I felt like I left some things hanging when I finished the last chapter, so I've been writing this little epilogue in bits and pieces as I've had time. This should wrap things up a little more, and give a little peek into the future with the respective couples and their new families. Hope you enjoy it, and I hope you're all having a wonderful summer!

Epilogue (Six years later)

Meredith smiled as she walked into the library, finding Derek with their children, reading to them late in the evening. Michael, now six, was leaning against Derek's knee, while the twins, Hannah and Ella, were snuggled together as usual, on the other side. Cradled in the crook of Derek's elbow was the youngest, James, now one year. The spot was his favorite, and Meredith swore that he preferred Derek over herself, much to Derek's amusement.

"And they all lived happily ever after…" Derek said, closing the book slowly. He caught Meredith's eyes on him, and he gave her a quick wink, before returning his attention to the rapt faces looking up at him.

"I like that story, Papa," Michael said, "can you read it again?"

"Please?" Hannah asked sweetly, reaching up to pat Derek's cheek, while Ella nodded in agreement, peeking at him from under her fringe of impossibly long lashes. Just as Meredith suspected, the girls had their father wrapped around their perfect little fingers, and she could see him ready to give in to their pleas.

"I want to be a princess when I grow up…" Ella added. "With the prince riding a white pony to take me away…"

"Don't be silly, Ella, princes don't ride ponies!" Michael teased his sister. "They have big stallions. Ponies are for girls!"

"I think it's getting late, and you all need to go to bed," Derek said, in an attempt to divert a full scale argument from breaking out, deciding that another reading was not in order. "After all, your cousins will be here tomorrow, along with the Sloans."

"That's right," Meredith confirmed, joining them on the settee. She brushed the hair off Michael's forehead, noting his eyes were getting heavy anyway.

It was almost Easter Sunday, and they were planning to have a celebration with Kate and Alex, along with Marcus and Izzie, with all the respective children. It would be a boisterous group, Meredith was quite sure. Besides Kate's twins and Marianna, they had two more children of their own. Marcus and Izzie had two boys, and Izzie was pregnant again. And joining them all as well were Eleanor and John, who had formed a relationship of sorts, over the years. Meredith suspected there was more than just friendship between the two strong-willed individuals, but she wasn't about to confront them about it. She had seen the discreet looks that passed between her father and Derek's mother, and the lingering touches that they tried to hide. It made her smile, thinking about it, hoping that they were able to find some companionship. Both of them had been alone for many years, after all.

"So, who is ready for bed?" she asked, pulling Hannah into her lap, and kissing the top of her head. Ella immediately clambered up as well – the two of them were peas in a pod, always together, always making up little private games and stories. As they grew older, their resemblance to each other was more pronounced. Hannah's hair had darkened, and they both had startling blue eyes, with dark brows winging over them. With their hair in braids, and wearing identical gowns, it was often difficult to tell them apart. Only when you talked to them, you noticed the differences. Hannah was quick to talk, chattering non stop, while Ella was more thoughtful and quiet.

"I'm sleepy, Mama," Ella yawned now. "Will you tuck us in?"

"You can count it on, sweetheart," Meredith assured her. "Meggie is waiting to take you up to your rooms, and we'll be up shortly to say good night." Meggie was the nanny/governess, a capable young woman who was a cousin of Rose's. Rose still enjoyed helping out with the children, but she was married now herself, and Meredith insisted that Rose spend time with her own family as much as possible. Now, she waited at the library door, and came in at Meredith's nod. She held her hands out to the children, as Meredith stood up to take the baby from Derek. James made a little sound of protest at being moved, but his eyes swept shut again almost immediately. Meredith kissed him and passed him to Meggie.

"You heard your mother, Michael. Go on and we'll both be up soon." Derek ruffled his oldest son's hair, as Michael began to protest.

"All right," Michael sighed. Only the prospect of playing with his cousins the next day made him consent without too much fuss. At the very least, there would be games and boys to play with, not just his sisters. Girls were far too boring to play with, and James was too little yet. He scrambled to the floor, followed by his sisters, and the three of them made their way out of the library.

"It will be a houseful, tomorrow," Meredith mused, as she slid next to Derek. His arm went around her shoulders, pulling her closer. "Are you ready for the madness?"

"Anything, so long as you're beside me, my love," Derek chuckled. "And in my bed…" Meredith turned in his embrace, as his lips slanted over hers, taking her mouth in a long, slow kiss.

"Derek, this isn't really the time…" Meredith protested, half heartedly, as his hands rested on her hips, pulling her closer.

"We can play for a few moments, can't we?" he asked seductively, dissolving her defenses as always. Somehow, his fingers managed to loosen her gown, pulling it away from her easily. His touch inflamed her, as he stroked the warm globes of her breasts, finding her nipples.

"Oh, you rogue, you will never change," Meredith sighed, surrendering to his caresses. "Does the fact that our children are waiting not deter you?" Her breath caught as his mouth moved lower, seeking the hard rosy tips that suddenly ached for more.

"Briefly," he admitted. "But right now, I have other concerns…" He kissed her again, as her hand strayed lower, finding the hard evidence of his distraction. He groaned against her mouth, tasting her sweetness, longing to bury himself into her. Despite the lack of time, and the location, Derek wanted her as always. Their love and passion had never dimmed over the years together, never waned – in fact, it seemed to burn more strongly with the passage of time. Her body was warm and pliant against him, still as slender as the day he first saw her in the rain swept forest. "Just indulge me, love," he urged, his tongue wicked against her exposed flesh, as he nibbled the skin that tempted him. "You know as well as I do that no one dares to disturb us when we're alone…" The seduction of his mouth and his voice was difficult to resist as always.

Meredith turned in his arms, moving across his lap, feeling his cock insistent against her. The air between them simmered, as he pulled her against him, moving more intimately between her legs. She sighed, and ran her fingers along his hair, reveling in the feel and the scent of him. "I can never resist you, and you know it," she confessed. Kissing him again, their tongue sliding together, breath mingling as his hips rose up higher. He wanted her, all of her, as always, to make her come and scream under him.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that, my sweet girl. But I will have to content myself with a mere taste for now, and know that we will continue after the children are settled." Kissing her with a hungry urgency that belied their years together. Stroking, gliding, with heat rising, his cock bucking between them. His fingers slid along her neck, bringing her closer still, her nipples taut against his linen shirt, their arousal humming between them.

"Oh, god, Derek.." Meredith sighed, finally coming to her senses. "That will have to keep you for now, darling…the children are waiting…"

"Right, you are absolutely right," he growled, lust and love warring with family obligations. He rested his forehead against hers, breathing raggedly. "Let's go now, my love, before I lose the control I'm holding onto. But later, every part of you is mine…"

Meredith shivered at his words. "Yes, my lord, always…"

Within an hour, they were in bed, their children settled and bid sweet dreams. "My darling, now for our sweet dreams," Derek murmured, intent on resuming where they left off. The firelight played along Meredith's features, shadows dancing playfully over her skin. Her hair fell across the pillows, framing her face, her perfect body displayed for him.

"Yes…" she agreed, staring up at Derek. Still muscled and lean, from years of outdoor activity and riding, kept Derek at the peak of masculine prime. She could never get enough of him, and now she drifted her fingers along his tight muscles, the taut abdomen, finding the dusting of hair tapering along his groin. Finding the swollen length of him, so ready for her, she teased him with one finger, around the aching tip as he waited over her. "Sweet dreams, indeed…" she giggled, still girlish and sweet. Still arousing him with her soft touch and her knowing gaze.

"Please me now, my love," he growled, thrusting his hips, desperate for her. "My little vixen…" Leaning forward, grabbing the headboard as she took him against her lips, her tongue so warm and soft, gliding wetly around him. He couldn't help it, he wanted this so badly, loving every movement of her mouth against him. "Take it, sweetheart…all of it…ah, god yes…" His eyes closed as she took him deeper, until he felt the climax like a rush in his blood, predatory and ready to explode. He tried to control it, but she was relentless, giving more and more until he lost himself, coming in heated waves.

"Sweet girl…" he managed to say at last, as she let him go, her fingers cradling him gently. "You will always amaze me…" So reminiscent of their first night together, his thoughts chaotic now as they were then, lost in the haze of sensual delight that she brought him to.

Without another word, his mouth descended on her nipples, one by one, nibbling and licking, and the sensation shot straight to her core. His fingers found the dampness along her thighs, sliding into her as he continued his lazy, erotic touch against her breasts. "So sweet…so beautiful…" he murmured, moving lower, against her navel, as he drove her mad with his fingers. "Come for me now…I want to see you. I never tire of watching…"

Meredith surrendered to his mouth and his touch, losing herself in the sweet climax that built up in her. Feeling flushed and wanton, as his eyes danced over her, enjoying the way he could make her feel. Just as she thought she would explode, her orgasm took her away into a spiral of delight, and his cock replaced his fingers. Her eyes opened wider, as he thrust slowly into her heat, giving her another small tremor. Kissing her deeply, arousing her further with the taste of her on his tongue, they moved together in the rhythm that they never tired of. No matter how often, how fast or slow, their desire was always there, making them shudder, making them burn for each other. A love for all eternity, she thought dreamily, as he cradled her in his arms when they peaked together, and the warmth of the afterglow washed through them…

Easter Sunday was a mild spring day, with brilliant blue skies dotted with puffy white clouds. Along the rolling velvet expanse of lush grass that stretched out behind the manor, the children romped noisily. Michael led the pack, waving his wooden sword, followed closely by his sisters, who were giggling and squealing. The Sloan boys, William and Henry, were at their heels, pulling along Kate's son, Arthur. It wasn't entirely clear what game they were playing, but they were obviously enjoying themselves whatever it was.

Under the trees, in the shade, Eleanor and John were ensconced in chairs, surrounded by the rest of the adults who were spread out on blankets. Derek had James, as usual, as he chatted with Marcus and Alex. Kate and Izzie were side by side, with Kate's youngest, Beatrice, between them. Marianna was close by, keeping an eye on her new step-sister, while the older boys were observing the younger ones, tossing a ball between them. And amongst it all, Shadow and his progeny scampered and barked, adding to the noise.

Meredith just smiled to herself as she surveyed the chaos. Standing at the edge of the terrace, before gathering her skirts, she realized how truly blessed they all were. The families were flourishing, and everyone was healthy, despite some bumps and bruises along the way.

As she approached the men, her eyes met Derek's and a long look of silent communication passed between them. Even in this crowd, her body responded to the desire that flared as always. "My love, there you are,' he murmured, as she leaned in to take the baby. James made a little whimper, before she snuggled him against her chest.

"Time for this one's nap," she said, cooing against the downy blonde hair on the baby's head. Derek jumped up quickly to take her arm. He brushed his lips along her temple, looking into her warm eyes.

"I'll walk you to the manor," he offered.

"Derek," she protested with a small laugh. "Stay and visit – I can walk that far without an escort, I'm sure." She returned his look. "I will be back in a few moments – Meggie is waiting to take him after I feed him."

"Maybe I just have some inappropriate needs of my own," he whispered in her ear as they moved away from the others. Before she knew it, he had walked halfway with her, before he released her arm.

"Have you not had your needs taken care of well enough this morning?" she teased him, remembering the sensual feel of his body above hers in the half light of the morning, as he woke her to the feel of his mouth against her breast.

Derek gave a half sigh, envisioning that moment himself. "I'll keep that thought to comfort me, then," he grinning, his eyes smoky with desire as he looked at her.

"You do that…" she replied, with a saucy wink, as she turned to walk away, feeling his eyes on her. She paused at the terrace, peeking over her shoulder, finding him still watching her. Such a romantic rogue, she thought with a smile, even after all this time.

Derek turned away then, and was accosted by the pack of children, ending up in the midst of them, as they all tried to hang onto him. Before long, Marcus and Alex joined in, until they were all sprawled across the grass.

"Boys will be boys," Izzie noted, watching her husband indulgently. "They will have grass stains everywhere at this rate."

"Indeed," Kate agreed. She eyed the swell of Izzie's pregnancy. "Are you hoping for a girl this time? Just to offset the over abundance of males in your household?"

Izzie nodded. "I need a little girl to dress up. The boys are at an age where they no longer let me fuss over them, and Marcus is wanting a girl too, to spoil." She tickled Beatrice's tiny feet, watching the little girl giggle, her red gold hair glinting in the shafts of light that danced between the branches. "I love her hair, Kate."

"A throw back to some distant relative of Alex's, I believe. No one else has red hair."

"She will be a charmer."

"Yes, her father already has his hands full."

Marianna giggled impishly at that, as Kate hugged her. Meredith joined them at that point, dropping easily beside Izzie. "I'm so happy we're all here today," she beamed. "We've all come so far, it's good to celebrate together." The maids had followed her, bringing trays of sandwiches, and fruit, and chilled wine and goblets.

"Very good," Kate agreed, as the men came to join them, leaving the rest of the children to their games. Each of them settled behind their respective wives, bestowing kisses, and lounging easily together.

"What more could we ask for?" Meredith asked, leaning back against Derek, his arm circling her waist. He dropped a soft kiss at her temple, enjoying the feel of her body beside him as always. Their eyes met again, expressing what words couldn't say at the moment.

Marcus rested his hand on Izzie's rounded belly, gently kissing her cheek. "We have everything we need right here…" he murmured softly.

Alex took Kate's fingers and kissed them, his other arm around Marianna. "Life is good…"

"To long life and happiness…" Eleanor proposed, lifting her glass of wine, exchanging a smile with John.

"…and the company of friends and relatives…"

"…and enduring love…"

The end...and once again, thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed this little fairytale!