A/N: Yay! Another story! I wrote this one all out, so all I have to do is type it. I'll try to finish it soon!
Disclaimer: I do not own Pretear. (I tried to but $15 doesn't cut it. [sigh)
Do not mix with monkeys!
Himeno was taking a walk.
"Oh wow! What a beautiful day!"
The pink-haired teen sat down among the flowers. A soft breeze tussled her hair. A handsome blue-haired man appeared and strutted over to Himeno.
"Hi, Hayate!" Himeno waved and smiled at him. Hayate turned and looked away so that she couldn't see his blush.
"Hey! Who's that? Sasame and Takako?" Himeno looked past Hayate and saw two figures walking towards them, hand-in-hand.
'Crap.' Hayate didn't know that they'd come this way. He just wanted to be alone with Himeno.
"Hello you two." Sasame said smiling at Hayate. "I didn't expect that you two would be out here taking a walk, alone, and together." Sasame loved to tease Hayate.
"Wha- we aren't taking a walk! Especially not alone and especially not together!" Hayate's blush covered his face as he defended himself. Himeno looked down at her knees.
"Ha, ha! Ok, come on, Takako. Let's continue our date." Sasame made a move to tell Hayate that he should take Himeno on a date. Hayate looked at him as if he grew a third head. (He already grew a second one when he told Hayate to tell Himeno that he loved her.)
"Wait. I'll go with you!" Hayate was slightly alarmed at the thought of him being alone with Himeno. But Sasame and Takako were already gone.
'Darn it! I'll get you Sasame!' Hayate pondered how many ways he could kill the Knight of Sound.
All was silent with awkwardness. (A/N: The weirdest sentence I ever heard of….. anyways- on with Hayate making a fool of himself!)
"So, er, the flowers are growing well, aren't they?" Himeno made an attempt to talk to Hayate. It failed. Hayate was ignoring her. Himeno could take it no longer.
"What is your problem?! Here I am trying to talk and break the 'awkwardness' and you are ignoring me! How dare you?! How could you?!"
Himeno jumped up and was shouting with tears in her eyes. When Hayate still didn't say anything, (He was stunned.) she sped into the forest to escape.
"No, Himeno! Wait!" Hayate shouted, after he recovered for the shock. Himeno was not in sight.
A/N: This was originally the end of the chapter, but it's too short so read on!!!!!!!
Hayate had been searching for hours and Himeno was still no where to be found. He slowly dragged himself back to the mansion, wondering how everyone would take the news.
"Hayate! Come in! Join the party!!" Himeno's father grabbed Hayate's arm and dragged him in. After Hayate was unwillingly forced into a blue tux, he glanced around the usually empty ballroom. Everyone was here. All the people he knew and twice as many he didn't know.
'What is going on?' He thought to himself. He noticed that the girls all had ball gowns and the men had tuxes of all different colors.
"Ok everyone! Please get together with the man or woman that matches the color outfits you have on!" Himeno's father had grabbed a microphone.
Hayate glanced around again and noticed there was no one in a blue dress. 'Thank goodness.' He thought.
"O- ok, when I come down no laughing alright?" Himeno's soft voice floated down the steps leading to the rest of the house.
Hayate was outraged. 'I looked al over for her and she was here the entire time! That girl… I am going to laugh so hard when I see her! Serves her right!' Hayate was about to laugh triumphantly, when Himeno came out from around the corner.
She had on a beautiful blue dress that hugged her curves and flowed out at the waist. It had thin blue straps and stopped just after the knees. Hayate stared at her. He was stunned. (Again!)
Himeno noticed Hayate right away. 'Oh, no….' She thought as his saw his blue tux.
"Himeno! Come over here and let your father get a better look at you!" Himeno's father called out. He was standing directly next to Hayate.
'Probably on purpose, too.' Himeno growled and slowly made her way to her father.
A/N: I hope you like it!!!!!! Please review!