I enjoy tormenting them. Flames and/or reviews welcome.

Disclaimer: Thus, it would be better for me to NOT own them.

30 Ways to Annoy Uchiha Itachi

1. Cut his hair and sell it to a wig shop.

2. Pour Dr. Pepper on him.

3. Eat cookies and refuse to give him any.

4. Tell him he looks like a penguin.

5. Ask him if he's gay until he says yes.

6. Paint his nail bright pink.

7. Stick sparkly flowers on them.

8. Burn his cloak.

9. Taunt his Mangekyo Sharingan by saying the Byakugan is WAAAAAYY better.

10. Dress up like a tree and stalk him through a desert.

11. Set him on fire.

12. Drape a piece of cloth over him and make him disappear. Into a broom closet.

13. Train bunnies to attack him.

14. Put him up for sale on eBay.

15. Sell his baby pictures to the other Akatsuki members.

16. Tell him Sasuke's chicken-butt hairstyle is cooler than his.

17. Dye his hair blonde and draw whiskers on him.

18. Laugh yourself silly at him.

19. Grope him and act gay.

20. Casually mention Orochimaru is prettier than he is.

21. Hide his coffeemaker.

22. Scatter voodoo dolls of him all over the place with hundreds of senbon and kunai stabbing them.

23. Shove a cake in his face.

24. Offer him cat food for dinner.

25. Send him a love letter from Kakashi.

26. Paint pink flowers on his cloak.

27. Record him singing 'It's Rainin' Men' by Geri Halliwell in the shower.

28. Play it on the stereo.

29. Flush his eyeliner down the toilet.

30. Tell him he's diagnosed with constipation ans piles.