A/N: Well, here is the epilogue. I hope you guys like it.

About the ages of the kids… I never specified because I wasn't sure what ages I wanted them to be. But, since y'all asked, I came up with some. Mya is 21; Nathan is 18 (senior); the twins and Shawn are 17 (juniors). I know Nathan and Shawn are back to back, but I see a lot of people having stair-step kids these days so I don't think it's that farfetched.

Shout-out to Amanda! Thanks for always coming back.

Disclaimer: Mike Seater is bad and he knows. I think that he knows… I also think that you all know that I don't own LWD.


Three Years Later

"So," Nate said as he looked at Lauren, who was currently fanning herself with her bouquet, "are you ready to spend the rest of your life as my wife or what?"

"Isn't that something you should've asked me before we said 'I do'?" she asked, sending a wry smile in his direction.

They were standing in the hallway outside of the very same ballroom where their parents had their first of many showdowns with each other, waiting to be announced so that they could make their official entrance as husband and wife. And Nathan was trying his best to distract his obviously nervous wife.

"Maybe," he replied. "But I didn't want to give you the chance to say no."

She rolled her eyes. "I accepted your proposal, Nathan; I think that should've been a significant answer as to whether or not I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you."

Shrugging, he said, "Hey, for all I know you could've changed your mind. Women are notorious for being fickle creatures," he said, smirking.

"Fickle?" she echoed. "This from the man who tried to take back his request for his brother to be his best man just because he talked through the last game of the Final Four."

"Do you know how much money I had riding on that game?" He didn't even wait for a response. "A lot," he said, answering his own question. "And then Shawn has the nerve to try and talk through the, very important, last few minutes; and not because he actually had anything to say either. He was just trying to be annoying."

"Kinda like you are now?"

"I'm not annoying," he said, pretending to be insulted. "I'm distracting; there's a difference."

"Okay," she said slowly. "And just what are you supposed to be distracting me from?"

"Your nervousness."

"I am not nervous," she insisted.

"Okay." He gave her a disbelieving look. "Your pacing is about to where a hole in the carpet; even though the air conditioner in here is on full blast you're sweating up a storm; and you keep chewing on your lip in that girly-nervous way you always do. But you're not nervous? Right," he said sarcastically.

"I'm not nervous," she said again, but when he started to stare her down she relented. "Okay, so I'm nervous," she admitted, walking over to him. "I'm just ready to be in there already. Our families and friends should not be left unsupervised. Do you know how many existing feuds are in that room?" she asked, pointing to the door. "Or how many more could develop if those people are left to their own devices for too long?" Lauren couldn't help worrying; the people she knew were addicted to drama.

Sure, he knew. But, unlike his wife, Nathan wasn't worried.

"Everything will be fine," Nathan assured her as he grabbed her hand. "Give the people we know a little credit—they can all act right for one night. I'm sure everyone is getting along fine."


"What's so funny, Dennis?" Abby asked him as she joined him at the bar. He'd been chuckling to himself pretty hardily, but nobody was around, not even the bartender.

"Nothing," he said, still grinning. He had to admit, he was a little surprised she even remembered his name considering they had seen each other all of four times. "I just never would've seen this coming."

"What?" She frowned. "The wedding?"

'Well, that too,' he thought to himself. "No," he said aloud, shaking his head. "The day you and I were the 'good' parents," he told her, laughing again.

"Yeah," she laughed lightly, "are you sure hell hasn't frozen over?"

His laughter deepened. He couldn't help it—that was the closest thing to a joke he had ever heard her say.


"So they're really friends again huh?" Steve asked his wife Sharon. She'd been filling him in about her cousin/best-friend's soap opera-like past over the past few days; sometimes it was hard for him to believe that she wasn't making it up.

Sharon glanced at Emily and Casey and then back to her husband. "Yeah." She shook her head. "It boggles my mind too."

Nodding, he asked, "So is your cousin trying for sainthood or what?"

"You've met her husband," she paused, and then asked smartly, "what do you think?"

Sharon didn't know who she trusted less—Sam or Casey and Derek. But, whatever. If this is what made Emily and Lauren happy, then she would support it; even if she didn't understand it.


Julius Davis took a look around the opulent ballroom and didn't know whether to grimace or smile. Finally, when he couldn't take it anymore, he asked his wife, "Just how much did this whole thing cost?"

Marilyn started to reprimand her husband for his tackiness, but he was frowning too hard. Taking pity on him, she whispered the final tally in his ear.

"Jesus," he swore, then, "Wait a minute, if they have that kind of money why do I get a tie every year for Father's Day?"

"You like ties," she reminded him.

He snorted. "Yeah, but I like cruises too."


"I still can't believe she let you have your way about what centerpieces to pick," Casey exclaimed while she "fixed" an already perfectly centered centerpiece.

Like everyone else, she and Emily were standing around waiting on the couple to make their grand entrance. They were passing the time by fixing a bunch of imaginary problems.

"Please," Emily scoffed. "With what her daddy and I are paying for this thing she should've let me pick the colors, flowers, and the reception venue too." Emily didn't really mind the price—it wasn't like she could take the money with her to the grave—she just kind of liked to complain about it. "Do you know how many cruises I could've taken with what I spent on this?"

Casey had helped plan the wedding, so she could imagine. Never before had she been so glad to have only had boys.


"Humph," Courtney grunted, pouting, as she moved to stand beside Tricia.

"What is your problem?" Tricia asked, annoyed. "You've been pouting all day."

"How come you got to be the maid of honor?" she asked, frowning. "We've all known each other the exact same amount of time." Folding her arms across her chest, she said, "It's not fair."

Tricia rolled her eyes. "Ren flipped a coin; it couldn't have been fairer than that. Besides, you should be thanking Lauren right now."

"For what?"

"For putting her foot down about the bridesmaids' dresses."

Courtney shuddered, before saying, in an extremely serious voice, "You're absolutely right. Seriously, somebody should call the fashion police on Mrs. Shepherd."

Nodding in agreement, Tricia said, "For the color alone of the dresses she wanted, they should lock her up and throw away the key."


"I just realized something," Mikey said to the other groomsman, James. They were killing time, standing against a wall, looking for some girls they could have some Wedding Crashers-type fun with.


"If things had gone a little different at the pizza place that day, this could've been your wedding."

"That never would have happened," James mumbled. He felt he was just a little too young to be getting married. In fact, he really couldn't believe that Nathan was already taking the plunge.

"You're right," Mikey said, then laughed. "Like you could ever take a girl from Nate."


"I still can't believe that we didn't kick Nathan's ass when we had the chance," Bam complained.

"Dude, that was like forever ago. Aren't you ever gonna let it go?" Johnny asked, but he already knew the answer. No. Johnny knew that, much like himself, Bam didn't think Nathan was good enough for Stimpy. Though, to be fair, they probably wouldn't think anybody was good enough for their "sis".

"Nope," he answered. "Somebody's gotta keep up the vendetta now that Tony has turned traitor."

"I can hear you, you know," Tony called from his spot a few feet away where he was talking to Shawn.

"I know," Bam called back, grinning, "That's why I said it."


"Like I was saying," Tony said, after returning his attention to Shawn, "I've never been as glad to see a semester come to an end as I am now."

"I thought your classes were going okay," Shawn commented, before taking a sip of his beer.

"It's not the classes; it's the roommate. What a jackass," he said, shaking his head as if amazed at how annoying his roommate was.

"Hey, man, it's your own fault," Shawn told him, grinning. "If you had gone to University with me like I suggested you wouldn't have this problem."

"Please," he snorted, "like having to listen to you burst into random show tunes and even more random monologues would've been any better."

"Deny it all you like but you know you love me."

Tony started to retort, but he decided to have a little fun instead. "Just like you love Mya?"

"Says who?" Shawn said, trying to appear unaffected.

"Says your eyes—you keep staring at her."

Was he? He hadn't even noticed. Well, okay, he'd noticed, but he didn't think Tony had.

"No, I don't." Even if he was caught, he sure wasn't about to admit to anything.

"Deny it all you like," Tony mocked, grinning, "but you know you love her."


"That Venturi kid is staring at you again."

Mya followed her cousin's glance to where Shawn was standing. He blushed at being caught, but she just winked at him and grinned impishly.

"I wish you wouldn't do that," Tommy grumbled. "There's no sense in encouraging him when nothing can come of it."

"Who says nothing can come of it?"

He eyeballed her, incredulous. "You're like four years his senior, for goodness sake."

"Age ain't nothing but a number," she said, mainly to mess with him. "I could get past it if he can. Besides, he's cute." She paused a moment, pretending to think, before saying, "Actually, now that I think about it, we would make a great couple. I mean, we already know I'd get along with his family, and—

"Mya," her cousin interrupted, aghast at what she was saying.

She couldn't hold it in anymore—she started laughing. "Relax, Tommy. I was only joking," she told him. But as she caught Shawn smiling at her, she couldn't help but silently add, 'Well, sort of anyway.'


"You know," Dimi began as he sidled up to Marti, "you could've knocked me over with a feather when I saw you slip into the back of the church."

"Of course I came," she said, sounding affronted. "Nathan is my nephew, after all."

He cocked an eyebrow at her and asked, "So, that's the only reason you came?"

Who did she think she was kidding? He knew, courtesy of Emily, that Marti, like the other McDonald/Venturi siblings, was not close with Casey and Derek. Really, Dimi doubted that anybody would've been surprised if none of them had come to the wedding. Lizzie and Edwin had seen Nathan like four times, and judging from the way Marti felt about Casey, she had probably seen the kid even less.

She had to resist the urge to make a face at him. What, did he think that she'd come just so she could pout and glare at Casey and remind her, in person, just how much she couldn't stand her?

Well, actually, that was the main reason Marti had come. But nobody needed to know that.

Smiling up at him, she answered, "Of course."


"Care to make a wager?" Edwin asked Lizzie when he returned with her drink.

"What kind of wager?" she responded, before taking a sip.

"The kind where you bet on how long a marriage will last."

"Edwin," she began, wearing a frown. "I am not going to bet on my nephew's marriage."

"Even if I'm willing to put up five-hundred dollars that says they'll be together forever."

Lizzie snorted. She was giving their union ten years, tops. If they didn't somehow ruin things themselves, then Derek and Casey surely would—they seemed to have a knack for breaking people up.

"You might as well just flush your money down the toilet."


"Hey," Derek greeted Sam, after moving to stand next to him.

"Hey," Sam replied flatly.

"So," Derek began nervously, scratching the back of his neck, "I just wanted to tell you how glad I am that Nathan was lucky enough to marry Lauren."

Sam raised his gaze away from his wine glass and up to Derek's face, but he didn't respond.

"She's a great girl," he continued, despite the 'please go away' look Sam was giving him. And he meant what he was saying. Lauren was a great girl. And even though he had initially thought that her relationship with his son was a bad idea, he was really glad the two of them had gotten married. Derek had never seen Nate look happier than he had when the priest pronounced them "husband and wife". "Nate couldn't have done any better in choosing a bride."

"Thanks," Sam said gruffly. Derek looked like he was waiting for him to respond in kind or, at least, elaborate on his thank-you, so he added, "Ren could've done worse… I guess."

Sam wanted to smack himself as soon as he said it. Not only would Emily have been disappointed in him for being so petty, but he was disappointed in himself too. It wouldn't have killed him to say something nice back, especially since he did like Nate.

Shaking his head, Derek started to walk away, but Sam grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"That wasn't very nice of me. Sorry." When Derek simply stared at him, he huffed, knowing he was going to have to say more to make things right. "Actually," he sighed, "as much as it pains me to admit it, I like your boy." Derek looked stunned, so Sam figured he might as well push him over into fainting territory. "Now, I'm only going to say this next part once so you better listen well: my daughter may have been able to do worse, but she couldn't have done any better."

It was the truth. Nate and Lauren were good for each other; anyone could see that, even Sam.

If he was like Casey, Derek wouldn't have hesitated to hug Sam. But he knew that was probably the last thing the poor guy wanted—he'd looked positively ill during his little speech. He knew it was just an expression, but Derek didn't doubt for a second that it had indeed pained Sam to admit all that to him.

So, he took pity on him, and settled for a handshake.

"Aww," Casey gushed, having arrived in time to see her husband and Sam release each other. "Did you guys just have a moment?"

"No," both men said.

"Really?" Emily asked, smiling at Sam. "'Cause it sure looked like you were having a moment."

They were saved from answering, oddly enough, by the disc jockey.

"If I could have everyone's attention," the room got completely silent, "I'd like to present Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Venturi."

The room burst into applause as Nathan and Lauren made their entrance. And as they took their spots in the center of the dance floor they were all smiles.

"Look at our babies," Casey said, somewhat breathlessly, "they look so happy."

And they were. At that moment, they all were.


A/N: If you're reading this then you made it to the end and, for that, I thank you. OTB may have been my baby, but this was my… other baby (lol) Knowing that people were reading it (and enjoying it) always meant so much.

So, thank you, thank you, thank you all for reading.