"Hey Tyson." The dark blue haired boy turned and faced his friend.
"Yeah Max?"
"Look over there." Tyson twisted around to see a crowd of kids, circling around two boys at the park.
"What do you think that is?" Rei gazed at the crowd.
"I don't know, but it sounds like a match to me." Sure enough, the sound of clashing beyblades soon reached the boys' ears; with that, Max and Tyson ran over to watch, with Rei and Kai walking close behind. "Man, Daichi misses everything." The wild red head was with Hillary, who was trying to shop for clothes that were not ripped. But he was soon forgotten in the heat of the match between a large, blond haired boy, who had the upper hand the battle; and a smaller, leaner boy with light brown hair, whose eyes seemed to calculate every move that his opponent made. The smaller boy's blade, a red and blue blade, seemed to move just enough so it wouldn't have major damage from an attack. The larger boy, however, taunted the younger boy for being on the defensive.
"Why do you keep on running, huh? You know you could just forfeit. It's not like you're a good blader or anything." The smaller boy's eyes narrowed, and in a quick motion, the large boy's blade went flying out of the bowl. "What! How did you do that?" The brown haired boy just smiled.
"You know you could've forfeited, it's not like you're a good blader."
"WOW!" Tyson slapped the winner on the back. "You came up with quite a come back. What's your name kid?"
"Thanks. My name is Jabriel, hey…" Jabriel's eyes got bigger as he looked at the group. "Aren't you the Bladebreakers?"
"Wow, could you meet my sister. She's a former blader. She would've played against you but…" The boy's eyes unfocused, then became sad. "But anyways. Could you?" Tyson looked at Max, Max looked at Rei, Rei looked at Kai. Kai shrugged his shoulders. Tyson smiled and nodded to Jabriel. "Great! Look there she is." The Bladebreakers followed his finger to two girls coming over to the side of the bowl. One was wearing jean shorts and a red t-shirt; the other was wearing dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. "Cole, Ren, over here!" The two girls looked up and came over to the group. The girl with the red top smiled at Jabriel and congratulated him on the match. The other stared at each breaker in turn, staring the longest at Kai, who was staring at her. After a brief staring contest, she blinked and turned to Jabriel, who smiled at her.
"Well?" The girl with the red top tapped the boy on the head.
"Oh, sorry. LaCole, this Tyson, Max, Rei, and Kai. Guys, this is LaCole, my cousin, who's also my sister's best friend; and this is my sister, Renae."
"Hey LaCole, nice to meet you." LaCole smiled.
"You can just call me Cole, everybody else does. And you can call Renae: Ren. That's what we call her."
"Or Happy." Jabriel mumbled, before inching away from his glaring sister. "Love you Ren." All of them laughed, except for Ren and Kai. "Hey! I have an idea, why don't you come over to our house? We have a big bowl that ya'll could blade in!" The Bladebreakers (minus Kai) agreed. Then Jabriel looked at Ren. "Is that okay?" The older sister looked at her brother, then sighed and nodded.
"YES! C'mon, our house is this way!" As the young boy pulled the world champs, Cole pulled Ren over to the side.
"Ren, are you sure? You know…I saw the letter. Don't glare at me like that! You shouldn't have left it out on the table. But, I don't think it is a good idea to have him around bladers. I know he's good and all that, but if he becomes part of a team, something could happen. And you know I'm not exaggerating, I saw your facial expression while he was bladeing. You're worried too. So, let's make them le-"
"Cole." The girl became silent as her friend started to talk. "Don't worry. I'm watching him. I've watched him for seven years. I've taught him how to blade, so he knows when to fight, and when to walk away. Yes, I'm worried. But I just have hope that he stays with the right crowd. And these bladers seem trustworthy, at least for now." With that, the sister turned and started to follow the retreating back of her brother. Cole smiled and walked next to her friend.
"That's the most I have ever heard you say in months. Who are you and what have you done with my emo friend?" Glare.
"Fine you're not emo. Let's go." Grabbing her friend's hand, Cole ran to catch up with the boys. Once the girls caught up, the group went around a corner and Tyson was knocked over by a red blur.
"HEY! Watch it!"
"No, you watch it! You think you're-Tyson?" The blue haired boy opened his eyes to see Daichi sitting on his legs.
"Daichi? What are you doing here?"
"Hiding from Hillary. Grandma's crazy, but she's crazier when she's shopping. I lost her five blocks ago, but I'm still running. Where are you going?"
"To Jabriel's house. He's got a big bowl we can battle in!"
"COOL! Let's go!" After picking himself up, Daichi introduced himself to the girls and then they were on their way. When they arrived at the house, the boys (minus Kai) stared. The house was like Tyson's dojo, but bigger, and had a huge garden in the backyard, complete with pond and fountain.
"C'mon!" Jabriel ran into the back yard and stood in front of the fountain. After the others followed, Jabriel pointed to the bladers. "So which one of you is gonna to battle me? Or are you too scared?"
"Me!" Daichi yelled, but then looked around. "But where's the bowl?" Jabriel pointed to the fountain.
"That's it. It's an obstacle bowl." The others looked at the fountain with a newfound interest. Rei walked over to it.
"It's not just a fountain? It looks like one to me."
"That's because it was custom made, Ren designed it." The boys looked around to ask Ren how she designed it, but couldn't find her.
"Where is she?" Cole smiled.
"She went inside. She figured since you are here, you might as well eat lunch too. Do you have any request before she starts?"
"Rei! Hey Rei!" The Chinese blader turned and looked at Tyson.
"Why don't you make your famous noodles? That sounds really good right now. Don't you think?" Rei looked at his teammate, and then looked at Cole, who shrugged.
"If you do, go in the house and stop Ren from cooking before she finishes; she's a fast cooker." Rei nodded and went inside the house. There he found Ren, putting noodles into seven bowls. Glancing up, Ren looked at Rei, and then continued to pour the noodles.
"Umm…" Rei started. Ren put the bowls down and waited for him to continue. "I was going to cook…did you finish already?"
"Oh…do you need help?"
"Is that a no?"
"Oh…what do you want me to do?" Ren pointed to the bowl on the stove. "Umm…stir it?"
"Okay…" While Rei stirred, Ren got silverware out and put them in the bowls, and then put the bowls on trays. "Umm…Ren?"
"There are only seven bowls, are you not eating?"
"Oh…how much longer to I stir?" Ren went over to the sauce bowl and looked at it. After staring at it, Ren took the spoon away from Rei and began putting the sauce on the noodles. Once finished, Ren began bringing bowls outside and putting them on a picnic table. Ray followed her example and put the rest of the bowls on the table. After they finished, Cole told the others it was time to eat. After the stampede, led by Tyson; Max asked if he could have mustard.
"NO!" Tyson, Daichi, and Rei yelled. Cole and Ren shared a glance while Kai sighed. "No mustard!"
"But I always eat noodles with mustard!" Cole smiled.
"Not these noodles, Max. These are Ren's specialty. The sauce on this is awesome. Mustard would ruin it."
"But I always-"
"Try it; if you don't like it, then you can have mustard." The blond nodded and began eating the noodles. His eyes got big and started shoving the noodles in his mouth.
"Es s ughsme! Ughut ettr hn eis!"
"What?" Max swallowed.
"This is awesome! A lot better than Rei's." The other bladers looked at the noodles and began to eat. Similar expressions went onto their faces (except Kai's) and began to also stuff their faces.
"DONE! Is there more!?" Tyson, Daichi, and Jabriel yelled, slamming their bowls onto the table. Ren looked up from her cup of water to point at the kitchen. This time, Jabriel led the stampede to the kitchen.
Cole smiled and looked at Rei and Kai.
"Are they always like that?" Rei returned the smile.
"Yeah, is Jabriel always like that?" Cole looked over to the kitchen, where the noises of fighting over the food were easily heard.
"Usually, he eats faster." Cole looked over to Ren. "Did you change the recipe?"
Stare. Nod.
"Hmn…" Cole looked at her bowl of noodles. "Don't do it again. It's better the other way."
Nod. Then the boys came back with their bowls filled over the brim of the bowls, and Jabriel had noodles in his hair. After a stare from his sister, Jabriel pointed to the smiling troublemakers.
"One of them did it." Sighing, Ren went in the house while Tyson and Daichi started laughing. Ren came back with a towel and began getting noodles out of her brother's hair. Kai started glaring at Tyson and Daichi, and after a moment Tyson pointed and Daichi, who bowed his head and apologized to Jabriel. "That's okay Daichi; I'll get you back by beating you in a battle."
"That's not gonna happen. I'm stronger than you." Jabriel smiled.
"But I'm smarter than you, so that means I'm gonna win."
"Really? Then let's find out right now!"