabbed a rail for support. A nearby creaking noise made my heart accelerate. I looked for its source and found it just outside my car. One of the metal bridges was bending. I thought, This car is too heavy. The bridges can't support it. I watched in horror as the beam collapsed, helpless to do anything to prevent it. All at once it snapped and my car shifted but didn't fall, still held in place by the other four bridges. But without the strength of the first one each of them became weak, and one by one they buckled.

Even though I was inside I could hear the wind, and it carried a soft cruel laugh. I didn't have time to analyze it as my car fell onto its side and I was thrown to the window which now faced the ground. The only bridge that remained was the one connected to the center star. I could see that it was fighting to hang on but I knew it was all in vain. The car gave a final wrench and then I was free falling. I couldn't see the ground beneath me, only darkness as I plummeted to my death.

I woke up with a terrible pain in my back, as if I had really struck the ground. I was sweating profusely and it hurt to breathe. As my body awakened and realized it had not endured a fatal impact it began to feel better. I laid there for some time before I found the strength to get up.

I've been awake for about an hour, but I can't shake the feeling of dread. I know it's just a dream, but it scared the hell out of me. Well, I shouldn't dwell on it. I've got to get to school anyways. I told the others I'd meet them before class. I've got to cheer up, I hate people seeing this serious side of me. It makes me feel vulnerable.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll write more later, if I get a chance.