A/N: Y'all have every right to kill me in my sleep. I'm so sorry it's taken me this long. I went through a lot of changes and college life, mono, and swine flu has made life a little hectic. And y'all deserve some smut, so that will be coming eventually ;). Also, I'm just going to focus on this story for a while, because my life is still crazy. I hope y'all like this one! So, without further adue (sp?), here is a new chapter.

Chapter Fourteen

"Better, but try it an octave higher. Let's see how that works."

While Erik enjoyed nothing more than lounging on his couch kissing Christine, he knew she still needed to practice for her audition no matter how much his body protested. She had only two weeks until the first day of auditions and three weeks until the first day of school.

"Yes, that was perfect! We should stick to that pitch." He couldn't believe how much she had improved over the weeks.

"What about this?" she asked while purposely singing with her throat rather than her lungs. This was Erik's biggest pet peeve and she knew it would get a rise out of him.

"No! Use your diaphragm!" They may be a thing now, but Erik was always strict with singing.

"I think I forgot how, Erik," she said innocently.

"Look," he huffed while approaching her from behind. Firmly, he pressed his right hand on her stomach and his left on her hip.

"You use this," he gently pushed her stomach, "to force the air out."

She didn't respond so he asked, "Do you understand?"

All he got was a nod.

"Christine?" Suddenly, he realized what was wrong with her. Her eyes were closed and her breathing became labored. Then he noticed where his hands were. "Oh."

Testing the water, he stepped closer so his chest came in contact with her shoulder blades. Christine responded by leaning against him and placing her hands over his.

"Christine," he whispered before descending his lips to her throat.

"Erik," she moaned back.

Encouraged by her reaction, his hands began to roam. His left met its partner at her ribs, and then ascended a few inches before her hand grasped it.

"Wait," she said waking up from her daze. Slowly, she turned around his arms and looked up at him with an anxious expression. You went too fast! Do you really want to scare her away?!

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." He was beyond nervous now.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad," she assured. "I'm enjoying myself too much."

"Oh," he said, not certain how he should take her comment.

"We should try to take this slowly, especially when we haven't told anyone about us."

"Should we?" His heart was beating quickly in fear over what her father would do to him if he found out.

"Of course! I'm not ashamed to be with you, but our age difference won't be accepted well, even if it is legal." Christine smiled at the end of her exclamation to ease his nerves.

"I'll be ready when you are," he said with uncertainty.

"Really?" she replied with a smirk, seeing past his hard exterior.

"I can sum up the courage when the time comes," he joked. Would I? Shit!

"Well, let's enjoy our time together for a while before we start World War III."

"Only if you can sing properly," he scolded.

"I sing just fine!" She lightly punched him on the arm for emphasis.

"Oh, really? Then why did I have to come over here and show you how to us your diaphragm?" Erik then grabbed her hips and started to tickle her torso until she was at his mercy.

"AHHHH! STOP! STO-O-O-O-P!!! It's starting to hurt!" she yelled trying to contain her laughter.

God, she makes me feel so alive.


Ring. Ring.

"Erik Desmond speaking," Erik said into the cordless phone.

"Erik, this is George," Christine's father gruffly spoke over the other end.

Shit! He knows, he knows, he knows, he knows!!! Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm such an arse! He's going to kill me, and I'm never going to see Christine again, the only love I've known! Shit!

"Hello, George," he squeaked.

"Erik, I have a serious subject to discuss with you." Yes, I'm dead. "Now normally, I would discuss this in person, but I'm stuck at rehearsal and I wanted to talk to you while the subject was on my mind."

This doesn't sound threatening…

"I'm sure whatever it is, George, I can handle it," he said swallowing his fear.

"Well I understand that Christine is eighteen now, a legal adult," Oh, God, he knows! "but that doesn't ease my worry for her safety." What?

"What I'm trying to ask you is something a little deceitful, but you must understand my paternal protectiveness."

"Of course, George." Erik was now extremely confused.

"I can't find any other way to put this, so I'm just going to come out and say it." Erik held his breath. "Would you spy on my daughter while I'm performing abroad?"

What the hell?!

"I'm sorry, spy?" Erik asked.

"I understand the oddity of this request, but I just don't want her getting into trouble. I'm not asking you to have a telescope pointing at her room," too late, "but just whenever you have the time, check up on her and prevent anyone but family entering the house."

Erik could hardly breath. His girlfriend's father was asking him to baby-sit her. Granted, poor George had no idea that Erik's number one priority was to love and protect Christine. The irony of the whole situation astounded him.

"Of course," he blurted, still in a daze.

"Perfect! Thank you so much, Erik! I shouldn't be gone too long, just 3 weeks."

3 weeks?!

"Three weeks?"

"Yes, usually I have my in-laws come and baby-sit, but Christine has argued her adulthood. That's not a problem is it?"

"No, of course not. Would you like me to make sure she gets to school as well?" The auditions for the musical were days away and school started next Monday.

"Yes, I almost forgot! Just make sure she leaves the house on time; that should be enough."

"Sorry, George, I have a call on the other line, but I'd be more than happy–," yeah you would, pervert, "I mean, I'll take good care of–," in more ways than one, "I'll make sure she's alright." Before George could comment on his stuttering, Erik hung up the phone.

Of course it was wrong to hang up on his girlfriend's father, but it was also wrong to court her behind his back. George had been nothing but nice to him, and Erik felt like he was betraying his friendship with his neighbor. Trusting friends, or friends in general, were hard to come by with half a face. I'm fucked.

"What's wrong, Erik?" Christine asked during their lesson. Erik had been pacing the room and twitching for the past hour.

"N-nothing," he replied shakily.

"Bullshit." His head snapped toward her in surprise. How could something so vile come out in such a beautiful and tantalizing mouth?

"Okay, something is going on," he finally admitted.

"Well?" she asked when he didn't respond.

"Your father asked me to spy on you while he was gone."

"Ugh, I knew it was too good to be true: my father will never trust me," she laughed a little and then addressed Erik again. "Why are you so nervous, though?"

"Well, I consider your father a friend."


"Your father is trusting me to take care of you, and I feel like I'm betraying that trust by taking care of you in a different way than he would like." Her face dropped at this, and her eyes quickly darted to the floor as she turned around.

"Oh," she whispered.

"What's the matter?" Erik was confused. Why did she look so sad? He expected guilt, maybe mischief, but never sadness.

"You're breaking up with me," she squeaked.

"What!?" he shouted.

"I said, 'You're breaking up with me.'"

"I know what you said, I have excellent hearing. I'm just baffled at how you came to that conclusion." Why the hell would I break up with her?

"You said you felt like you were betraying my dad. I've never broken up with someone before, but I've seen enough movies to know that sounds like a break up line." Christine's eyes were moist and bloodshot filling with unshed tears.

"Christine, maybe I should explain my reasoning."

"That would be helpful," she said sarcastically.

Erik took her hand and led her to the couch. Even when they were comfortably seated, he never let go.

"I know this is new and strange for both of us, and we're making it up as we go, but I also know you mean so much to me. Christine, you are an unbelievable woman and I'd be a complete loon to let you go. It's early in our relationship, but I'm serious enough to work through whatever problem we come across. Are you?"

"Of course, Erik," she said letting a tear fall.

"Hey," he said leaning down to kiss it away, "I'm always going to be here, okay?"

"Okay." She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her for a few minutes.

"I can't believe he asked you to spy on me!" she laughed.

"Trust me, me neither. He called and said he needed to discuss something serious with me. I thought he knew, Christine! I was a nervous wreck!"

"So what does spying entail?" She smirked.

"Making sure you get to school and preventing boys from entering your house."

"So I guess you can't let yourself in then," she joked.

"No, you are mistaken, Christine." She cocked her head to the side in question and he answered, "Your father said to not let any boys in. I'm no boy, Christine: I'm a man."

She couldn't agree more. Ever since the first day she met him on his doorstep, clad only in his pajama bottoms, she had longed to see him again. He wasn't scrawny like the guys in her class; he had big, broad shoulders and the muscles of Hercules. Every time he lifted something she swooned at the sight of him. He was beautiful and he didn't even know it.

The look in her eye made him nervous. It was the same look Vicky gave him recently, and he felt confused when it turned him on. This doesn't happen when Vicky looks at me like that. How is she doing that?!

Fearing the consequences of her look, he clears his throat and lifted them both off the couch.

"Alright, auditions are on Wednesday. We have work to do." Christine almost laughed at his attempt to clam himself. She knew what she did to him.



"Oh, God, I'm shaking!"

Erik was in the car with Christine in the school parking lot. She was breathing through a paper bag while he rubbed her back.

"You'll do beautifully, Christine, you were born for the part." It still kind of freaked out how she and he were the characters incarnate. I bet this is our next life; a second shot at what we were meant to be.

"Come with me," she cried.

"I'll be sitting in the back where you can see me, I promise."

"Alright." She took a moment to calm herself.

"Ready?" he asked.

A nod was her only response.


"Next!" Oh, God, it's her turn!

"What will you be performing today?" the teacher asked at the judges' table. Mrs. Donahue, her nametag read, personified the California soccer mom stereotype with Juicy sweats and peroxide hair. How is she qualified for this sort of thing? Maybe I shouldn't judge… I'm the one with a bloody mask after all. The other two judges were Mr. Reeves, the plump and balding music teacher, and Miss Kay, the vivacious fifty-year-old drama teacher. Erik knew them by what Christine had told him. He didn't recognize Mrs. Donahue, however.

"I will be singing 'Think of Me,'" she said with as much conviction as she could muster.

"Oh, what a beautiful song! Please begin when you're ready," said Miss Kay.

Christine inhaled, stood up straight, just like he taught her, and began her piece.

Think of me, think of me fondly,

when we've said goodbye.

Remember me once in a while -

please promise me you'll try.

When you find that, once again, you long

to take your heart back and be free -

if you ever find a moment,

spare a thought for me

We never said our love was evergreen,

or as unchanging as the sea -

but if you can still remember

stop and think of me . . .

Think of all the things

we've shared and seen -

don't think about the things

which might have been . . .

Think of me, think of me waking,

silent and resigned.

Imagine me, trying too hard

to put you from my mind.

Recall those days

look back on all those times,

think of the things we'll never do -

there will never be a day,

when I won't think of you . . .

Flowers fades,

The fruits of summer fade,

They have their seasons, so do we

but please promise me, that sometimes

you will think of me!

Perfect! Erik thought. If they don't select her as Christine, the world makes absolutely no sense.

"That was beautiful, sweetie!" Miss Kay feverishly announced.

"Yes, we'll call if you make it," Mrs. Donahue said.

Mr. Reeves just shook his head.

Shaking from adrenaline, Christine said, "Thank you," before stepping off the stage and walking toward Erik. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was plastered in a false smile. It looked rather amusing to Erik, but he knew something was wrong.

"You did absolutely perfect, Christine!" he said when she reached him. However, she didn't acknowledge his praise, just kept walking toward the exit.

"Christine, what's wrong?" She didn't stop until she reached his car.

"Christine! Please, you're killing me!" He was getting fed up with her behavior.

"I did horribly!" she shouted.

"Are you crazy?!" How the hell does she think that?!

"No! Didn't you hear Mrs. Donahue? She stressed the word 'if'! Do you realize what she's going to do? She's going to give her stupid niece the part!"

"Her niece tried out?"

"Yes. Her names Carla." Did she mean the screaming banshee that went before her?

"But isn't that a conflict of interest? Having your aunt as a judge?"

"No, she has to be a judge: she's the director of the Drama Department."

"But they can't choose that parakeet as Christine. She'll ruin the entire production! And look at you! You are Christine incarnate!" Half of his face was turning red with rage. She has to be Christine. I will do everything in my power to make this right.

"And you are the Phantom incarnate," she said with a smirk, calming down from her tirade. His compliments always made her feel better. "Except you're much more handsome, charming, and compassionate."

Apparently her compliments had the same effects. Erik pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her hair. What did I do to deserve you?

"We are similar to the characters aren't we?" Of course he had come to this realization long before, but he feared her reaction to this.

"Yes, although I do hope we don't have such a tragic ending." I don't want an ending at all.

"You'll get the part, Christine, I promise you."


Knock Knock.

"Come in, Jon," Erik said without looking up from his papers. Jon had a specific knock he liked to use. It was almost like his own fingerprint.

"So, how did your little angel do at her auditions?" he asked, handing Erik some paper work.

"How did you hear about that?" he asked, shuffling the papers, his visible face smooth and still.

"What? No demanding of information? No more angry interrogations of how I know about your social life? I like this girl. She removed the stick from your ass."

"I had no such thing in my rear end," Erik protested.

"Well before you get all psycho on me again, Edna's been gushing about it all morning. You know how she is. She's god of the office: all powerful and all knowing."

"Ah," was all he said.

"Well? How did she do?" Jon's shiny black alligator shoes began to tap on the floor in impatience.

"Oh, we won't know for another week, but in my expert opinion, she was the best audition by far."

"And what, my dear, makes you an expert?"

"Firstly, don't call me dear. Secondly, my second major was music."

"Oh, Honey, please tell me the little darlin' made it!" Edna's voice squealed from the open door.

"As I told Jon, we won't know until next week," he said calmly.

"Oh, love, she is doin' wonders for your temper!" she gushed with an over sized smile.

"Does everyone in this goddamned office think I have a stick up my ass?!" he shouted.

"Yes!" called Megan and Rick from their desks. Damnit.

"I'm perfectly fine, so you can stop fussing."

"Oh, Erik, don't let this one go!" Edna then bounced back to her desk.

"So Vicky called this morning before you got in. She says she needs you to sign off on some planning reports."

"Lovely," Erik whispered. Please let me survive this.

"You needed me to sign something?" he asked, poking his head into her office.

"Yes, just a few signatures." Vicky was leaning back in her oversized chair, legs crossed, and fingers pressed together over her lap.

"There," Erik said, after scribbling his signatures.

"And Erik," she called after him before he could leave her office.

"Yes?" he asked, not turning to face her.

"Say hi to your little angel for me." She chuckled a little before Erik walked away.

A/N: I love y'all! Thanks for being so patient! Reviews are my inspiration!