Massie Block: 26 years old, graduated as one of the top students at NYU who majored in fashion designing and merchandising. Now 118 pounds of attitude, beauty, and brains. She's also the owner of her own fashion line, Look Hot by Massie Block, and she's the number 1 designer in the world! Her life couldn't be any more perfect until she gets the news that someone is coming close to replacing her, with non fashionable clothes! Massie couldn't be any more shocked when she finds out it's CLAIRE LYONS?

Alicia Rivera: works as Massie's top assistant and is also an intern and model at Ralph Lauren, her dream job. She supports Massie 100 and hates Claire, especially since she stole Josh away from her again as a sophomore in high school. She can't think of a better revenge than to take Claire's life away from her.

Dylan Marvil: She's now the hottest thing ever to happen to the Daily Grind since Merri-Lee Marvil became more than her mom, her co-star! Now a happy 121 pounds, sillky red haired, with an ah-mazing curvy body. Is still BFFs with Massie, Alicia, and Kristen, and will do anything to help her leader, Massie.

Kristen Gregory: graduated valedictorian at Princeton, but since then, she has hung up her soccer cleats for good when she didn't make the pro soccer team. Now she's just a worker at the Massie Block Fashion Company (which is good of course) but maybe a person from her past can help her...

Claire Lyons: She found out that she loved designing fashion styles too! Except hers are for mother-daughter and father-sons. Everybody loves them! She and Massie just spilt apart when she went to UCIrvine instead of choosing NYU like the rest. And when she started crushing on Josh and he crushed Alicia's heart to be with Claire, Alicia kicked Claire out of her life for good. What happens when 8 years later, they all see each other again, and it's not a happy reuinion!

Disclaimer: I didn't take this idea from anyone else. I also don't own the characters, except who I made up. I own the plot though. I don't get why people keep writing stories about TPC when they're adults though...I thought of this a while back, just been too lazy to actually write it ;)