Notes: 1) Wow, been along time since I've done any of these! 2) Ok, I know I said Lucius, sorry, but I'll get right to that.
30 Ways to Annoy…
1. Send Dementors after him
2. Tell him Voldemort was asking after him
3. Tell him he would have been better in Slytherin
4. Say his parents would be ashamed of him
5. Every time you see him tell him how long it's been since his parents died, e.g. you're walking by, see him and say "15 years, 5 months, 8 days and 24 seconds since your parents snuffed it."
6. Don't tell him any information, and when he starts screaming like he's having a very bad case of PMS, refer him for some psychiatric help, and comment how his friends should be rewarded for having to put up with him
7. Fall out with him when he becomes a Tri Wizard Champion
8. Tell him Draco Malfoy is a much better Seeker
9. Ask him if his mum had a love affair with Snape, broke it off, and that's why Snape doesn't like him
10. Get Cho to go on about how wonderful and brave and handsome Cedric was around him
11. Stare at his scare
12. Ask "Are youreally Harry Potter?!"
13. Tell him the Dursley's are wonderful people who need a medal for putting up with his 'freakishness'
14. Hand him a tank of frogs or toads and say the Dementors send there apologies for almost kissing him and his cousin
15. Have Umbridge back teaching
16. Have Umbridge and Snape as Harry's legal guardian's
17. Shove him in a locked room with a Bogart with no wand
18. Snap his wand
19. Burst out into uncontrollable laughter every time you see him for no reason
20. Send him a corny valentines
21. Always call him Undesirable Number One and/or Heir to Slytherin when speaking with him, never Harry or any other name (scare face is excepted)
22. Tell him he's so crap at magic he may as well be a squib
23. Tell him its his fault everyone died, Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, Fred, etc, and if he had been a real man he would have went to Voldemort immediately and prevented un-called for deaths
24. Date Ginny
25. Make up rumours about him
26. Talk to him in a baby voice, just like that lovely women Bellatrix
27. Every time he speaks, yawn loudly and call him an attention seeking, delusional liar
28. Tell him Dumbledore is just using him as a weapon
29. Give him Tom Riddle's diary
30. Become a crazy Dark Lord, kill everyone he loves, then blame it on the Teletubbies
Haha, an old friend of mine was scared of the Teletubbies when she was little. She thought that their stomach's had been ripped open and someone shoved a TV in there. But I never was, it was that freaky show Sesame Street that was scary! Seriously, that shit was creepy! Especially that giant yellow bird.