Hello everyone I've been hooked on the game Bully by Rock star and I have technically finished it. I'm so shocked that there haven't been many Fanfics of this. I mostly like Jimmy/Petey or Gary/Petey in a way. I like other pairings in the game also. Petey's just so adorable! I did this fic for fun. But I have a knack for making long stories now.

Disclamer: I don't own Bully ( well the game I do muahahahaha!) it is by Rockstar

Summary: It's their second year at Bullworth Academy, Gary's back, Jimmy's still the king of the school, and Petey still can't fit it in. New cliques! What happens when Gary decides to harass the new head boy? Will Jimmy ever notice? Jimmy/Petey, slight Gary/Petey (I suck at summaries)


"I hope this is the last I hear of you young man!" Miss Danvers, Dr. Crabblesnitch's secretary, shouted after Jimmy as he was leaving her office.

"Whatever" he muttered under his breath leaving the building, he can hear the faint sound of morbid music from a group of Goths hanging out by the corner of the school. There have been new cliques this year that included, Goths, band geeks, and hip-hopers. Great. He shook his head and sighed, all he did was get involved in a fight to defend one of the band geeks from getting pummeled by Ethan, one of the bullies.

He was still respected by everyone and he always tries his best to try and have the groups get along... or at least ignore each other but the best he could do was get everyone on his side, which he didn't mind at all. As Jimmy walked into the boys' dorm he saw poor Petey trying to watch the swimming competition while Gary is constantly bothering him with his poking.

"Do you like watching the men in the swimming competition Petey boy? What will everyone think of the new head boy and his sick fantasies? Gary irked walking in front of the TV.

"Quit it Gary I'm trying to watch the game-

"Quit it Gary" He mimicked in a high pitched voice "Geeze you so sensitive…" At that moment Jimmy decided to barge in "Ah hey there Jimmy-boy how was that trip to the principles office?" He questioned cheerily, receiving nothing but a glare Jimmy decided to join Petey on the common room couch. "Whoa, chill all I did was ask Mr. Big Tough guy"

Neither Jimmy nor Petey nor anyone in the school understood why Gary Smith was back at Bullworth Academy, mainly because of that chaotic event of taking over the school last year would have gotten him expelled for good. Gary refused to tell anyone about how he was back at this school. There were rumors that they let him go easy because he wasn't taking his medication, or that he had nowhere else to go because no one would want to deal with him… Gary, the deranged, egotistical, sociopath. He made many enemies and almost everyone else avoided him. They don't hang out with Gary; he hung out with them on his own. Jimmy could tell that Gary still hated him for humiliating him with his plan.

"H-hey Jimmy!" Petey greeted, he still wore that fruity pink shirt under his school uniform. To Jimmy, Petey was probably considered his best friend. He still thought of the shy boy as a dork since he still didn't fit into any of the groups. He was 'too cool to be a dork but too dorky to be anything else' as he puts it, but he was the nicest person you'll ever meet in his opinion. "What did they do to you?"

"Nothing much just lecturing me about violence in school and how it shouldn't be tolerated with, I had to rake the leaves that were falling down in the school yards; I was freezing my ass off because it's almost winter already." The school had to start class in the late fall in order to repair the damage that had been done to the school last year.


"Oh well that's the bell I got to go see you guys" Said Peter quickly before running off.

"What's his problem?" Gary questioned looking at Pete's running form as he bolted out the building.

"No idea" Jimmy replied leaving Gary alone in the common room and heading to his own. He didn't feel like going to class today or talking to Gary, he'd rather do nothing at the moment, the detention he had served wore him out a little. It's been about a week or more he stayed in this school, his mother dumped the old geezer but found a new one right after and left him in good old Bullworth Academy in order to build up her relationships.

'What an interesting school year this will turn out to be' He thought deciding to leave his room, obviously bored and found Gary standing outside his door as if he were waiting for him.

"Finally… come on I say we follow Petey, let's go to the principles office, say we're returning something to him, and lead him out of the class, he obviously has something to hide from us" Explained Gary walking around back and forth, his ADD kicking in. Jimmy only shrugged and agreed seeming to have nothing better to do at the moment. He wasn't in the mood to go to class.

They sneaked out side avoiding any Prefects on the way and entered from the back of the school and headed to the main office.

"What are you two doing out of class?!" Exclaimed Miss Danvers eyeing the two boys as they entered.

"We need to know Petey's room so we can return something to him, we will go back to class as soon as possible ma'am" Said Jimmy innocently trying to convince her to tell them the room number. She sighed as she went over to the computer, looked up Pete's profile, and gave them the room number before kicking them out of her office.

"Good work Hopkins" Said Gary as they avoided prefects they found their way to the room they were looking for and their jaws dropped when they realized what room it was. At that same moment the bell rang, all the girls left the classroom, Petey was the last one trying not to be noticed but then as soon as he got out he was greeted by Jimmy who was snickering a bit and Gary who was currently laughing his ass off.

"G-guys W-what are you doing here?!" Asked a shocked Pete

"Petey you didn't tell us you had Home Economics" Smirked an amused Jimmy, Gary was probably in tears by now.

"Yea femme-boy you really are the girliest boy in the school!" He managed to say before bursting out laughing students stopped by to stare at the scene but then left thinking nothing important of it.

"Well it's not my fault they couldn't fit me into any other classes" claimed Pete trying to defend himself. The laughter lasted for a while until a familiar voice was heard.

"Hey Jimmy!" Zoe called over waving. Jimmy Hopkins stopped laughing and waved back.

"Sorry guys got to go, love awaits" Replied Jimmy before going after Zoe. Gary shook his head.

"I swear those two have got to be going out"

"Yea" Replied Petey trying not to sound disappointed that his best friend had left.

"What's this? Petey you sound disappointed now that your boyfriend has left you." Petey shook his head in disagreement

"He's my best friend and I'm disappointed because he promised that we would hang together today, he promised last week, and quit saying he's my boyfriend Gary you're such a jerk"

"Whatever you say femme-boy" Said Gary obviously not offended by the smaller boy, before smirking to himself. 'This year is going to be interesting' he thought

To be continued…

Ok tell me what you think about this and please read and review, I want reviews to get opinions of the story before I continue. Yes I know that the characters are a little bit OOC. And that's y I need opinions PPL!! Thanks for reading