Ahahha! Sorry to keep you people waiting! Okay! Second chapter of Jealousy Encounters will start after these messages.

Thanks everyone for the reviews, I LOVE YOU ALL! Also, I'm a pretty slow writer, so I may take a while for some chapters to come out, but I'll do my best! Go meat!

A glare. A very scary sight that the eyes can form when incredibly irritated, pissed, a murdering aura, etc. You probably get the point. One glare is bad enough, but three? Hoo boy, that's a completely different story.

"And this is the media room!" The cheerful pigtailed girl bounced around the hallways, showing him each and every classroom, with an uncomfortable blond boy and a pissed raven haired boy leading the way and Ryo just staring at Natsume's and Ruka's back.

"Oh! This is-!" She paused for a second and made a mad face at Ryo. "Are you listening?!" He diverted his attention from his other two "ecstatic" partners and stared at Mikan.

"Of course I am." He quickly said with sarcasm in his tone and created a smug look on his face. Mikan made another grumpy face and stuck her tongue out at him, which made Ryo chuckle in delight.

"What's so funny?!" Ruka looked a bit, how should I say, awkward at Ryo's and looked at his bunny staring at Ruka straight in the eye with a piercing glance and Ruka glanced at Natsume. Natsume closed his eyes and nodded silently.

Ryo smirked and slowly walked towards Mikan. "Nothing." He began walking towards Mikan when-

"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Mikan was running around in circles as blazing fire was set upon her lovely pigtails. Natsume glanced at her for a moment with the usual.

"It's your fault for getting off track." Natsume walked ahead with his back turned to the screaming girl with her pigtails in flames. Ryo? He glanced at her for a moment and chuckled under his breath a few times. Ruka? He quickly grabbed a bucket of water and splashed it on Mikan's head.

"Mikan! Are you alright?!" The trembling girl quickly stood up and directed her index finger straight at Natsume.

"NATSUMEEEEEEEE!" She screamed and jumped in the air and aimed her foot towards the raven haired boy, but he swiftly dodged it with Mikan landing on the floor with a BONK.

"Ow. Natsume! You moron!" She yelled out with an angried look on her face. Natsume finally stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Ha. I'm not the one on the floor." Mikan looked embarrassed for a second and shot up from the ground. "Polka dots." He lastly said as he turned his back on her and went ahead again. Before she could yell at him back, she slipped on god-knows-what and smacked her head on the ground once more.

"Moron." She heard Natsume utter under his breath.

"Mikan, are you alright?" Ruka-pyon bent down with his bunny in his arm and looked at her. She trembled for a second in anger and burst out after Natsume.

"NATSUMEEEEEEE!!!!!" She quickly dashed towards Natsume.

"Hey- Mikan! Wait!" The blond boy ran after the bursting Mikan and the smug Natsume and gave a final glance at the lonely brown haired boy, with his bangs covering his face and uttered. "Nice job Natsume."

"Ha." The brown haired boy just gave a cornered smirk and gave a death looking glare ahead. "Damn. I was so close." He looked up a little with his dark smile widening every second.

"Damn that Natsume. Ha. Keen eyes though. That blond guy too." His fists closed up and crackled. "Looks like I'll have to make them go away."

Ahahahah! Whoop whoop! Nice job muah! xD Yatta! Sorry if I made it feel rushed, but I'll make the next chapter longer for sure! Thanks for reading Jealousy Encounters and please review!