And now I shall ask some questions

And now I shall ask some questions!
1. Who is the most pwnful person ever?
2. Why do you like cookies?
3. Why do you like Moosey? I don't- just kidding :)
4. What's the best part about being Brackenfur?
5. Emus or llamas?
6. Pie or cookies?
7. Soda or pop?
8. Vanilla or chocolate?
9. Beach or snow?
10. Hawkeh or Moosey?
Your Biggest Fan,

My bud the Hawkster,

1. You! Or Moosey. Or Sorreltail. Or my kits. Or cookies.

2. Because their crunchy alone, but when you dip them in milk, they get all softie. That's an analogy for Moosey. She's a real crab when she wakes up, but when you feed her milk, she's happy!

Moosey: Hey! I don't like you giving away my personal information. And I am NOT crabby in the morning.

Brackenfur: Tsk tsk, it's morning, and you're crabby. What more proof is there?

3. –Huggles Moosey- she saved me from a life without cookies, of course I like her!!

4. I have an oober cool personality.

5. Llamas.

7. Pop? Is that an explosion in a cup? I must obtain some!

8. Yum, chocolate…

9. Snow's cold and wet. I don't know what a beach is though. Is that like the shore around the lake?

10. hmmmmmm….I can't live without your humor and comfort Hawkeh, but I can't live without Moosey's cookies. I choose both.

Moosey: You only love me for my cookies? I thought what we had was special!

Brackenfur: Ok, Ok. You give good hugs.

Moosey: Ah, really?
Brackenfur: Don't mention this to the warriors at camp.

Love, Brackenfur

Dear Brackenfur,

1 why are you so cuddleful?

2 Do you like Hawkfrost?

3 Do you hate nightcloud?

all the time i have right now...
miss Pinky-poo

Pinky poo,

1. AH, I'm cuddleful? Gee, thanks.

2. He was rough around the edges, but I heard that he was a loyal warrior.

3. I don't really know much about Nightcloud to hate her. Although I'm pretty sure Leafpool feels some anger towards her.

Love, Brackenfur

Hiya Brackenwaffle!

1. What would you do if one of your kits went emo?
2. Who is your favorite ShadowClan warrior, if there is one?
3. Why is your head so big? Why is your head so big?
4. Did Graystripe and Millie REALLY come back in a HUMMER?
5. Have you ever thought of invading RiverClan and stealing Hawkfrost's little pink trikey? I mean, Why should HAWKFROST get a little pink trikey, and not you?


Hiya Pip!
1. Like Jaypaw? –shiver- I have no idea. I hope that never happens though.

2. Tawnypelt is pretty nice.

3. Excuse me? My head isn't big!
Moosey: -cough, cough- Yes it is! –falls on the ground laughing- Great question, Pip!
4. I suspect so. Graystripe isn't known to lie.

5. That's a good question!! Why should Hawkfrost get a pink trikey? I might just take you up on that suggestion, Pip.

Love, Brackenfur

Have you noticed that Cinderpaw is a reincarnation of Cinderpelt?



I just thought they both bared likeness. That is an interesting, and somewhat impossible question to answer.

Love, Brackenfur

Dear Brackenfur,

1. Do you think you would kill Sorreltail if she turned evil and tried to take over the Clans(successfully)?

2. Did you know what a bear was before you went to Moosey's place?

3. Why do they never mention bears in the books?

4. I like cookies too. -Throws one hundred packages of Oreos at your paws, then steals half- ;)

5. If you could change your pelt color, what would it be?

6. Do you ever think that Brambleclaw is a nuisance?

7. What would you think if your daughter Cinderpaw fell in love with Jaypaw(THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!)?

8. Do you think you could ever be a kittypet?

9. Medicine cat?

10. What would happen if Sorreltail was a medicine cat? And don't say, 'oh, she would never want that kind of life'. Just answer the question, please!

Thanks! I might be back with more later,


1.I would never kill her, because a) she would never do that, and b) The most I would do would be to try to knock some sense into her, and if that didn't work, I'd let Firestar do what he wanted to her. I trust him to pick an honorable decision.

2. I've heard of them yes.

3. I have no idea. That wouldn't be cool if bears attacked camp though.

4. Thankies!!
5. Brown would be cool.

6. He has a bit of a big head sometimes, but I guess I trust him. He seems nice enough.

7. (WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER"??) That would be Cinderpaw's choice.

8. No. That is why I left Moosey's house.

9. Yuck. Herbs taste disgusting. And I need to unwind some of my energy everyday. I'd go crazy if I was cooped up in that Medicine Cat Den the rest of my life. I see the purpose of the job, however, and am glad that we have Jaypaw and Leafpool to take care of us.

10. I suppose I would still love her, but only from afar. I don't know how she would feel about me, though, if she grew up away from me.

Your welcome! I want to see answer more questions from you!
Love, Brackenfur

Hi Brackensugar! Did you miss me? huh? huh? I missed your answers, because i forgot my stuff and haven't come on here in forever! I am sorry! I started a new book thingie if you wanted to read that one, it is about Amberfur...i am simply stalling, while i try to think of some - aha!

1)did you share your cookies with your kits?
2)Will you tell Jaypaw and Leafpool that Silverspirit says hi?
3)What is your second favourite colour?
4)Do you like black?
6)How about green-gray?
7)How would you feel if I, Lexxi, Silverspirit's twoleg, were to kidnap you, instead of Moosey?
8)If Sorreltail didn't exist, who would you mate with?
9)do you like cherry coke zero? it is very yummy.
10)did you notice that i am typing lots of random questions, all because i, your faithful reader, wasn't here before?
11)do you know how to ballroom dance?
12)do you know how to perform CPR?
13)Does moosey know how to perform CPR?
14)Why is your "ask brackenfur thingie" so addictive to type in?
15)If you had to have a different name, what would it be?
16)do you like the name Brackensugar?
17)Can you say hi to Dustpelt for me?
18)Can you also give Dustpelt some cookies?
19)Can you reply to all of these soon?
20)Are you relieved that this is my last question, for now?


P.S. What do you think of my new story idea? -> a rogue is turned down for help from Shadowclan when twolegs are coming to get her, so she is captured, then abused, then she escapes to Windclan, where she speaks openly against Shadowclan.
P.S.S. enjoy the triple chewy chocolate cookies and cherry coke zeros i sent you.
P.S.S.S. Share them!

Dear Pal,

I would sure like to read more of your stories! It's good to hear from you again, Silverspirit!

1. I shared…once. They love it so much, now I have to keep it hidden from them!

2. Sure thing!

3. Yellow.

4. Black is cold, or at least to me it is. It symbolizes night, a time of no warmth. I suppose we need night, to balance out life, and I believe that stars are amazing, but I don't particularly enjoy the color.

5. Yes, silvers fine.

6. Bleh! That's the color of…oh, nevermind.

7. Would you feed me cookies?
8. There is no one else but her.

9. I have only had sprite and rootbeer.

10. No, I hadn't noticed. But don't worry, I like random!!

11. No, but it sounds painful!
12. Nope.

13. I have no idea.

Moosey: Yes you do! One time you were choking from eating too much cookies, and I saved your life by performing CPR! You of all people should know that.

Brackenfur: Well, 'scuse me! I was nearly dead, do you think I would pay attention to you saving my life?

14. I dunno. Maybe it's my oober cool personality I mentioned earlier?

15. Brackencookie.

16. Yes, that's fine.

17. I'll try too. He doesn't particularly enjoy company though.


Moosey: For pete's sake! Calm down!
Brackenfur: Who's this pete, and why should I calm down for him?
Moosey: -head/desk- nevermind.

Brackenfur: I guess I got a little out of hand there, didn't I?

Moosey: a little out of hand? Brackenfur, you were jealous!
Brackenfur: Jealous? Of Dustpelt? Nuh, uh.

19. Well, it's been three days since you sent these questions in. Is that soon enough for you?
20. No, I'll miss your lovable yet random questions.

Love, Brackenfur

P.S. Yes, yes, I love the idea. Go for it.

P.S.S.S. oh, man…