My name is Bunny, I make short stories in each chapter, I dunno why, but it's just my style...or I'm just lazy. :P This is a fanfic about AsukaxJudai...and how their feelings for each other grew.


...It was a rainy day...but the rain stopped after while in evening...Judai, the top duelist, sat at the edge of the cliff, watching the sea going by. Asuka, the blonde girl who always yells the boy's name...stood behind Judai.

"Watching the sea, huh?" Asuka smirked. She had surprised Judai.

"...Yeah. Are you still mad at me?" Judai sighed deeply.

Asuka looked down at her feet, then looked at Judai. She slowly shook her head.

"No. I'm not mad at you anymore, Judai. I forgive you." She said in such a low soft voice, it seems like she was whispering for no somewhat reason.

"...I'm really sorry." Judai wiped his nose with his hand.

"Like I said, I forgive you." Asuka smiled,

"No...Ryo died because of me...You almost died...because of me..I'm been causing everyone in could you forgive a guy like me?" Judai sniffed with teary eyes.

"...Because I can." Asuka sighed then sat down next to Judai, watching the sea along with him.


"Will you stop talking about it, your feelings will get worser..."

"..." Judai said nothing, but he smirked. He knew that Asuka was trying to comfort him and it worked.

"Since, tommorow, is the day where we go start a new league." Asuka winked at Judai.

"Pro league...I forgot about that..." Judai smiled a little bit..

Asuka and Judai smiled at each other...but all of sudden, they both heard a music coming from somewhere. They turned around, it was Fubuki, playing his infamous guitar.

"I feel so sorry for Manjoume...since you are taken, from the lovely famous Judai." Fubuki said.

Asuka got mad and madder everytime he says something.

"GET THE HELL OUTTA OF HERE!" Asuka yelled at Fubuki, she stood up and walked toward to Fubuki.

"H-hey, girl, what,! stay away, please! I'm going to tell mom and dad you hit me!" Fubuki said in a high pitched voice.

Asuka all of sudden, punched his face..."Mom and Dad is like 200 miles from with it!" She yelled.

"My beautiful face!" He cried. He fell down on the ground. Asuka sighed and shook her head.

Judai sat there, he was afriad of Asuka now. He was shivering with his shocked expression. He noticed that Asuka has a "high-tempered" mind (gets mad easily) around Fubuki. He didn't realize how strong Asuka can be when she doesn't even look like one.

Spoilers for the next chapter


Fubuki tells everyone in the school that Asuka and Judai are dating, for a revenge on his sister what she had done on Fubuki's face, will Judai and Asuka ever deal with this huge problem?