All of them sat in the living room. Renee and Phil had been gone for atleast two hours now. "So, she just became thirsty? Even after you guys went hungting. Thats not right though! She shouldnt be thirsty still!"

Carlisle stood up and looked out the window. Then turned around. "I dont know, but were going to have to watch her before the wedding on this" he looked to Esme. And then sighed.

"What are you guys not telling me?"

Esme went and sat by him. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Edward, the volturi is coming for Bella. And if she doesnt choose to come. There going to come and take her. And if you both struggle, you'll both be taken!"

Edward sat frozen on the couch. For the first time Jasper and Emmett werent making jokes, and Rosalie and Alice sat silently in the corner. Edward stood up shaking off Esmes hand then turned back around to them. "How am i suppose to tell Bella?"

Alice stood and walked toward him. She stopped feet away. "Edward, i dont think you should. But the day its going to happen tell her. Then say your going to go with her. If not you could run away, far from you, but im afraid they'll find you either way!"

Edward sighed. "Fine! I'll be upstairs. What did Renee say?"

Carlisle looked at him. "Shes going to call later. Her and CHarlie are worried shes getting cold feet. She'll be back tomorrow to help Alice and Angela. Bens going to be coming by to, along with Mike!"

Edward turned around and climbed the staris slowly. Then ran to his room, and opened the door to find lieing down.


I flipped over as Edward walked towards me. We both new i wasnt going to be sleeping anytime soon. He told me about Renee and Charlie. And about who was stopping by tomorrow. I was nervous for my wedding, but i was glad Alice was doing it for me. Something bad might happen with my powers. I sat up and Edward sat next to me. "What are you not telling me Edward?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Nothing. Just question my love. Are you scared?"

I sighed. And leaned on his shoulder. "No! Just nervous thats all!" He laughed and i could feel him rub my cheek with his thumb. His touch was amazing, i could tell something was wrong. But i never said a thing.

"Bella, i was thinking. Why dont we stay in for a romantic night. Just the two of us. I mean, im sure the rest of the family wouldnt mind staying out!" I smiled at him. He kissed my lips softly.

"That be great!"


I had Edwards phone in my hand. It took me forever to convince Renee i was okay. And when she was done. Charlie had something to say. When i finally hung up the phone. the rest of the cullens had left already. And Edward was setting the table. He had gone out specially to get some blood. It sounded weird to me, a blood dinner. But it also sounded good. I hung up the phone and went and sat down across from Edward. he had lit two candles.

"This looks good!" he sat the cup in front of me. It was red. And looked delicious.

"Well, cheers!" we lifted our glasses. And both sucked it back. We sat our cups down at the same time. "like it?"

"its great. Is there seconds?" he got up to pour more. We talked at the same time. "So what are we doing after?"

"I thought we could watch the stars. And then go from there!" he kissed my forhead and then went back to his seat.
We yet again sucked back our drinks. We leaned in toward eachother at the table. I could see his eyes were dark. Dark for me. I smiled.

"What my love?"

"What are you thinking?" i smiled at him. He took my hand and we walked outside. He sat down in the grass and slid up behind me wrapping his arms around me. I could taste his scent on my tongue.

"Thinkning how much I love you. ANd how i didnt fufill ur human wishes." i could tell he was sorry. I turned my head to look at him.

"Its not your fault Edward." i kissed under his chin. "I have now"

He looked down at me. His hands knotted in my hair. And he closed the gap between my lips and his! I couldnt believe this was going to happen. I was so excited!