Thanks for hanging in there for so long guys! You have no idea how much it means to me that you guys like my story so much! And for anybody interested, I re-wrote chapters 1 and 2 awhile ago and finally got around to posting them if anybody is interested in reading them.
The sound of a car engine from outside the small enclosure we were in brought me out of my light sleep. Though I guess light doze would be the best way to describe it, it was almost impossible to sleep when hunched over in a chair. I softly nudged the two sleeping boys who were currently laying on the floor in front of me with my feet. Even though Dakota couldn't manage to undo the knots around my wrists, he was able to undo the knot that had bound my ankles together. This brought me a little relief in the fact that if I couldn't fight with my fists then I could at least kick at somebody.
"Wake up." I hissed at them and gave them another nudge with my feet, "Somebody's here."
Cobie groaned and looked up at me, "What?" he answered sleepily.
"I said somebody's here, get up."
His eyes widened and he rolled to his side where his brother was still soundly sleeping and proceeded to shake his shoulder, all the while telling him to wake up. Dakota growled and slapped his hand away, ignoring him. A slamming car door quickly drew their attention to the and they scrambled to their feet and stood on either side of me. Both of them had death grips on my arms.
"Who's out there?" Dakota asked nobody in particular.
"I don't know, but I think we're about to find out." I responded softly.
I could hear footsteps walking outside and a murmured voice. My heart was pounding out of my chest at this point. God only knew who would walk through the other side of that door. The handle jiggled and then the door was slowly pushed open filling the room with the early light from dawn breaking outside and a petite figure stepped inside.
She was on her cell phone, "Ugh, I'll have to call you back." She said, annoyance laced in her voice, and then snapped her phone shut, "What the hell are you two doing loose?" She screeched at the two boys at my side.
They didn't respond, just looked at her with wide eyes.
"I should've known it was you." I seethed, "You're lucky I'm tied down or I'd kick your ass."
"Yea, yea. I'm so scared." She replied nonchalantly with a wave of her hand. She then turned her head away and looked over her shoulder, outside the door, "Would you get in here already?" She hissed at somebody. She then stepped aside as a hulking figure made its way into the room. My eyes widened when I realized who it was.
"K-Kevin? What? Why?"
He didn't respond he just stared at me with cold eyes. Lani smirked at me and then placed a hand on his shoulder. It was then I realized their almost identical features. Green eyes, dark hair, angular noses, light brown complexions.
They were brother and sister!
How had I not been able to make this connection before? That could be due to the fact that I had never actually seen them side by side. Though when I think back to when Kevin and I were together, I could vaguely remember him speaking of a sister, though I had never met her. Until recently anyway.
"Not only do you take Leland away from me, but you also broke my baby brothers' heart. Did you really think I was just gunna let you get away with it? Now I'm gunna take away something that's important to you…"
She looked at Kevin and gave him a nod, "You know what to do."
He walked slowly towards the three of us and I sucked in a breath, not knowing what to expect. When he reached us, he just stood there, towering over us and looked me straight in the eye.
"You don't have to do this." I said softly to him
I'm sorry. He mouthed to me and then grabbed both Cobie and Dakota with separate hands and starting dragging them towards the door.
"Let us go!" Cobie yelled as they struggled and kicked at him. Their attempts at escape were in vain though, they couldn't manage to break the vice-like grip he had on their arms.
"NO! Please! Just let them go! Do whatever you want to me! Just don't hurt them!" I yelled as I watched them disappear out the door. I looked at Lani who just stood there, smiling at me.
"All of this over Leland? Seriously?"
"Yes! Seriously! I really did love him! You just had to butt your nose in where it didn't belong and take him away from me, didn't you?" She screamed as she stepped close to me, close enough that I kicked out with my feet, making contact with her knee. She let out a painful cry and stumbled back rubbing the injured spot. She glared and came at me quickly pushing over the chair. I let out a yelp as I fell backwards and felt the back of my head collide with the hard wooden floor.
"Yea, not so tough now, are you?" She asked as bent down and looked me in the face, "I'll teach you to fuck with me." She stood back up and yelled towards the door, "Do it now!"
My heart stopped in my chest as one gunshot rang out followed shortly by a second.
I'm sure you guys probably hate me for that haha.