Eiko's Kitchen Final: Take 7

Eiko was getting extremely frustrated at this point. There was time for one final taping of the show before it was time to leave.

This was her last chance to get it right.

Eiko was behind stage talking with castle security and the princess of Alexandria.

"Okay, listen carefully you two, this is the final time I'm going to try and get my show off of the ground. From this point on I want no more interruptions, that means no intruders, no second-hand helpers, and no more faulty equipment! Is that clear?!" Eiko growls angrily at Beatrix and Dagger.

"You can count on me, ma'am," Beatrix says, unsheathing her sword before leaving to go patrol the area outside of the set.

"As your manager, I made sure this time that things will go as planned," Dagger reassures Eiko. "Now go, you're on in a minute!"

"Okay fine," Eiko says, sighing, heading back toward the set to give it one final go.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Eiko's kitchen! I'm your host and chef: Eiko Carol! Today we are going to show you how to make some easy Beef Stew!" Eiko says, smiling at the camera. "I have right here all of the ingredients you'll need to make this tasty dish, and the pot to cook it in! Let's get started shall we?"

Eiko, yet again, chops up the meat and vegetables and places them into the pot and then places the lid on it.

"Now, you will want to let your stew cook on HIGH for 30 minutes," Eiko continues as she reached down and turned the knob of her automatic wood stove, which was now working perfectly.

The fire came on, and began cooking the stew as planned.

"Alrighty! Now that that's done, we wait until it comes to a boil, then we add a pinch of my special seasoning to give it a nice kick!" Eiko continues.

When the stew came to a boil, Eiko hopped onto the counter and lifted the lid.

"Ah, yummy! Mmmm…smells great! Eiko says as she sprinkles some of her special seasoning into the stew.

"Now, at this point, you turn down the heat and let it simmer for another half hour," Eiko continues.

After some time had elapsed, the stew was finally complete. Eiko grabs a bowl and pours the stew into it to show it to the camera and the audience.

"Doesn't that look tasty folks? This stew goes great with salad and bread too!" she says with a wink and a smile.

Eiko hops off of the counter and approaches the audience.

"Before we go, I'm going to allow one lucky member from the audience come up and taste my delicious stew! Will the person in seat #53 pleasure come forward?" Eiko says to the audience.

The man sitting in seat #53 happened to be Amarant. Amarant walks down at a casual speed and approaches the set. Eiko hops on top of the counter pushes the bowl of stew toward him.

"Go ahead and give it a taste!" Eiko says with much anticipation.

Amarant took a spoon and ate a spoonful of the stew. His facial expression didn't change at all.

"Well?" Eiko asks eagerly. "How does it taste?"

"Tastes like shit," Amarant simply says.

Eiko had a blank look of shock after hearing this. "Um…could you…repeat that?" she sputters.

"I said it tastes like shit, its pretty awful," Amarant says, tossing the bowl of soup over his shoulder, almost hitting the cameraman.

Eiko's eye twitches at was she was hearing. She slowly turns toward Amarant with a rather scary look on her face.

Minutes Later…

"WAAAAHHH!" Amarant yells as he ran down the cobblestone streets of Alexandria, trying to flee from Eiko, who was wildly wielding a really sharp looking butcher knife in her hands.

"GET BACK HERE!" Eiko screams as she chases Amarant into the sunset.

Eiko's cooking show was put on permanent hiatus as a result.

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