A/N: Of course, I don't own any of these characters. This story is sorda messed up. Sorry people.

                                 Chapter One

Hermione sat in the corner of the Hogwarts library, poring over a book. If you spotted her from afar, you would think that she was enthralled in a musty old volume called Potions and How to Make Them. But if you happened to come up behind her, you would soon realize that she was doing nothing of the sort- for she had another much smaller book hidden in front of it. She turned the pages of the small book very quickly, looking for something.

"It has to be in here somewhere," she mumbled under her breath, twirling her curly hair around her finger.

Then, she found it, the thing that she had been looking for. Smiling, she took out a piece of paper from the pocket of her robe and began copying the spell down when-

The library door swung open, and the one person who Hermione did not want to be in the room right now stepped in.

 Where was Hermione? Harry sped down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room. But when he looked to Hermione's secluded chair, it was empty- in fact, the whole common room was deserted. Could she really be in the library this early in the morning? She had told him that she would help him in Potions class, but she was gone. She was usually up before everyone, but not at the library at 5:00 a.m. And she never slept in.

But who could guess with her? After all, the smartest girl he knew had to have a quiet place to study, so maybe she had taken to studying in the early hours of morning. Adjusting his glasses, Harry headed to the library.


Harry almost ran to the library- thinking all of the way how humiliating it would be to fail Potions. When he finally arrived, he looked around and spotted Hermione sitting in the corner of the library, reading Potions and How to Make Them. Hadn't she memorized that book by now? When she looked up and met his eyes, her look wasn't casual and scholarly as it normally was. Her eyes went as wide with horror, and then she dropped her book, stood up and hurried over to Harry.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Harry asked curiously. "Don't you remember that you said you would help me with potions-

"Uh…oh yes, I remember now, Harry- I'm sorry- just studying, that's all," she stuttered. Now what was this all about?

"Hermione, are you okay?"

"Of course! Just pre-test jitters, that's all," she replied quickly with a weak smile. "Let's go to the common room so that we can study."

"All right- I have to check out a book first. I'll meet you there."

Hermione smiled and rushed out of the room. The next exam wasn't for a month.

What was that all about? Oh well, girls can be girls, Harry thought with a shrug. I guess I'll check out that Potions book Hermione was reading.

As he bent to pick up Potions and How to Make Them, which was lying open on the table, Harry noticed that there was another book on top of it, about half the other book's size. Hermione had been hiding the book she was reading inside another one? Interested, Harry looked at the smaller book's cover. Magical Beauty was printed in golden, indented letters on a bright pink spine. So that was what she was so embarrassed about.

Hermione, reading a beauty book? Harry almost laughed out loud. He had never guessed that his friend was that much into glamour. But after the Yule Ball, Harry could expect just about anything from Hermione.

A piece of paper with the words "Straighten curly hair for good" written on it in Hermione's neat, even printing lay on the table. So she wanted straight hair. Harry had to admit, her hair was a little bushy…

Harry flipped through the book, feeling foolish. He was reading a girl's beauty book. Make your lips a shade darker permanently with one easy spell! Lengthen or shorten your hair! Straighten curly hair for good!

He was about to slam the book shut when he spotted an interesting article.

                        ***CORRECT YOUR EYES***

                                    Are you tired of ugly glasses and not wanting to

                                    wear the hideous muggle invention called "contact

                                    lenses?" We have a solution for you. You can

                                    correct your eyes with just one easy potion that you

                                     drop in your eyes. Within moments, your eyesight

                                     is corrected and say goodbye to glasses! Just follow

                                    theses easy steps…

1. Gather these items and stir them together in a

 small bottle:

                             Eyes of a hawk

                            Half a cup water

2. Get out your wand and tap the bottle three times.

3. Put one drop of the potion in each eye, and your

              eyes will be corrected permanently!

            Harry took off his glasses and eyed them critically. Ugly, black circles. He looked back at the beauty book, and an idea started to form in his mind…