After our little snack, or in my case practically meal, I ended up stuck in the living room talking to Dr. Martinez while Ella has a nice talk with Max. If I were to tell you what Dr. Martinez talked about, I would bore you to death. Literally. No joke.
After the first hour, I said, "Should we go now, so that there won't be a problem tomorrow? Like, right now, after the clinic is 'closed'?"
"You know, that's a good idea. You are the smart one," she said, and she excused herself to go and fetch Max and Ella. I smiled to myself about what she had said. And we all ended up in Dr. Martinez's Sedan and headed to the clinic.
It was unmistakably dark, but no lights were turned on by Dr. Martinez's part. We proceeded to the O.R quickly, nerves not only in Max, but in myself. I was scared. What if something went wrong? What if she lost her hand? What if, somehow, this operation became life threatening? My face was kept straight as we walked, because Max looked nervous enough for the both of us.
Once in the operating room, Max was put on a cold metal table. I didn't even have to touch it to know it was cold, and Max's was too tall to be completely on it. Her legs dangled off the edge. She looked like she was doubting the whole procedure, and I would have backed her up 100 percent if we left. I know that that chip has been the cause of a lot of our problems, but at least Max will be there with me to fight everything that came our way.
They did the chest X-ray and all the tests before they started the actual operation. Max flinched a little as her arm was injected with Valium. She got all loopy, and I could tell. She began to garble and talk all slurred to me. "I'm so glad you're here. I know everything's fine if you're here." Those words were music to my ears… if she was sane and conscious. She was so drugged, I didn't know if she meant what she was saying. I don't think I took that into consideration at that moment, and I took those words to heart. Not that I let it show.
I gripped her hand as I watched the knife meet Max's tanned skin. I had to keep the nausea from overwhelming me, so I concentrated on Max. Her face, her hair. She was so beautiful, but right now, she was so scared. If it wasn't for the Valium, I think she would be struggling against tears. She seemed so calm and carefree, so unlike her normal self.
She was saying things like "The lights are pretty", but she was smiling. As long as she was relaxed, I was fine.
"I'm so glad you're here. I know everything's fine if you're here," she said. I was glad that she found safety with me, even if she was delirious.
"Fang?" she said. Her voice sounded like a three year old calling her mom.
"Yeah, I'm here," I said.
"I'm so glad you're here," she said for the second time.
"Yeah, I got that," I said, hoping she would just be quiet and let this be over with soon. I was getting a little overly apprehensive.
"I don't know what I'd do without you," she said. She seemed more and more sleepy with every syllable.
"You'd be fine," I muttered, knowing I was right. What was weird is that without her, I wouldn't be fine. I would be far from it.
"No, I wouldn't. I would be totally unfine. Totally," she said, stressing out the last 'totally'. I was wondering if anesthesia made you spill your guts and tell all your feelings, because it was all beginning to sound a little authentic. Darn it, Max, you had to be drugged to tell me all of this, and I have no idea what comes from your heart.
"It's okay. Just relax. Just… relax. Don't try to talk." I probably came out a little anxious and kind of stilted, but I had lost my barrier. That wall that shut out my feelings was knocked over, and they were taking over my usually-expressionless voice.
I kept telling her to stop talking, calm down, and just relax, but she kept getting more and more worked up. It was like with every word, she got more desperate.
"Fang, don't go anywhere," she said. I would never go anywhere. I loved her too much.
"I won't. I'm right here," I said, tightening my grip on her hand a little, making sure she knew that I meant it.
"Fang, Fang, Fang," she said, loopy as ever. I almost laughed. "I love you. I love you sooooo much."
God, does she mean that? Please let her mean that! Of course, she didn't, and if she did, I didn't know for sure. So I stopped fantasizing, kept a straight face, and feigned annoyance, "Oh, jeez."
At last, the whole operation was over, and Dr. Martinez fastened the last bandage. "Okay, the chip is out. I'm going to unfasten your arm, Max, and then I want you to wiggle your fingers."
"Okay," and I felt as her fingers tapped around my wrist.
"The other ones," I said, secretly excited to see her new arm work. Finally we were free of our tracking device. Finally, we could live our lives as normal avian hybrids. Okay, that was a weird phrase, but still. I could live my life with Max, tell her everything I felt and only hope that she felt the same. I mean, when I had kissed her, she hadn't pulled away at the first second, so that meant something, right?
"Okay," she said. Her fingers didn't move.
"Go ahead and move them, Max," Dr. Martinez said, getting slightly anxious.
"I am moving them," Max said, and she seemed positive that she was.
"Oh, oh, no," Dr. Martinez said.
Let me tell you that "oh, no" was an understatement. What the heck were we going to do now, I had no idea...
I had no idea how to end this, but this is the two shot! There ya go! REVIEW! PLZ!