Chapter 1- The blood repaid and the curse lifted
She knew she was about to die. She just knew it. How had she, the daughter of the governor over Port Royal get mixed with pirates? She was not his real daughter. He had taken her in when her mother died. She somehow knew she would never see her "father" ever again. She loved him very much and knew he would be heartbroken. She wondered what these pirates would do if they did not kill her. Her honor would be compromised for sure. Barbossa would either take her for his very own or let his crew do whatever came to their filthy, perverted minds. She looked over at him. He was ending his speech to the crew. He then grabbed her wrist and held it up. The crew started to chant loud. He put the coins in her palm and slit her palm. She asks him, "That's it?" "Waste not!" He closes her hand, grasps it, and forces her to drop the coins into the chest. They drop into the pile and the pirates all close their eyes. Barbossa lets go of her hand and takes a step forward, eyes still closed. After what seemed like hours, the pirates open their eyes. They do not know if the curse was lifted so Barbossa takes his pistol and shoots Pintel in the shoulder. They start to see blood bleed out of the wound slowly. He yells at Barbossa, "You shot me!" Barbossa rolls his eyes, turns to the other crewmembers, and says, "The blood has been repaid and the curse gone!" The crew shouts while Ragetti and Pintel give Barbossa a look of hatred while they fix up the wound. Barbossa then turns to Elizabeth and whispers in her ear, "You are all mine from now on." "What are you going to do to me?" "Well starters you will sleep in my cabin with me or I set the crew on you. You will find that I have my respect for woman but I will not tolerate any violent protests or I could give you to them. Your choice, nice quarters and me giving your comfort the majority of the time or poor conditions and living with filthy, perverted pirates who have not been able to touch women for a decade. They are animals. Choose right now." Elizabeth gave him a disgusted look and said, "I would rather have you than disgusting, filthy, perverted pirates." "I knew ye'd rather have comfort. The conditions that follow are that you have to sleep in my bed most of the time. You will not get away from me that easily. I have not had a woman in my bed for a long time and I have been lusting for it. You may call me sir, Captain, or Barbossa. I believe in time Miss Turner you will get used to being with me. I can be a gentle lover if you would allow me." Elizabeth was still wary of him. He still freaked her out. He maybe more courteous then his crew, he was still at least twice her age if not more and she could tell he was as lecherous as his crew was. He may have been telling the truth but she still did not trust him.