Giving Up

Giving Up

By Gabs

DISCLAIMER: None of them belong to me, I'm just borrowing them for my own perverse enjoyment, and hopefully yours too. So basically, don't sue!

Ares stared after the retreating forms of Xena and Solan. "Should've known it wouldn't work," he mumbled. He stood there for a moment, just thinking, then shrugged. Suddenly, something grabbed his vest and jerked him forward. Ares looked around wildly; there was nothing there. Whatever had grabbed him pushed him against a rocky wall. Gabrielle appeared in front of him. The Helmet of Invisibility was in her left hand; her right was on his chest, holding him against the wall.

"Will you never learn? Give it up Ares, Xena will never go back to you!" Gabrielle said fiercely, taking a step back. Ares moved away from the wall and straightened his clothes. "Oh, I have given up on her," he replied simply. "Yeah, you made that real obvious just now… Oh, I have feelings for you Xena, I want to live out my life with you. If that's what you call giving up…" Gabrielle trailed off angrily. "I was just worried about the Twilight, ok? I don't want to die. I admitted it, happy now?" Ares was obviously uncomfortable. "How would convincing Xena that you love her help in any way?" Gabrielle asked.

"I never said I love her. And to answer your question... I'm not sure. I just know that somehow, she and her child are the key to the Twilight. The key to surviving it. I thought that by getting on her good side, so to speak, I could somehow be spared. I've been mortal before, and I don't look forward to that again." Gabrielle gave him a look of uncertainty. "Ares, I don't know if I can really believe you or not. But either you, you had better stay away from Xena. Give up on her." With that, she pulled the Helmet back on and disappeared. Ares watched the footsteps lead away. "No need to worry about that Gabrielle. I have given up on Xena. You, on the other hand…" Grinning, Ares headed back to Mt. Olympus to await the Twilight.