My laptop broke and so I have only been able to type this chapter in small bits on my sisters computer. It is very annoying as I get into writing this and she want the computer back. So I have been a bit longer updating this time.
Hope you like it!
Tuesday morning was bright and sunny and Tonks decided her hair should be bright and sunny too.
It was short, spiky and luminous yellow as she made her way to her first lesson of the day.
Her bright hair seemed to be attracting a lot of attention and some people even shielded their eyes as they passed.
"Oh come on its not that bright!" Tonks said, rolling her eyes. "Where we off to?" she asked Carry as they made there way up some stairs. "Oh, Defense is first lesson today" Tonks smiled "Thank Merlin, Something I'm actually good at!"
Tonks and Carry did not reach the classroom until five minuets later however, because Tonks was over-come by 'the incredible urge to pee'
"Sorry I'm late professor!" Tonks smiled cheerily as she entered the classroom, however it was not her teacher that answered, but a gruff, deep voice.
"Merlin girl! Was it your intention to blind someone with that hair?"
Tonks head shot up, "Who are you!" she shouted, removing her wand and pointing it at the strange, unidentified man.
The man had a heavily scarred face and what Tonks thought was a rather ugly looking magical eye.
The man did not seem fazed by her wand however, and simply looked at it once, and laughed. "Finally! A kid with some sense!" He growled, making his way towards her, cane thumping heavily on the floor.
Tonks was growing more confused by the second.
"What? Who are you? Where's our teacher?"
The man seemed to survey Tonks for a moment, as if afraid she was going to explode, or become some dark creature and attack them all.
He seemed to think she was safe, however, and made his way back over to the black board and the front of the room.
"I'm auror Alastor moody, but most call me mad-eye" Moody said in the same deep growling voice "and I'm here to tell you lot about jobs to do with defense against the dark arts." Moody allowed himself a smile "but by the looks of things you're the only one in here with an ounce of sense. The rest of you idiots just let a stranger waltz into your classroom. Constant vigilance!" he barked, slamming his cane on the desk and making several students jump.
"And what exactly is that supposed mean?" sneered a Slytherin boy named Rupert.
"Its means, boy, That you should constantly be aware of your surroundings! Check for threats or imposters at every turn! Make sure-" Moody's shouting was interrupted by Tonks however.
"But really, why would we do that at Hogwarts? I mean, who is going to want to pose as a hufflepuff fifth year? Or a teacher even, I mean who-"
"Voldemort's followers of course!" Moody barked. He seemed to be growing more and more impatient by the second.
The class made a collective shudder at use of the name.
"H… he's gone though… isn't he?" asked Carry, she had now sat down at the back and looked as if she wanted to sink into the seat she was in.
"Why would there be death eaters in a school anyway?" Tonks said, taking a seat next to Carry.
"You lot have no idea do you!" Moody growled, his magical eye wiring about in its socket.
The class was silent for what seemed like an eternity.
"You really a dark wizard catcher then?" Tonks asked, unfazed by the tense atmosphere in the classroom.
"One of the best there is!" Moody growled proudly.
"If you're so good, why do have so many scars?" asked a snooty looking Slytherin girl.
"I'd rather have scars than be dead" Tonks answered.
The Slytherin girl glared at Tonks for a moment before turning back to the front of the room and saying "and what's that fake eye-"
"Useful, that's what it is. Can see right through walls" Moody interrupted, "bet you can't do that." He smirked, and it looked as if he was actually enjoying himself.
"That's cool, but I bet you can't do this" Tonks smirked and screwed up her eyes, now her hair was bright pink.
"Show off" muttered a hufflepuff girl called Cynthia.
"Metamorphagus?" Moody barked, in what sounded like approval. "Rare... Come in handy, that will, if you ever wanted to pursue a carrier as an auror."
Tonks was a little shocked, "Really? how?" she had never had a real reason for using her abilities, a job in which they would actually be useful sounded appealing.
"One of the main parts of auror training is concealment and disguise, and your tested on it too. You have it easy there girl, no practice needed, what's your name?"
"Tonks" she answered.
"Tonks? Tonks what?" Moody growled.
"Tonks is my last name, but no one calls me by my first name and gets away in one piece"
Moody let out a mix between a bark and a laugh,
"You any good at defense?" he asked.
"I should hope so, considering its my best subject" Tonks grinned.
"On your feet then Tonks!" Moody shouted, moving to stand in front of the desk.
"Huh?" Tonks said, but got up anyway "Why?" she asked.
"Stand there and give it your best shot. We'll see how good you are" Moody drew his wand.
"What?!" Tonks said, shocked.
"You heard, now wand out girl, and don't hold back! Only rules are no severing curses, I don't need another trip to St Mungos, and of course no unforgivables. Ready?"
Tonks eyes widened as she drew her wand. She nodded reluctantly.
"Three, two, one, STUPEFY!"
"PROTEGO! uhh, Tarantallegra!"
Moody's feet suddenly began to dance uncontrollably. This caused the class, who had until then been holding there breath, burst our laughing.
"Sorry it was the first thing I thought of!" Tonks gasped, "Finite Incantatem!"
Moody stooped dancing and growled "I said don't hold back girl! Impedimenta!"
But Tonks quickly dived out of the way, "Incarcerous!"
But Moody was also too quick and managed to dodge Tonks spell, and sent two stunners her way, one hit her arm and she was flung backward.
"Petrificus Totalus!" she shouted from her position on the floor, she had not been flung too far and was slightly dazed but not hurt.
Moody cast a shield, and shouted "Expelliarmus!" Tonks wand flew out of her hand and she was left defenseless, still sat on the floor.
"Not bad, pretty basic spells however... but next time take advantage of the situation! I was dancing! You could have stunned me, disarmed me, killed me or anything!"
"Killed you?" Tonks asked, wide-eyed, from her position on the floor.
"Who's next?" Moody barked, "You have to be quick at thinking on your feet to be an auror, anyone else think they have what it takes?"
"Wait!" Tonks said pulling herself to her feet, "So you think I could be an auror then?"
Moody grunted "you seem pretty smart kid, if you get the grades I'd be glad to have you, your a damn site better than some of the idiots we have now!"
Tonks made her way back to her seat and took her wand off Carry, who had picked it up.
"That was really good Tonks!" Carry congratulated her friend.
"Thanks, I think I know what I want to be now" Tonks smiled "an auror"
Carry looked doubtful, "but Tonks, um, I mean… you do fall over a lot…"
"I know! But this is the only thing I ever felt like, I don't know! Like… like I would be making a difference, using my morphing skills for something important, ya know… yeah… I think I want to be an auror."
Carry shrugged, "Well I think I'll be going for something a lot safer, something where the people don't seem completely bonkers"
Moody was now harassing a Slytherin girl about the best way to tell if your friend was an imposter.
Tonks eyed Carry suspiciously.
Carry rolled her eyes and they both began laughing.
"Tonks… Tonks!"
Tonks was on her way up the stairs in the entrance hall after lunch when a voice began shouting her name. Turning around she lost her balance and fell backwards, landing on the top step with a thud.
"Ow!" She moaned.
"Tonks! You ok?" Tonks looked up to see Gitano stood above her, a look of concern on his face.
Sighing, Tonks pulled her self into a siting position. He had been trying to get her attention all morning.
"What do you want?" she snapped, rubbing her elbow and grimacing.
"I need to talk to you" Gitano replied, sticking his hand out to help Tonks up.
Tonks ignored it and rolled back her sleeve. "Ow ow ow!" she hissed through gritted teeth.
"You're bleeding!" Gitano gasped and crouched down next to her, attempting to look at the cut.
"Thank you, Mr. Obvious. I didn't notice" Tonks muttered.
Gitano rolled his eyes and reached out his hand. Tonks moved her arm away and glared at him.
"Come on, Let me fix it, you know I'm good at healing spells."
Tonks sighed and let Gitano heal the cut.
"Thanks" she muttered, pulling herself to her feet and walking away.
"Tonks, wait up!" Gitano rushed after her, "Can I talk to you about something?"
"No." Tonks replied coldly, walking faster.
Tonks pushed her way into the crowded corridor and continued on to her first lesson of the afternoon.
"Tonks, You'll want to hear this!"
Tonks gritted her teeth and pushed on, soon she rounded a corner into a much quieter corridor. This gave Gitano a chance to catch up.
Tonks span around as his hand touched her shoulder "Go away Git!"
Gitano looked upset "Why are you being like this?"
"Why do you think? You ditch me on Sunday and expect me to be fine about it by Tuesday? You didn't think I would be upset or angry? You haven't even tried to apologize!"
Tonks was shouting angrily and receiving some curious looks from passing students.
Gitano looked around cautiously before gently pulling Tonks behind a large red tapestry, which concealed a secret passageway.
The entrance to the passage was dark and Gitano could just make out Tonks scowling at him.
"Yes I know I was an idiot, and I am really, really, sorry Dora, You're my best friend. But will you just listen? I don't want you to get hurt… Its about Charlie."
"That's your big apology? I would never do something like that to you! I was sticking up for you!" Tonks pushed Gitano on the shoulder, "and what the hell has Charlie got to do with anything?" Tonks whispered furiously.
"He's going to hurt you, he has some kind of plan, says you did something horrible last year and he's gonna get you back"
"I don't believe it, you know what Charlie's like when it comes to me. He wouldn't bother being nice if he wanted revenge."
"It's true! I heard him! He is gonna ask you out but not because he likes you-"
"Why are you doing this?" Tonks whispered, "Charlie wouldn't do something like that. I know he can be mean sometimes but he's not that horrible!"
Gitano snorted "Tonks! I can't believe you! He gives you a few compliments and now you're defending him! You don't hear what he says in the common room!"
"Oh! The great Gyrffindoor common room?" Tonks mocked "Well of course I don't hear him because I'm just a silly Hufflepuff girl!"
And with this Tonks drew back the tapestry and attempted to storm away. She tripped, however, and landed in a heap.
"You ok?" Gitano asked.
Tonks sighed.
"Hey need a hand?" Shouted Charlie. He was stood at the far end of the corridor on his own.
"I'm fine" she said, pulling herself to her feet. "And I'm late"
"Hey! I'll walk you to class!" Charlie shouted, jogging to catch her up.
Gitano looked annoyed, but realized he wasn't getting anywhere "Just think about it, Dora, it makes sense" He said, before walking off in defeat.
"What was that about?" Charlie asked. Tonks stared at Gitano's retreating form.
"Nothing" she sighed "and like I said I'm late, so come on if your coming"
"So, your saying that you want to be an auror, based purely on the fact that a crazy old man with a wandering eye said you might be good at it?" Charlie looked at Tonks skeptically.
"Yep, pretty much." Tonks nodded and smiled, "Only it was a magical eye, you made it sound like he was a pervert, oh and don't forget the part where he called his co workers idiots and decided to fire a few curses at me."
"Yeah, this is sounding more promising by the minuet"
Tonks grinned "Hey, he said he'd be glad to have me if i get good enough grades"
Charlie raised one eyebrow, "and at the time did he realize who he was talking to? Tonks, The girl who can't walk two steps without tripping over her own feet"
"Oh har-har" Tonks said, whacking Charlie in the chest. "That's for over exaggerating. I'll have you know we've been walking for 2 whole minuets now and I haven't tripped once."
Charlie smiled, "yet."
"shut up" Tonks rolled her eyes and came to a stop outside a classroom door. "Well I'm in here now, so I guess I'll see you in detention?"
"Can't wait" Charlie grinned as Tonks entered the classroom and shut the door.
Review and remember: Constant vigilance!