Just a talk

Summary: Claire asks Jack to baby sit Aaron while she goes for a walk to clear her head. Jate/Jaire

Note: this is set the night before rescue comes

It had been two days since Charlie had gone with Desmond into the Looking Glass and Claire was sure something bad had happened to him

"Claire?" he head Jack's voice

"hi" she said looking down at Aaron who was peacefully sleeping in her arms

"What are you doing?" he asked sitting next to her

"Thinking" she said with her usual half smile

"Charlie?" he said quietly looking at Aaron

"Yeah I mean he should be here by now" she said shrugging

"I'm sure he is okay" the doctor assured her

"I guess" she said simply

"So how is this little guy doing?" he asked glancing towards the baby

"he is okay…considering" she joked

"Can I hold him?" Jack asked not sure of what he was doing

"Sure. Here" she handed the sleeping baby to him

"He is beautiful" he said rocking the baby slowly

"Do you ever want to have kids?" Claire asked him with a smile

"Always, but I guess my job wasn't ideal to rise kids" he said sadly "but my dad did, so I guess I could"

"Do you have anyone special waiting for you at home?" Claire asked not wanting to push

"Nah, I had a wife…but that was a long time ago" he said sadly as he remembered how Sarah had cheated on him

"And now?" Claire asked him thinking about Kate and Jack's frienship

"What do you mean?" he asked confused

"Do you have someone now?" she repeated

"I don't…honestly know" he said thinking about his weird relationship with Juliet and Kate

"I mean you and Kate have something…right?" she asked not trying to seem too interested

"Had something, until she decided to sleep with Sawyer" Jack muttered forgetting about Claire presence

"Sorry for asking it's not my business anyway" she apologized

"That's okay I guess we were not meant to be together" Jack said handing Aaron to her

"Actually I was wondering if maybe you could watch him for a while" Claire said with a smile

"Me?" Jack asked confused about why she was asking him to watch Aaron for her

"Well yeah I mean everyone else is kind of sleeping" Claire said blushing

"Sure I guess I could, but where are you going?" Jack asked with his doctor voice

"I just need to clear my head" Claire said giving Aaron a kiss on the forehead

"Sure go, I'll be right here when you come back" Jack assured her as she place Aaron back safely in his arms as he watched her walk away he smiled to himself as he rocked Aaron

So what do you think?? Please review !!