Asuka yawned, she looked at the window, it was morning...The sun is halfway to the sky from the hill. Momoe hurried ran to Asuka.

"Is it true?" Momoe asked Asuka. Asuka didn't get what she just said.

"What's true?" Asuka said.

"That you're dating Judai?" Mome answered.


Asuka fell out of her bed...

Me and Judai, dating? Oh please, I won't even want to date him until he's the last guy in earth! That's what Asuka wanted to say...

"W-who told you?" Asuka babbled it out. She stood up.

"So you ARE dating! I'm so happy for you!" Momoe squealed. Asuka shook her head, she wanted to yell at Momoe, she couldn't take it anymore so she yelled

"I never said that, and we aren't dating! We just hung out and I won't even date him until he's the last guy in EARTH! I don't even like him at all, his hair's weird, he's a slob! He eats everything in non-manner way! He fails at everything expect dueling, why would I go out with a LOSER like HIM?!" Asuka screamed...then she couldn't believe what she just said...

Judai walked in the room...

"If I'm a loser, why did I even hang out with you? You never thanked me at the times when I saved your that's how you feel that way about me, so fine..." He turned around, walked out of Asuka's room...

"But..I..I.." Asuka stammered. Momoe sighed and she put her hand on her forehead and wiped it off.

"You didn't tell me...that Judai was here!" Asuka said...Momoe shook her her head twice and walked out of the room quietly.

Meanwhile, Judai was walking with Sho, taking a hike.

"So, is there a-" Sho asked

"No." Judai interuppted. "That's just a rumor, I wonder who started it..." Then suddenly, he had a flashback, about yeserday, Fubuki sang a song then Asuka punched his nose then Fubuki ran out angrily. "F-fubuki!"


"Fubuki was the one who spread the rumor! He wanted a payback on Asuka when she punched him!"

"Oookay..." Sho said quietly. Judai rushed to the nurse office.


Judai slammed the door open, he saw Fubuki, with a bandage on his nose.

"Why did you spread the rumor?!" Judai yelled.

"Huh?" Fubuki didn't understand what Judai was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"You were the one who spread the rumor about me and your sister!" Judai kept yelling

"Oh that rumor...I heard...but...It wasn't me."

Next Chapter Spoilers


Judai and Sho searches for Manjoume, since he was one who told Fubuki, meanwhile Asuka looks for Judai to tell him that she's sorry. Will they ever make to the cruise to Pro League in time?