AN: PRAZR and molestation of the Zim. This ficlet is dedicated to Neo Fox who if she was a god would be my patron deity. XP


Zim sat in the darkness crying. It had been three days and he still couldn't get the thoughts out of his head. They'd practically raped him. Both of them. The two irkens he had been willing to give anything for had taken him back from banishment only to keep him as some demented love pet. The tears fell faster and he jumped when he heard a voice purr into his lekku.

"Don't cry little darling. We're here now." Zim shrank away from the hands that were placed so gently on his shoulders and he scrambled backwards. "Don't touch me.." He sobbed very hard and buried his face in his hands. Red and Purple looked at each other then cornered Zim and both held him. "We won't hurt you." Purple whispered so softly into Zim's lekku and twirled it around one finger.

Zim screamed and flailed trying to get away but he could not escape them and their will was absolute. He fell into their arms crying. "Just leave alone. I'd rather rot.." Red smiled nuzzling into Zim's neck. "We'd rather see you alive and whole." Purple murmured his assent and went to work dragging his tongue over the smaller irken's lekku.

Zim couldn't stop the small sounds coming from him as he was nuzzled and licked in intimate ways. Red drew a single claw up the short irken's leg and nipped lightly at the tender flesh of Zim's neck. Zim squirmed and couldn't help the moan that escaped him when Purple put his hands on his hips digging the claws in slightly.

"You always wanted attention Zim. You never thought you'd get this kind though." Zim gasped and arched unwillingly into the touch trailing up his thighs. Tears still fell but not as fast. He knew that every word of what was being said was true. How long had he waited for attention from the tallests? Did it really matter anymore?

"We always tried to share, the tenderest of care, now look what we've put you though.." Red purred against Zim's skin groping the small irken hard enough to make him cry out. "I pray you learn to trust, have faith in both of us, and keep room in your heart for two.." Purple finished nibbling on Zim's lekku. Zim slowly stopped fighting the touches and finally gave in without a word, without a sob, without feeling. His expression went blank and his eyes became dull and lifeless as he listlessly let them make him their toy.